Vol 4 Chapter 1469: Law of darkness

Every word and every word of Heiying is like a needle tip, piercing into Yang Shuo's heart. Even in consciousness, his eyes glowed with redness. Seeing that, it seemed like a thought. Nothing so.
After that, Black Shadow added a flame to the other's already boiling oil pan and said lightly: 'If you reject my proposal, I will choose another person to replace your position. At that time, Whether you can survive this chaos depends on your good fortune. By the way, in addition to taking care of yourself, you also need to take care of your sister. ’
Hei Ying's words completely narrowed Yang Shuo's pupils into a thin line. Anyone can give up. Except for Nono, Nono, who is dependent on himself, has nothing to do with that kind of kindness.
Sometimes making last resort decisions may be the price of growth.
Thinking of this, Yang Shuo shook his fist fiercely and said, "Okay, I can promise you, if you have the strength, you can kill the Grand Commander for you, but one thing I need to know is who you are. What is your purpose in doing all this? ’
"who am I?"
Hearing Yang Shuo's inquiry, Hei Ying laughed suddenly, then, the layers of black mist blocking in front of him, like the melting snow, slowly dissipated, and then, a thinner figure appeared to him Before.
Like the picture that Yang Shuo had seen before, there were many monsters beside the man. Those monsters looked distorted, all of them had a terrible atmosphere. The only normal figure was a little girl.
However, standing with so many terrible monsters, there is still no fear on his face, but he is very curious looking at himself. No matter how you look at it, the little girl is obviously not an ordinary character.
"who are you?"
Yang Shuo muttered to himself, wondering what to say for a while.
"who am I?"
Hei Ying grinned, with a special breath on his body that seemed to be able to subdue everyone. At the first glance at the other side, Yang Shuo was not afraid, but wanted to bow down and worship the other side.
How strong is the opponent's strength?
Yang Shuo is not a little white who knows nothing, because he lives in a slum, he also has to know how to look at things. He has also seen professionals, even high-level professionals, but compared with the breath of the man in front of him, it is like Little witch sees big witch, there is no comparable at all.
Yang Shuo even thought of a sentence, how dare the firefly compete with the sun and the moon? This feeling is given to the other person. The other person's power is beyond imagination. An idea can't be restrained from appearing in the depths of Yang Shuo's mind. That is, the other person is an existence that is several times stronger than the big commander. .
Chen Feng stared at Yang Shuo and said faintly: "I am the leader of order thousands of kilometers away. The population there has exceeded three million, which is six times that of yours. Even more, I can send a casual person to it. Sword your own chief here with your own hands. "
Yang Shuo didn't think the other party was exaggerating, because watching the monsters behind the other party looked like they knew that the other party was not touting themselves.
Seeing that the other party finally showed up, and said such a sentence to himself, Yang Shuo also summoned a bit of courage and said lightly, "Why don't you occupy this place with your own hands, and rely on my hands to get rid of the big leader? "
Chen Feng looked cold: "This is not what you should know!"
There is no mercy in the last days.
Especially after going through the abyss, Chen Feng knew more about the meaning of the phrase
respect for strength.
If he is strong enough, he does n’t need to run away in front of Naruo. In addition, he can devour the divinity in the other person ’s body in one fell swoop Strengthen yourself.
But because he was too weak, he was suppressed by Nai Luo all the way, even Xu Hongzhuang was seriously injured, and she is still in a coma.
Although at the last moment, Xu Hongzhuang realized the realm and broke through the small realm she had dreamed of in one fell swoop, but the cost was too great. An oversight may lead to her death.
From that moment, Chen Feng knew that the more comfortable life in the last days had smoothed his edges and corners, and made himself somewhat indecisive.
Before rebirth, Chen Feng lived in the depths of the water, naturally knowing the difficulties of survival, so at that time, he was like a real beast, fighting with the enemy every moment, but now he is different. Work hard and have everything now.
But because of this, Chen Feng is also like a tiger in a cage. His claws and fangs have not been used for a long time. He has even forgotten that he is the king of the forest and lives in a jungle full of danger.
Chen Feng needs strength and desires strength, so he needs to increase the workload of conquering believers. The Devil City thinks it is in alliance with the Order, but where do they know that when they explored a long time ago, the Order discovered the Devil City.
It is just that the journey between the two sides is too far away, even if it is a conquest, it can be regarded as a labor-intensive injury to the people, and the gain is worth the loss.
But now it's different. Chen Feng wants to increase the number of believers. Naturally, he focused his eyes on this land for the first time. After several years of development, there was a ruler named the ruler of the Grand Commander.
Although the other party is weaker than itself, it is undeniable that some good governance of the other party still attracted the love of many people.
In this case, even if Chen Feng snatched here ~ EbookFREE.me ~, but those people still need a long time to forget the past, or even remember the deep hatred forever.
In this case, even accepting it as a believer is completely meaningless, because the power of faith is not pure, so it is impossible to condense the divinity, let yourself break through the epic, and achieve the rank of myth.
Therefore, Chen Feng needs a black hand to do this for himself. Lu Wei and Wei Xun cannot, because they are all order people. All this candidate needs to be found in the Devil City.
Fortunately, it is unfortunate or lucky. When Yang Shuo was being sad, he was perceived by the inspected Chen Feng, and then the ghost gave the other part of the power, so that he could taste the sweetness and become a professional who thinks day and night.
The great commander has no injustice and hatred against himself. It may be a little unsettling to convict each other, but this is the law of the forest.
The last days is a dark forest. Each force is a hunter with a gun, sneaking like a ghost in the forest, gently prying off the branches of the road, trying to keep the footsteps from making a sound, and even breathing must be careful.
He must be careful, because there are hunters everywhere in the forest who sneak like him. If he finds another life, there is only one thing he can do: shoot it to destroy it. In this forest, others are hell, an eternal threat, and any life that exposes itself will soon be wiped out.
For Chen Feng, the so-called Grand Commander is a member of this dark forest.
Some regrets that in this game of hunters and prey, Chen Feng is a hunter, while the Grand Commander is a prey.
Yang Shuo shook his fist. He knew that there was no choice now, so he didn't have any more words, but Shen said, "Sir, I think so, I'm ... willing to do it!"
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