Vol 4 Chapter 1516: Devil Invasion

Ren Tianpeng watched Chen Feng with a taunt of sarcasm at the corner of his mouth at this time, Erwin appeared immediately. At first, he was still unconscious. He only felt that Chen Feng was incompetent, a dark elf with legendary strength?
谁 Whose face is this?
I can say that even if Ren Tianpeng has only one head left now, no, even if Ren Tianpeng has lost his head, if Erwin can't even support it for a second, he will return to his soul.
Erwin also felt the fear of Ren Tianpeng. She has stayed at the auction for too long and too long, so that her strength has not been improved. One thing that can be said is that, like the summoned beasts, they are more or less advanced, even It is Saruman, the Burning Demon, and the Bad Demon. These summoned beasts are even epic. It can be said that one finger can crush Erwin.
埃尔 But Erwin is still spoiled by Chen Feng, because she has been running auctions, earning a lot of benefits for Chen Feng, and it is a trading area where order cannot be broken.
Chen Feng summoned Erwin naturally not to let the other party come to death, on the contrary, Erwin's appearance was the turn of the battle.
Erwin also knew the significance of coming to the battlefield. In fact, as early as when Erwin was called, Chen Feng had already called with the other party. Otherwise, even if Erwin now ruled an auction, it would not be possible. Please move Rose to lower the magic herself.
In the final analysis, this is just a deal between Chen Feng and Rose, Erwin is just a poor instrumentalist.
As Erwin fully appeared, Ren Tianpeng's dragon wrinkled and suddenly noticed a weirdness. After one second, he seemed to be crazy and suddenly started yelling, restless, and panic. Set off the fury of battle!
Immediately, Ren Tianpeng's only eyes seemed to be aware of a certain situation, as if he had beaten chicken blood, and rushed to Erwin in disregard, so that even Chen Feng could not be jealous for a short time, but thought wholeheartedly. To kill Erwin.
As an ancient alien, Ren Tianpeng naturally dealt with many divine residences, and among them, Rose's prestige naturally made him feel like a needle.
At this time, Ren Tianpeng looked at Erwin, only feeling that the blood of his body was freezing and completely lost his control of the head. Once Rose really landed on this land, it was true for this king. Disaster.
凭 On the basis of Ren Tianpeng's current strength, she will definitely not be Rose's opponent, definitely not!
Although Ren Tianpeng was constantly attacked at this time, under the siege of Chen Feng and many summoned beasts, his strength had fallen to the bottom, but being placed elsewhere was enough to destroy a force and could cause a lethal threat to every surviving settlement.
But in front of Rose ...
It is just a delicious food that can be swallowed at any time. In the face of Chen Feng, he hits with a punch, but in the face of Rose, Ren Tianpeng has nothing but promise and has no courage to defeat the other side, so what he can do now is just to solve it with the fastest speed. The believer of the other party, only in this way, it may finally survive!
However, what regrets Ren Tianpeng after all is that this evil dragon ...
I'm dead, it's set!
Erwin just entered the state in an instant. The original long white hair turned from the root of the hair to the dark color directly, just like a dark night. Just one glance, it went directly into it and could not really escape.
God drop!
Chen Feng saw everything in his eyes. This may not be a descent technique at all, but Rose directly pinned a part of her divine thoughts on Erwin's body.
Under this influence, Erwin can really be said to be an instrumental person, and he can become the second Rose anytime, anywhere.
The other party absolutely did not expect to meet Ren Tianpeng at this time, so these preparations for Rose are for Chen Feng? Each other is a master-slave relationship, and Chen Feng has to rely on the auction again. It can be said that he often summons the other party to enter and leave the human world. If Rose really wants to behave badly against Chen Feng, perhaps an inadvertent call, Chen Feng will become a With a corpse.
This is not a conspiracy, but a conspiracy.
的 Only when the strength reaches the super-realm of Rose, Yangmou will use it. As a member of the trap, Chen Feng knows all of this, but is helpless.
Luo Luosi also knew that if he didn't use this hole card, Erwin wouldn't wait for himself to fall, and he would be directly killed by Ren Tianpeng.
Chen Feng originally wanted to use himself to hold Ros for a few seconds, but who could have thought that Ren Tianpeng was so cautious, but unfortunately, he couldn't stop Ros's demise.
Erwin, no, now it can be said to be Rose, but seeing his hair flying, sharp eyes soared.
He didn't greet Chen Feng with warmth, because in his eyes, there may only be the food in front of Ren Tianpeng, and nothing more.
Dorothy stood in place, without even using any extra strength, but just clenched a punch, and it was this punch, but it was like a tsunami, turbulent enough to devour everything in the world!
Chen Feng saw the fist from a close distance, and felt that a flower was in front of her, as if she felt something, but it was like a flower in the water.
For a second, the fist that was so heavy to some extreme, like a volcanic eruption, poured heavily on Ren Tianpeng ...
Rao is the last strength of Ren Tianpeng, spitting a spit of blood, so that those blood stained his hard armor, forming an extremely scarlet protection circle, still unable to stop this fierce punch, slowly, that extremely hard protection circle There are countless pits.
适 The survival of the fittest in this world, before Ren Tianpeng was very horrible and extremely powerful. For everyone in Devil City, humans treat ants as if they were stepping on one foot gently, and the bodies of countless bugs turned into plasma.
He was not just facing ordinary people. When he faced Chen Feng before, he also had an extremely proud look, and even made Chen Feng his ambassador. Dog legs, threatening that only in this way can he regain his life.
But now, when facing Rose, he ended up in the same way, just like the ants, no matter how much he called for help, he couldn't stop the feet from falling down to his head.
But no matter how unwilling he is, his vitality is exhausted, and his flesh is completely destroyed. A strong sense of weakness and weakness fills every corner of his body. His unwilling roar gradually declines, and finally disappears completely. It Scarlet eyes also stopped glowing ...
Ren Renpeng had no interest at all.
Chen Feng sees everything in his eyes. It is undeniable that Ren Tianpeng's strength exceeds the existence of those divine projections too much. If he did not try his best to contain the other side, it can be said that Rose came here, maybe just to fight with the other side. Fifty-five, even more failures.
However, as a of tricks, Rose naturally knew how to protect herself. He would not be the object driven by human beings. If Chen Feng had not done so much and let Ren Tianpeng become weak like this, he would not be involved in this battle. .
"it is finally over……"
Regardless of how much he lost, for Chen Feng, Ren Tianpeng's death now means that his previous actions are meaningful, not overpowering.
Listening to Chen Feng's heartfelt sigh, Rose was speechless, but looked at Chen Feng with incomparably complicated eyes. He found that he could not recognize it, and there were several deities flowing in front of Chen Feng.
There are too many miracles in this human. From the first time he saw the other party, the other party gave himself a lot of surprises. It was because of these surprises that Rose decided to give the other party some investment. From the current situation, See, these investments are worth it.
人类 This human being has grown up to be a strong general on this land.
The most difficult thing for Rose to be calm is that Chen Feng in front of him is too powerful and not as strong as ordinary people. After all, he has fallen to Erwin now. The master-servant contract is really so magical.
萝 Just now Rose wants to take a closer look at the changes in Chen Feng, but the orange sky above her head has sent an extremely violent fluctuation!
The fluctuations this time are far more hot than before.
Meteorites are infinitely close to the human world ...
Suddenly Chen Feng's brows frowned.
"Is there any life on top of this meteorite? Why do I feel a deep maliciousness?"
Nature is ruthless, but because they are like ignorant children, there is no distinction between good and evil. This is why the ocean gave birth to countless lives, but a tsunami will take away countless lives.
This meteorite was summoned by Ren Tianpeng, but there was no good or evil at all, it was not clear that it was undergoing a destruction ceremony, but before it was too far away, Chen Feng could not perceive too much energy, but now it is different. As the meteorite continues to approach, Suddenly, Chen Feng felt a ray of intense hatred, like countless lingering ghosts lingering on it.
到底 What does this mean?
Is there any kind of life?
how can that be……
How could there be creatures living on the meteorites of the sky, if they really exist, how terrible the opponent's strength will be.
You know, Chen Feng has exhausted all his strength, this has just defeated Ren Tianpeng, and now the evil tiger has just been removed, and now a group of hyenas is coming, this is simply a disaster!
At this moment, Rose seemed to be aware of a certain situation, her eyes penetrated the void, and she stared silently at the falling meteorite.
Seeing that Rose had already shown such a distressed face, Chen Feng knew that he guessed well, and in the next second, the boiling heat in the sky became more intense, and then, the terrible suppressive power appeared. At the top of the Devil City, some places even sag directly, and a large amount of dust permeates the sky with the wind.
At this time, not only was the meteorite close to it like a giant beast that drank humans, opened its mouth with blood, and chose to eat.
With the rumbling sound of blast, the original panic on the ground, a gust of hot wind instantly rolled up, and the air was filled with a smell of sulfur, as if it was about to fall apart.
Chen Feng seemed to remember something, his body suddenly.
A word about the devil kept flashing in his mind.
The organized and premeditated devil and the deceitful selfish demon are the best representatives of lawful evil and chaotic evil. Because of the opposition of the camp, the devil and the devil are deadly opponents. They are never stopping between Bartol Hell and the Abyss. The battle, and this protracted and fierce battle even affected mortals and heaven.
Yan spread to mortals ...
The abominable fellow, Ren Renpeng, summoned not a simple meteorite, but a legion of devil!
In the soil of the abyss, the devil relied on this ability to appear on the devil's territory, first attacking the enemy with indifferent meteorite, and then began relentless killing and cleaning.
"Ren Tianpeng!"
Chen Feng gritted his teeth, no matter how powerful the divine mansion was, he was extremely calm, but at this time his eyes were extremely dignified, and he could be said to be on the verge of losing control.
"The devil, this monster that is ten times more horrible than the devil, even attacked the Devil City on a large scale. Once the other party spreads, it is not only the Devil City, it is likely to have a serious impact on the human world."
Chen Feng's mind instantly thought of many things, all of which were related to the devil.
Unlike the chaotic and fickle demons, the demons are purgatory creatures from the Bartos. The greatest number of the devil are the Bart ancestors. They are notorious for their powerful power, evil character, and ruthless but efficient organization ~ EbookFREE.me ~ It can be said that the reason why the devil still adheres to the abyss is not How terrible is the power of the devil, but all win by quantity.
Stuck in a battle, the devil often needs to pay ten times or even dozens of times more than the devil to win a victory in order to drive out the invading devil. ‘
The battle has been going on for thousands of years. In recent times, this unseen war has unexpectedly entered a state of tense truce. Due to the continuous power of the civil war between the nine layers of and the abyss lord, the cost of casualties seems too high. Taller.
What is there in Devil City? There are only hundreds of thousands of people. Once they are attacked by the devil, the survivors here can not even persist for a few breaths, and they will become a miserable corpse.
This is not what the current Devil City can compete with. Chen Feng looked at Ren Tianpeng with feeling, but he saw the other person's big eyes on the only remaining head, and now it is still burning like a ghost fire, which is like dying. Still ridiculing Chen Feng's ignorance, the Devil's Legion in the battle is not what mortals can resist and face!

Du Jingcai was still standing on the ground at this time. He suddenly felt something, looked up suddenly, but was immediately choked by the fierce death, destruction and violent death breath!
"What the are these?"
It was Du Jingcai who had the heart to die, but felt the horror of this devil from a close distance, still looking terrified. In a short time, he was like a puppet, trembling, and his brain fell into a blank.
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