Vol 4 Chapter 1501: Geng Yun

Geng Yun's head hurts a lot, and there is a feeling that it is about to crack, but even so, there is an uncontrollable burst of joy in his heart!
Because he felt his body again, he regained his consciousness. Even if there was a sharp pain in his head, it couldn't wash away the joy in his heart.
Because he is still alive!
Geng Yun opened his eyes with all his strength and he looked in the direction of laying the blanket. He heard a faint sound of breathing, and he knew that the little fellow had not died.
Xu barely stood up, and Geng Yun looked at the room on the walls of his family, faintly feeling a little blank.
He is a small character who lives at the bottom of Devil City. There is only one meaning of existence in the past, that is to live barely and use all his strength.
He lives in this dark land. Although he is only twenty-three years old, he has seen too much darkness, and because of the bad environmental influence, he has become extremely old, like a middle-aged man.
But Geng Yun never gave up, he wants to live, no matter what, he must live.
不会 He will not forget that at the moment of the disaster, when the earthquake appeared, just when he was about to be swallowed by a crack, a pair of wide hands touched his back.
He suddenly looked back, but saw the familiar figure with only one hand on the edge of the cliff.
My brother!
That's his brother!
He was only a primary school teacher in the Heilongjiang era. He was frail and sick from an early age, but Geng Yun was a gym instructor. He was one meter eighty-five tall, more than one brother taller.
The two of them wrote one article at a time, because when they grew up, the relationship was naturally very close.
For a long time, Geng Yun even joked with his elder brother. Although he is a younger brother, only when he is in danger, only he can protect the other person.
But who can think that in the emergency situation just now, it was the thin brother who pushed himself away and suffered the crisis of death himself.
Geng Yun closed her eyes.
He can still remember that at that moment, he was desperately trying to run over, pulling up his brother who was on the line, but just when he was about to pass, he had been treating himself and his brother with a happy color, but his muscles rose and he was angry To yourself: "Get out, don't come over!"
Geng Yun acknowledged that he was timid at the moment. He stared at his brother, the man who was on the front line of life and death, but smiled: "Geng Yun, live well."
He said that when the earthquake struck again, Geng Yun watched his brother and fell directly into the abyss.
Do not……
The last sentence was just Geng Yun comforting himself, how deep the abyss is, a hundred meters long, in which there are countless terrible bugs.
Geng Yun looked down, and even saw dozens of huge crickets with a length of several meters, and his brother happened to fall among those crickets.
This is simply impossible!
My elder brother is dead.
Until this moment, Geng Yun remembered that their parents, who were born early, were older brothers and carried him with thin shoulders.
Brother Yun's academic performance was excellent. He originally went to the Imperial Capital to study with his results. There was no problem at all. The school even gave a full scholarship.
At that time, my brother also had a childhood friend, and the other had a good family background and a good study. He entered the university with his brother.
If you follow the normal development, your brother will not only reap his own happiness, but also get an enviable job when he graduates from college.
But ...
Because of myself, my brother stayed.
Because of the need to take care of himself, my brother rejected the opportunity in front of me, and even the childhood friend chose to break up with his brother because he didn't understand.
After that, my brother rarely smiled, but just found a second normal university in this city silently, while taking care of himself while studying hard.
After graduation, my brother was also not qualified for his favorite job, but just became a primary school teacher. It can be said that it was because of himself that his brother's life had undergone such unimaginable sudden changes.
Everything is because of myself!
Suddenly, until the moment of disaster, my brother pushed himself away.
What's ridiculous is that he is still shamelessly joking with his brother, and he will protect each other.
Because of this incident, Geng Yun closed himself for a long time. In the peaceful era, he has a height of 1.85 meters, and he will not be bullied no matter where he goes.
But the eschatology is different. His height does not make people look high. The appearance of those professionals has directly buried his dignity in the soil.
For a long time, in Devil City, he has only one job, which is dumping other people's feces. The original healthy body is also thin as a result of lack of food.
Geng Yun countless times want to die, but when he wants to get rid of himself, he can always think of his brother's advice at the last moment of his life.
"Geng Yun, live well."
聪明 That smart man, at that time, maybe he had foreseen the weak one, would he make such a meaningless move?
Geng Yun picked up the knife countless times and dropped it countless times. He hoped to get the approval of his brother, even if only once, he gave up suicide, but tried to live on this land.
This is not just for myself ~ EbookFREE.me ~ It is also for the brother who puts his life on himself.
陈 For Chen Feng and Du Jingcai, this is bound to be an extraordinary day. The appearance of Ren Tianpeng, like a giant mountain, directly pressed on these strong men.
I can say that with a little mistake, you will end up losing.
At that time, not only did all their efforts fail, but even the Devil's City at their feet and everyone in the city were showing signs of destruction.
I was facing such pressure. It is conceivable how panic Chen Feng and Du Jing were.
But for a small figure like Geng Yun, they don't know what happened, plus Geng Yun's distance from the city center, for him, he just heard some violent sounds.
Geng Yun's daily routine is to dump feces and get a small amount of rations, and spend such a small day.
By the way, one more thing is to take care of an egg obtained a long time ago.
It was a golden egg-like thing, and it stands to reason that for a poor man like Geng Yun, he had boiled it and swallowed it in his mouth.
After all, in this end world, nothing is more precious than food.
I do n’t know why. After obtaining this egg, Geng Yun felt strangely close. In his opinion, this is the only life that can accompany him in the last days.
That's it, one month, two months, up to a year.
Just when Geng Yun thought that this was a dead egg and could not hatch at all, just a minute before, the other party suddenly radiated several rays of light and then cracked!

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