Vol 4 Chapter 1443: Inevitable

Fan Zhiteng and Uncle Gao have closed their mouths completely. They are like ghosts lurking in a dark corner, watching everything in front of them quietly.
They couldn't help wondering what the purpose of these spear hedgehogs came here.
With the continuous increase of spear hedgehogs, Fan Zhiteng's entire spiritual space became more and more suppressed.
This means that these spear hedgehogs have caused some deadly pressure on their own team.
"Look at the sky!"
Fan Zhiteng has the ability to control the mind. After the war began, he connected many people around him to join his mind.
The reason for this is naturally for communication.
And just when Fan Zhiteng's pressure was about to accumulate, he didn't know who was screaming in surprise. Everyone looked at the sky in unison, and really saw the strong winds outside, flying sand and rocks, thick clouds rolling in, Speed ​​obscures the entire sky!
You know, when a few people were just lurking and the spear hedgehogs had not yet appeared, the surroundings were extremely sunny and not covered by a dark cloud.
Suddenly, the good sunny day, which was still at the Dragon Boat Festival, turned into a dark cloudy day. The rolling clouds rolled frantically, and it seemed that there were thousands of fangs and demons ...
Everyone felt unusually suffocated and had trouble breathing, as if there was a big mountain pressed on top of their heads, and some of their bodies trembled involuntarily.
Outside the window, large winds rolled up large expanses of yellow sand, and even more leaves fell on the ground. Trees were rustled by the strong wind, and even some small stones were blown. It can be seen that the power of this strong wind has arrived. How terrifying.
And just when many people were shocked by what was going on, the ground suddenly began to shake, and then, countless terrible mice ran out of it.
The youngest were the size of a hound, the biggest was a calf, and they had sharp teeth, which could be eaten down, and they could even divide the steel bars into two.
The professionals in charge are all well-known masters in order, but watching the dense rat crawling out of the ground still feels inexplicable.
And at the top of a big tree, Wei Xun frowned and looked at everything in front of him. The number of these mice was more than he thought.
This is exactly the same as the previous stronghold.
What this means, the rat that he chased for several months, may be hiding in this pit.
If it had been planned, as soon as these terrifying creatures were seen, an attack would be launched immediately, but Wei Xun now apparently gave up the first option.
Because the target of the mice in front of them didn't seem to be humans. To be precise, the mice did not see human traces at all, but focused on the hedgehogs.
Are these mice hostile to hedgehogs?
I promised each other to start a war today, and human beings just entered this place by mistake. The enemy's enemy is a friend. Although it is clear that these spear hedgehogs are not good beasts. Xun certainly wouldn't rush into attacking each other.
He will give the opponent a quiet battle scene without anyone disturbing.
The most shocking thing is that it is not just mice that rush out of the ground, but also some ugly insects.
These long worms have a loop around their bodies, a bit like silkworms, but they are hundreds of times larger than silkworms, each one meter long, and their body diameter is more than twenty centimeters. Green skin, at first glance looks like a strip of winter melon!
They flapped on thin wings similar to bees, their bodies snapped back and shoved, and a few gurgling noises squirted a yellow water column from the pointed mouthpiece!
These jets of water spewed on the spear hedgehog, and immediately came out thick black smoke, "Ziz" burst, as fierce as the boiling of crude oil, the next second, the spear hedgehog died.
In addition to this worm, there are some caterpillar-like creatures that are carried in their arms by some fear rats.
If it was in the peaceful era, rats would walk on all fours, and naturally they would n’t make this move. But now it ’s different. The feared mouse has completed evolution and has the ability to walk upright. Some feared mice walk on their legs and hold those Caterpillars, constantly squeezing, will spit out corrosive liquids like flames.
Once the liquid was sprayed on the spear hedgehog, the spear hedgehog did not even have the act of resistance, and fell directly to the ground, turning into a puddle of blood.
Spear hedgehogs will not sit still. Under the influence of this situation, they have also started to fight back, using their spears to continuously shoot at the insects.
A fearful rat and worm were killed.
But the Bug Task Force hadn't fully shown up yet, just as the Spear Hedgehog suppressed the Bug's offensive for a time, a buzz began to make noise.
The beetle with huge wings flew out of it, and their speed was extremely fast. It was only a moment's time that dozens of spear hedgehogs were cut off by the beetle and their bodies became a corpse and fell to the ground.
When the head fell, many beetles seemed to want to replenish their strength. They actually hugged the head firmly with their legs, and then wriggled their mouthpieces and chewed them like octopus balls. Of plasma.
Fan Zhiteng, who was staying on the tree, looked at everything in wonder.
As a member of the exploration team, Fan Zhiteng is not untouched by death, but it is the first time he has participated in these unimaginable death battles.
Rats and bugs appeared together, which undoubtedly surprised everyone. Who would have thought that mice didn't know what method was used to enslave those bugs to work for themselves.
With the continuous development of the surroundings, the number of bugs has been steadily decreasing, of course, only within the scope of order, because knowing the iron blood of Chen Feng, after paying countless lives, the bugs have begun to retreat from their homes and no longer misunderstand order. Afraid of being implicated for no reason.
Unlike the surrounding order, in the outside world, bugs always exist as hegemons. They have a fast breeding ability and many races. Often, they can breed hundreds of daughters in about a year.
After all, humans conceive in October before giving birth to the next baby, but the worms are different. The other party spawns and can even break through dozens or even hundreds.
In front of this base, bugs are undoubtedly a nightmare to other forces.
It ’s difficult to find bugs around the order. That ’s because, from the beginning, Chen Feng used slaughter to kill the bugs. The bugs were terrible. They became a weak existence under the attack of countless people and professionals. .
Even before long, Chen Feng advocated that people who lack food use the insects to supplement their energy, and in order, they do have a mature food chain.
The terrible bugs outside were made into delicious and delicious food in the hands of order people, and in other places, the harm of the bugs was even more terrible than the sum of zombies and monsters.
These spear hedgehogs do not know what hatred there is with the fear rat, but they are menacing, and some of them are legendary, and they are obviously prepared, but what these hedgehogs did not expect is that the fear rat has gathered so much. Bugs are undoubtedly more difficult to attack than scary rats that can only crawl on the ground.
But I saw these guys flying in the air, opening their mouths, and then a stream of corrosive liquid was sprayed on the enemy. It was only a face-to-face time, most of the hedgehogs lost, most of them were exposed. With the bright red granulation, the pain and terribleness are beyond description.
This made some strong men from the order see in their eyes, and they could not help taking a sip of air, all of which went beyond some people's thoughts.
Who would have thought that the situation would develop to this point.
In addition to the fear, there is still a little bit of luck in the hearts of everyone. I dare not imagine that if this group of spear hedgehogs had not been attacked in advance, they would have attacked the rat. At this time, it was facing the double attack of the rat and the insect. Yourself.
It cannot be denied that even if these bugs and fear rats are terrible, they will still have little effect on the legendary powerhouses, but what about the gold-level professionals?
The reason why many ants bite elephants is understandable. Once the number of these insects has accumulated to the extreme, it will obviously have a terrible impact on humans.
In the face of constant harassment by worms, the spear hedgehog was obviously extremely furious. Just when everyone thought that the spear hedgehog would be stunned, even when it was destroyed and killed, a long howl rang from the camp of the spear hedgehog. Then a hedgehog resembling a giant elephant appeared.
The opponent ’s body looks huge, not comparable to the hedgehogs of the peaceful era. Compared with the same kind of ancestors beside him, they still swell dozens of times. The counterpart is golden and glittering, as if coated with gold. At a glance, there was a sense of sight that blinded others' eyes.
This hedgehog is obviously the king of spear hedgehogs. The terrible momentum spreads like a boiling lava. It is a sense of sight that can destroy everything around it at any time.
Wei Xun narrowed his eyes slowly. On this hedgehog, he felt the long-lost oppression. The opponent was not an ordinary simple gold, but a legendary, half-step epic monster.
As time goes by, it is clear that a half-step epic monster has been born!
Although when Wei Xun came, he was already a good enemy of half-step epics, but one thing he didn't expect was that he hadn't seen a rat god, just a spear hedgehog blocking the road, and he was already equal to himself.
When the two tigers fight, there will be a wound.
"Everyone is hiding their tracks. This is a critical period. Don't reveal your identity!"
Just a moment, Wei Xun's mind had a whole set of combat plans, at this moment, his eyes narrowed and looked forward.
The horrific killing in his heart was completely contained, and he was not allowed to show any trace of it.
All we have to do now is wait, wait for the worms and hedgehogs to be killed to the extreme, and then the soldiers who belong to order will step into the battlefield and harvest the lives of those worms.
Wei Xun has just finished thinking.
The whole land is shaking!
The gust of wind that swept through all things came forth, the suffocation of destruction was like a meteorite burning on the earth!
A flash of cold mang flashed in Wei Xun's eyes.
"Well, here it is!"
Because of telepathy, Fan Zhiteng on the side bit his lip, and his body looked like a long bow.
At this moment, a relaxed professional before, no doubt began to get nervous, and just when Fan Zhiteng found that he couldn't control his trembling, a large and powerful hand suddenly stuck on his body.
Fan Zhiteng turned his head, but saw that the uncle Gao was staring at him, so that he could rely on telepathy to transmit the message: "Why, are you afraid now?"
Fan Zhiteng originally wanted to refute two sentences, but just when he wanted to speak, he saw Uncle Gao's eyes that seemed to see through everything, then shook his head and said, "Well."
He knew that he couldn't lie to each other.
"Afraid not to be shameful."
Uncle Gao did not laugh at the other person, but looked at everything in front of him. He relied on telepathy to talk to him.
"Although you have participated in some battles, this level of victory may be the first time you have seen it, but I am different. I have seen it."
"You know, I started with order all the way. At that time, the order was far from strong now. We were just a group of newly promoted professionals. We were not even too familiar with our own strength. At that time, we were really one step at a time. At the wrong step, they may fall into the abyss, and they may die at any time. "
"At that time, there were many enemies in the order, internal or external. I was not afraid that you would laugh at me. When I first saw the insect tide, I even scared my pants. I dare not imagine that those insects are densely packed Come over, how should we fight, I even thought that I would die, that I would be caught in the air by a worm, and then torn into pieces to become the food of the other party. "
"But ultimately ..."
Uncle Ga took a deep breath, his lips moved slightly, but his eyes flickered with incomparable firmness.
"But in the end I survived and I knew one thing since then. The bugs are not terrible, because they are destined not to be human opponents. After that, I started to believe in order and the teammates beside me because I believed, As long as we can unite as one, we will definitely not be our opponents, even if the bugs are scary. "
"Xiao Fan, I know you're scared, but it doesn't matter. There are me, other companions, and Lord Wei Xun guarding us. We are a group. Don't forget at any time because the companions are by your side. Will become stronger, you know? "
Fan Zhiteng understood a little about Uncle Gao's explanation. He was undoubtedly moved. It seemed that he had just spoken a few words and interrupted himself for convenience.
And now, in order to make myself more relaxed, I have said so much to myself despite the danger. If I am still as small as I am now, how can I afford to take care of Uncle Gao?
Thinking of this, Fan Zhiteng also took a deep breath and then exhaled slowly. He found that after the enlightenment of the other party, his body really no longer trembled, and his field of vision can be placed on the battlefield without any impact. .
Just when Fan Zhiteng calmed down, a giant spear hedgehog started his own attack, and more and more men were killed by the enemy, which caused extreme resentment in the heart of the other party.
It wants to kill these guys in front of it, ugly bugs and hateful mice, and no enemy can escape from its hands today!
The ground was shaking violently, the dust was raised, the land Kerala cracked, and a cobweb opened in all directions!
Many pros who are lying on the tree are shaking so badly that they are not even standing steadily, but they are afraid to fall now, because everyone knows that once they fall below it, they will be trampled into the next second. Mud on the beach.
Suddenly, the ground was shattered, and a huge orange-haired dark beetle was drilled inside. It was covered with the spear-like appearance of spears and guns. The blue compound eyes exuded cold death, and there were three pairs of gray-black on the corners of the mouth. The big cock, the forelimb has evolved two huge pliers, a cursory look, thought it was a huge scorpion!
Spear hedgehogs have ~ EbookFREE.me ~ Worms naturally also have their own king, feeling the terrible offensive, this giant clamp beetle no longer hides, but directly appeared on the battlefield.
As soon as it appeared, the blue compound eyes drew a giant spear hedgehog a hundred meters away from the ground, and slowly opened three pairs of large salamanders, sending out a sharp insect scream, and the air exploded!
This bug is the bugle of the Zerg attack!
Under the encouragement of the other party, originally due to the emergence of giant spear hedgehogs, some panic bugs stabilized the formation again. They no longer escaped, but turned into terrible killers. Their compound eyes were full of beasts. Normal scarlet color.
This gives people a feeling that these are the most terrible beasts.
This is where the charm of evolution lies. Under the transformation of unknown energy, the original sad bug has become the killer who dominates this world.
More and more bugs have come out of the ground. Among them, there are some rare species of bugs, such as blood streaks, cricket beetles, which are rare in order. There are actually a lot of crickets here. In the end, there are How much, even a telepathic person like Fan Zhiteng cannot count.
These bugs gathered together like a dam collapsed, countless lands were destroyed, and the original rich land was destroyed beyond recognition. Wherever you go, no inch of land is complete!
The feared rats are mixed in, and their narrow eyes are also exposed with fierce mans, and they seem to ridicule the spear hedgehog's self-throwing net.
The giant spear beetle is ready to go. It knows the terribleness of the opponent, but it also knows that if you want to survive, this battle is inevitable and you have to fight!
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