Vol 5 Chapter 1517: Conspiracy with God

"Dear God, I hope you help me stop these devil attacks."
Chen Feng stared into the air for a long time, and suddenly felt something in his heart, and said to Rose.
"Do you think you can win?" Rose was far less dignified than Chen Feng at this time, and when the Devil's Legion kept approaching, she even grinned, showing a smile.
Although the devil was terrible, Wuyang Wuyang attacked the human world, but Rose had no reason to be afraid. There was a distance between them. If Rose thought, she would disappear into this land in an instant.
"Bet me a promise."
Chen Feng looked at Rose and said it word by word.
"Ha ha, so arrogant tone." And after hearing this, Rose even laughed out of time. After all, as a divine residence, I don't know how much better than Chen Feng now. This is like an ant threatening to give to human beings. The benefits are the same, it's just a big joke.
However, Chen Feng turned a blind eye and said, "I have only developed in the human world for a few years, and now I have the current heritage. As long as you help me protect this place, I owe you a favor. I can't repay it now, but One day, I will give you enough benefits. This is a gamble and an investment. "
Looking at the confession, Chen Feng didn't seem to be joking, but Rose's brows were slightly off. As an evil divine residence, there was no mercy in her consciousness at all.
Even the faithful guards were equally brutal.
She used fear and empowerment promises to maintain a connection with the dark elves and maintain a brutal, tyrannical rule against them. In fact, it was Rose who first spread evil thoughts among the elves, and led the dark elves to walk out of the traditional elven society and live in the dark areas under the ground. The dark elves mocked the surface inhabitants for any suggestions and ideas that tried to keep them underneath forever, and were always ready to kill them
Rose's thoughts are spread in the race of the dark elves. It is precisely this way that the dark elves have become such a selfish life. It took Rose, thousands, or even tens of thousands of years, to make it change. Into such a degenerate state.
This shows how arrogant and arrogant Rose is, a human commitment? Although it sounds good, it still fails to attract the attention of the other party.
Rose's lips were raised, regardless of the devil above her head, just staring at Chen Feng like this, making a silent taunt.
When did a humble human dare to make a deal with a divine residence? This is simply impossible.
Chen Feng saw the appearance of the other party and knew that his investment did not attract the other party's attention, so he continued to say, "If this transaction can't satisfy you, then add the body of this ancient evil and your shelter, and I will How about telling you Elise's information? "
"Iriscui ?!"
There has been no tone without any fluctuating rose. At this time, it seems to be stimulated to a general level, and the tone doubles instantly. Not only that, Chen Feng feels that he is swept by the cold wind, even breathing becomes Somewhat unheard of.
"Tell me where now!"
Rose's voice was full of coldness, and once she changed her laziness, it seemed like a cat became a cheetah instantly.
Rose's concern for the name was not out of concern, but to kill the divine mansion, and the dark elf with the banner of the Rebel Army had another identity, and that was Rose's daughter.
Unlike those dark elves and demon spiders, Elise is the son of Rose and the Elven King. The other party also has amazing divine power, but what upsets Rose is that this daughter does not stand on the front line at all. Instead, the dark elf villains in the past century have their counterparts behind them.
For Rose, from the moment the other person betrayed herself, it was no longer her daughter, but an enemy that could be killed at any time!
Iriscui is a goddess full of melancholy and sorrow. In addition to guarding all good dark elves, she also protects those dark elves who hope to return to the peaceful life of the surface world.
The heart of most evil dark elves is burning with rage against this kind goddess, but for those dark elves struggling to escape the spider god's web, she is a delightful dawn. Elise loves beauty and peace, but she also fights back against those who try to hurt her followers. Her appearance was a tall, dark elf with dark skin and long silver hair up to her ankles.
The doctrine that is incompatible with Rose makes Rose hate it. For Rose, this is not her daughter at all, but continuously influences and reduces the biggest enemy of believers.
Rose's doctrine is brutality and killing. For all the dark elves, the value of their birth is a ruthless beginning. Parents can abandon their son-in-law, and son-in-law can betray their parents. It can be said that in the dark area, there is no so-called shame and Loyalty, all the dark elves are living selfishly. In order to make their lives better, they even treat the people with ruthlessness.
There is no mercy in the Dark Elf's dictionary.
Rose likes this unordered world, because it can make the crazy climb to some extreme. In fact, when Rose fell from the elven queen to the spider god, her spirit has been polluted to a certain extent, it is no longer The mother who was loved by the endless kind of elves before, turned into an extremely cruel person.
It is precisely because of this that I desire to use killing and brutality to maintain my rights, but in this case, there is suddenly a voice of opposition, and that voice is still my own daughter, which makes Rose, who has a strong possessiveness, possess How can I control the anger in my heart?
In the long history, it walked in countless dimensions and killed countless dark elves who betrayed themselves. The only purpose was to find the daughter who inherited her beauty and wisdom, and then eliminated each other.
However, the other party was extremely alert. Rose had even found the trace of the other party several times, and even suffered heavy damage to the other party several times, but Elise Cui still successfully fled, which also increased her hatred daily. .
Because Rose knew how much such a divine house that was good at corroding the souls of the same tribe had affected her.
The fire of the stars can be a source of fire, and her own brutal rule has been criticized from the beginning. For so many years, she has relied on Rose's strength to suppress the rebellion. Once her daughter turns against the half-dark elf, then Rose's deity will even Some damage occurred.
Elise Tsui: The Dark Elves are weak and so on
Priesthood: singing, beauty, dance, swordplay, hunting, moonlight
Disciple: Dark Elves, Hunters, Surface Elves from the Good Camp
Pastor camp: neutral goodness, chaotic goodness, chaotic neutrality
Divine Realm: Chaos, Kindness, Dark Elf, Elf, Moon, Charm, Portal
Favorite Weapon: Moon Sword (Epée)
Few inhabitants of the surface world know and understand the existence and teachings of the Church of Elistri. Many non-elven races in the surface world are reluctant to believe any rumors of "good dark elves returning to the surface", dismissing these rumors as hearsay or as rumors fabricated by evil dark elves-just because they didn't know there was Such a goddess secretly cares for these unique people.
What is most incompatible with Rose is the teachings of the other party.
In addition to fighting evil, benevolence and charity should be maintained and joy spread everywhere. You should be diligent in learning and teaching others new tunes, dances, and fluent swordplay, and strive to promote harmonious coexistence among various ethnic groups.
Help outsiders, shelter the homeless, and help those in distress. Respond to the unreasonable offense of others with kindness. However, when encountering the evil of maliciously hurting people, you should stop the violence as quickly as possible to avoid causing more damage to Dangdang.
Reach out to all the dark elves in distress and let them hear the gospel of the goddess: a new heaven and earth on the surface is waiting for you, in the great shining land. Come back to the ground peacefully and bathe in the sun again, where there are lush trees and blooming flowers.
This was Elise's final dream. Although she was also involved in the rebellion at the beginning, she was exiled into the dark abyss with Rose and her brother.
Unlike Rose, who went all the way to the dark and had been bewitched before she betrayed her father, Elise Tsui was aware of her fault when she was exiled. Your own people go home.
The dark elves originally belonged to the ground. They also had long green hair and fair bodies, but because of the fault of the loyal, they entered the dark area without any light.
Iriscui wanted to return to her homeland, so she betrayed Rose, who was more powerful than her father, and united all the helpers she could with. It was because of this that she was regarded as an enemy by the Dark Alliance. In the alliance headed by Rose, Elise Cui was regarded as the object to be absolutely killed, and for this reason, some of the gods of the Justice League were killed.
Iriscui promoted the most terrible divine warfare. More than ten divine residences from different camps participated in the battle, and three of them fell.
Shendi, this is not the Chinese cabbage on the road. Shendi has endless life, but three people have fallen in the battle. From this, you can imagine how fierce and fierce this battle has been, and the other party can be in In this horrible battle, she still got away, and it can be seen that Yi Lisui's strength cannot be underestimated.
The followers of Elistry encouraged the Dark Elves to return to the surface world as much as possible. They work hard to reconcile the relationship between the Dark Elves and other surface races, and prove to other races that the Dark Elves are also members of good life.
They support all the developments of beauty, music, and instrument-making skills, and spread every song they find. In addition, they assist hunters in their hunting operations and kindly help everyone in trouble.
The priests of the Dark Girl are required to be proficient in hunting skills and at least one of the goddess' favorite instruments (horn, flute, or harp). They are also excellent singers or dancers. The priests collected as much knowledge of songs and music as possible, and trained their sword skills in case they were needed.
In the eyes of ordinary people, Elise Cui is a kind of godly mansion, but in the eyes of Chen Feng, there is no difference between Real and Rose.
However, in order to satisfy his own plan, he put countless lives in a state of disregard. In the first battle, the number of the same kind of dead in the hands of Iris Cui exceeded an unimaginable number.
In a certain sense, there is no good or evil in the spiritual world of God. There are only so-called actions and plans. In order to return to the surface, the dark girl has suffered more than 10 million deaths and injuries from dark elves in countless years.
It has never been a vocabulary to describe the divine residence.
Unlike Rose, who has been searching for each other without clues, Chen Feng has an abyss altar. Usually, although she is not close to each other's information, if she sacrifice, she will never refuse herself with the greedy character of the abyss.
It is for this reason that Chen Feng summoned the courage to make such a deal with Rose.
Chen Feng also has to bear some dangers because of this. Shendi has a terrible ability to predict. When calculating the other person by herself, the dark girl is likely to perceive her existence.
At that time, in order to hide his whereabouts, the dark girl has a great chance to go to the human world to hunt and kill herself. Once Chen Feng is dead, he can naturally break through the search for the other party.
The reason why Chen Feng took the risk and let Rose take the shot, not only for the hundreds of thousands of survivors in Devil City, but also for herself ~ EbookFREE.me ~ Rose once asserted, The opportunity for his own promotion myth is in the abyss, but under the persecution of Nairuo, Chen Feng has not returned to the human world for a long time.
And now, the legion from the abyss has actually landed in the human world. Does this also mean that this is the chance of the abyss to find himself. If he can grasp it, then there is a certain chance that he can break through the epic. !!
Chen Feng knew one thing. In his realm, if he wants to be promoted, he must bear huge risks. High harvest means high risks. This is the constant truth of Henggu.
So, just twirling around in his mind, Chen Feng has made the final choice, that is, hunting the divine residence, and thus reaching some agreement with Rose.
In the face of Rose's danger, Chen Feng said nothing, but just stared at the other side, and Rose slowly recovered his calmness, and said gently: "If everything is true, I will agree to your request But one thing you need to know is that I don't like to be deceived. If you say nothing, you have to believe that I will take everything from you. "
Shendi's anger is not something humans can bear, so Chen Feng nodded so solemnly: "I am willing to take full responsibility for what I have said, so now, cooperation is happy!"
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