Vol 4 Chapter 1424: Tenderness in a disaster

The sudden attack left the survivors at a loss. The disaster happened in an instant. Under this attack, the tortured humans have even given up resistance and let it all happen to them.
更加 And more tragic disaster is still behind, at the same time, the surface suddenly cracked.
地震 An earthquake happened here!
You have to know that Bahamut occupied this place and used the dragon gas to consolidate the surrounding ground. It was not as hard as cold iron, but the underground soil was harder than stone, but at this time, the ground cracked.
This is completely impossible!
"What's going on? How could an earthquake happen here?"
"Save me ... I'm about to fall, who can pull me up?"
The earthquake happened too suddenly. The survivors around did not know what happened, and they immediately fell from the cracks. Although there were some who were seeking death, there were also people who had hope for the future.
Those people finally came here, naturally thinking of a happy life, if possible, they are not willing to die.
But the earthquake happened too suddenly, and people almost didn't react. They just fell empty and fell directly into the gap.
And even more terrible things are still behind. At this time, a python suddenly appeared below. The python had feet of tens of meters, the trunk was thicker than the water tower of the peace era, and the eyes were huge. Eyes.
After seeing someone fall, I opened my huge mouth and swallowed directly into my stomach.
蛇 A snake under the crack? And it ’s still such a terrible python. At this moment, even those who committed suicide felt terrified. They did want to die, they really wanted to leave the world, but it did not mean that they would die in this terrible way. .
Weeping wailing came around me.
Many people have shouts in their throats, and don't even know why they suffer this kind of pain.
But looking at the people who are trying to survive, the python is a little hazy. When its tail is shaken, the stone wall starts to crack, but those who are climbing tightly can no longer hold it, and they suddenly fall into the crack.
Seeing this, the python opened its mouth again, like swallowing a jujube, and swallowed all humans into its mouth.
Many elves aside saw this scene and felt that human beings were extremely poor. Bahamut threatened that all things are equal. Although the elves were powerful, they did not treat humans as ants.
Even more, the elves, as a free and easy life, are very fond of any beautiful race. For a period of time, many elves even love human beings.
"Ma Yue!"
所有人 At a time when everyone was at a loss, a delicate elf was looking for something.
精灵 The elf is very petite and beautiful. It looks like only one meter six, but at this time, she looks extremely panic, as if she is looking for someone, and keeps jumping around the tree.
Her keen action, the terrible earthquake had no effect on her at all.
"Ma Yue!"
At this moment, she seemed to find the person she was looking for. It was a young man in his early twenties who looked gentle and gentle, but at this time, she was very helpless standing on the ground.
Because of the earthquake, the surrounding ground was completely ruptured. At this time, he looked like a polar bear standing on the broken ice, looking very helpless and timid.
He doesn't know what to do!
Twenty-five years old Ma Mayue, shortly after graduating from college, because of family education, he was just busy with his studies at school and did not engage in the target. Because of his outstanding ability, he was selected by the world's top 100 enterprises at school.
数 After working for several years, he became a supervisor at a young age, with an annual salary of millions.
Ma Yue is simply a winner in life. Coupled with the spirit of the young man, many girls like it in the past, but Ma Yue pays attention to his career. Even if many people confess, they never agree.
After that, the end of the day, Ma Yue regretted not being a professional, but survived by chance. With the help of Bahamut, he lived here and met a beautiful girl.
This is the name of the elf girl.
If it is said that they can never meet together before the doomsday, but because of the doomsday they know and love each other, even though the life of the elves is several times that of humans, Ma Yue still doesn't mind.
This is enough as long as they have each other.
At this time, when seeing Ma Yue below, Adele finally showed a smile on her worried face, and she shouted, "Ma Yue!"
After hearing the shout, Ma Yue hurriedly turned back, that is, at this moment, he saw his long-awaited face. For Ma Yue, the loss of the past and the death of his family made him depressed for a time. After meeting Adele, His life had a new meaning.
Ma Yue originally thought that he would eventually fall into the abyss and be eaten by the python. Fear made him almost unable to breathe. At this time, after seeing Adele, he was suddenly relieved, his face There was even a smile.
As far as he was concerned, even if he died at this time, there was no feeling of fear.
"I'm glad Adele can meet you!"
There are no trees around the cricket, and there are signs of collapse everywhere. For Ma Yue, his death is only a matter of time ~ EbookFREE.me ~. However, compared to his previous fear, he is obviously more calm.
"Don't say these discouraged words, there must be a chance!" Adele also saw the surrounding scene, but compared to Ma Yue, she obviously did not give up, and kept watching around.
After searching for a few seconds, Adele saw a long branch scattered in a crack not far away. It was a giant tree. Because the ground collapsed, the giant tree also fell into the crack, but the tree was missing. After the trail, several roots are still there.
This is the opportunity!
Seeing this scene, Adele had no chance to hesitate. He jumped and fell directly on the trunk, but because of the weight, the trees kept shaking.
"no problem!"
"There must be no problem!"
Adele was obviously also frightened, but this fright was nothing compared to Ma Yue. Under the gaze of everyone holding his breath, Adele continued to jump and actually jumped in front of Ma Yue. .
"Do you know how dangerous it is?" Seeing his beloved appear before his eyes, Ma Yue was not happy, but complained a little.
It was because of the complaining tone of the opponent that Adele came forward and hugged him.
"I do not want to lose you!"
越 And Ma Yue froze at this moment, just felt that the eyes became moist, and also hugged the elf girl, buried his head in the other's hair, and remained silent for a long time.
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