Vol 5 Chapter 1520: Abyss Giant

The temple that serves Udala usually chooses its address in the beautiful garden or farmland. They usually have a huge storage room filled with food and other necessities, a weapon storehouse, and buildings that have been reinforced for defensive purposes. In this way, when necessary, it can become a shelter for halflings in the surrounding area to avoid natural disasters and enemy attacks.
This also means that Udara is a cautious shrine.
Because of this, the other party can meet Rose and have a certain connection, which makes Chen Feng feel very curious and what kind of stories each other has before.
However, this is obviously not the time to discuss this matter. For Chen Feng, the most difficult time is in front of her. Rose's power has been exhausted, and the devil is staring at it. With the sudden stop of the meteorite, it is parasitic in it. The devil is likely to launch an attack in the next second, so Chen Feng should also make some preparations in advance.
When Rose began to yodala, Chen Feng took a step and went directly to Ren Tianpeng. Before that, he was a mighty and powerful evil dragon. At this time, he had become a frozen body.
This is the end of the world. In this calamity, everyone, all living things, whether they are humble ants in the dust or dragons traveling in the sky, are likely to die in the next second.
Ren Tianpeng used to despise the power of the people in the world, but now he has not been overcast by Chen Feng and has become a corpse.
And Chen Feng didn't have time to remember too many things, his current purpose is only one, and that is to use the opponent's body to summon.
No, this is not a summoning, but a terror means to break the cracks in the abyss.
This is almost like driving with a closed cliff on the edge of a cliff. It is courage and courage to fight. An oversight may lead to a complete loss. At that time, Chen Feng had no choice but to walk away, but the devil city living on this land survived. However, they may be exhausted by the slaughter.
And this is the last way.
Chen Feng needs a believer. Hundreds of thousands of people undoubtedly have huge benefits for him, but he has made a insistence, in order to let Rose shoot, even at the expense of another divine residence.
Although there are more lice that don't bite people, the dark girl is in charge of the hidden gods and possesses extraordinary wisdom. In the knowledge base in his mind, He is not weaker than Rose's divine residence. Now it is bad, but it is time. Experience.
The other party is very extraordinary. The other party can continuously escape from Rose's hands. It has been proved that the other party has super strength. Otherwise, he will be caught by Rose and drained of divinity. Already.
For thousands of years, more than ten divine residences participated in the war, and eventually there were several fallen divine residences. In the face of such extreme wars, the dark girl could still survive and caused so much trouble for Rose. This is enough to prove that the other party is extraordinary.
The dark girl, this is simply a young version of Rose. If you give the other party enough time, the other party's achievements may not be weaker than Rose, and become a god's residence that mortals and other gods have to fear.
However, Chen Feng had to provoke the other party for the sake of the Devil City. Chen Feng had done his best, which was a price unimaginable for mortals.
As for now ...
There is no turning back to open the bow. Chen Feng has no way back. What he can do now can only bury his head and keep going, even if he pays a heavy price!
Thinking of this, Chen Feng gazes at Ren Tianpeng's corpse again. This is the last chance. This is the last chance to impact the realm and protect the devil city!
Thinking of this, Chen Feng pressed his hand directly on Ren Tianpeng's body.
At this moment, some chaotic voices suddenly came out from the top of his head. Chen Feng instinctively looked forward, but saw some monsters with embarrassed faces, which had reached out of his head.
The sickle beast.
This is the scout of the devil, just like the three-headed dog, they have extremely agile speed and powerful defense.
The creature looks like a huge, six-legged predator lizard that is larger than a tiger. Its body is covered with a thick chitin deck, and its four appendages are like slender, jagged dotted sickle spikes with a bright blue secretion dripping from it.
Two smaller paws quivered between the other legs and feet, cutting the air. Its head is a mix of facial features of a carnivorous reptile and a large, spiky mandible. The wrinkled deck protects its neck and back. Thick spikes grow from behind these folds.
This creature has terrible lethality, and judging from the breath of the other party, the other party belongs to the golden rank. What does this mean? It's dense. It seems that there are thousands of sickle beasts, all of which are all golden ranks. Once an attack is launched on Devil City, let alone ordinary people, what about professionals? All of a sudden they will be thrown and become food in the other's mouth.
Before that, some people even wanted to escape, thinking that there would be no danger to go out, but they do n’t know that the most powerful of these creatures is agility. The other party is one of the devil. The endurance and physical strength are too much beyond human beings. On the wide plain, if the other party runs freely, it will even run more than 500 miles a day.
What is this concept?
For ordinary creatures, this cannot be compared with it at all.
The ghost of the vet demon spider summoned by Rose still clings to the meteorite. Although the devil is ruthless, and the sky is not afraid, the energy of the divine house still makes these sickles and beasts feel heavy pressure. They are constantly wailing, like It is the wolf looking for food, watching the breath of the demon spider.
Chen Feng knows that the demon spider is just a ray of shadow, and with the passage of time, the other person's breath will always disappear, and at that moment, the sickles and beasts without pressure will immediately face you. Of the human world.
The devil is decisive and vicious. Their strength is extraordinary, and Chen Feng knows one thing more. The sickle beast is just the beginning. This is just the scout of the devil. It is like the coward of the demonic camp. Wait until the sickle beast and the enemy fight When they are together, the more powerful demons will show up and then participate in the battle.
The strangeness of the sickle beast attracted the attention of some demons. Unexpectedly, Chen Feng expected that some strange-looking creatures also poked their heads and began to look at the world in front of them.
It was a humanoid creature, a few steps above the ground. It has no sexual characteristics. Hooks, barbs, and chains pierced through its flesh. Long curved corners coiled around the sides of its head, and the tips of the horns reached the chin of the creature. Pure black eyes stared from the face where they could not read any expressions.
Acupuncture Demon.
Unlike the sickle beast, the strength of the acupuncture devil is already at its best. The opponent is like a group of herders. When the sickle beast and the enemy fight, it will suddenly come down, control the iron wire in the body, and then hold it. The enemy, causing it to lose its life.
The ghost of the demon spider can only persist for a few seconds!
The idea had just flashed in Chen Feng, and he hurriedly pressed his hand on Ren Tianpeng's body.
Because this time, he asked for the supreme existence in the abyss to come to his aid, so the sense of ritual was much stronger than before.
"The great shore from the abyss world exists. I sincerely hope to offer a sacrifice here to get your attention. This is the remains of a dragon who does not know how many epochs exist. The other person seems to have some kind of secret to find the other person's body. For the divine residence, it is no less than a treasure. "
"I am willing to dedicate its corpse to you, and as a request, I hope to open up a channel with the abyss world. The devil is raging. I sincerely hope that the devil can destroy it!"
Even when Chen Feng straightened his attitude and read these words, there was an endless smell on Ren Tianpeng's body. Even though Chen Feng is now an epic rank, but in this taste Under the package, I still feel it difficult to breathe, as if my mouth and nose were blocked, and I couldn't breathe normally.
And the most terrible thing is that this kind of breath affects not only the physical feelings, but also the soul has been severely corroded, and Chen Feng's face flashed a violent color. Can't wait to start the killing ring at once, and use countless corpses, mountains, and blood to wash my heart's resentment.
"Huh? Why is this breath so strange? It stands to reason that I pray to the abyss, what should appear is the killing breath, not such a cold and wet feeling. Compared with the demon without wisdom, these breaths are more like those from the undead. Of decay. "
Chen Feng took a deep breath. Although the breath was a little weird, one thing I was sure of was that the opponent's strength was definitely not bad. The other party didn't even show up, but relying on the breath, he eroded his soul. This was something Rose did not do. Ren Tianpeng, who previously touched the mythical ceiling, did not do the same.
It is false to say that it is not tense. In order to reduce risks, Chen Feng only relied on offerings to sign contracts with individual creatures. The most dangerous one was the atrophy, but that was also based on the fact that the atrophy was already seriously injured. The strength was basically Not as powerful as imagined.
But now, Chen Feng is completely playing with fire. He actually used Ren Tianpeng's body and the existence of the void to make a deal. It is very likely that he would play with fire.
However, Chen Feng has no chance to choose. Otherwise, he will go further and kill the devil, or he will flee now. He has survived for so long in the last days. Chen Feng's mentality has been hardened. In any case, he will not give up his chance of promotion.
Weakness is the original sin.
Whether it is the human world or the abyss world, this is an indisputable fact. Thinking of this, Chen Feng's face became somber again, and at the same time, a breath of knowledge slowly gathered in Chen Feng's mind, and then one by one flash.
A name that shocked all the abyssal beings, and thus appeared in Chen Feng's mind.
This is a statue that can be compared with the devil's son, and known as the three giants of the abyss.
In the bottomless abyss as wide as the name, there are all kinds of powerful existence. Of the three demon lords considered to be the most dominant, Okus is probably the purest of the demons—crazy, chaotic and rude, with no strategy at all. But relying on the undead army full of execution points, Ocus can still maintain balance in the confrontation with the other two-this is really a fact that mortal scholars cannot understand.
No wonder Chen Feng felt a rotten breath of the undead before, because that was originally an existence that was good at manipulating the dead.
Ocas was once a mortal. No one knows the details of him when he was a mortal, only that he was already a fat man with a puffy body and was proficient in certain spells. After his death, the soul came to the outer plane to become the lowest larva, and began the history of struggle in the bottomless abyss. Finally he became one of the most powerful demons in the bottomless abyss.
This is the creator of an undead creature. The other party has grasped the secret of the living dead. Unlike Saruman's undead transformation, undead transformed by Oaks are really given life. They have thoughts and even have Their own social structure is even more frightening. They are immortal. Unless they are exposed to external forces, they are special lives that will not really fall.
It is with this ability that Oaks has extraordinary believers in countless dimensions. The number of those believers is as high as several hundred million, one billion or even more. This is a who survived in ancient times. Di, how many years did the other party survive, and even some gods could not predict.
Rose's strength is obvious to all, but this goddess known for her deceit can still only claim to be with her back.
It ’s like now, she always looks smooth, like she feels something, her eyes suddenly freeze on Ren Tianpeng ’s body ~ EbookFREE.me ~ He knows what Chen Feng ’s purpose is, after all, they are two people The plan was set before, but one thing he never thought was that at this time, Chen Feng would summon this kind of demon that exists in the legend.
The other party holds the secret of immortality. For experiments, in the long river, the little mouse that fell in front of the other party even has a double-digit divine residence. The other party is already dissatisfied with experiments with ordinary creatures, but prefers to Shendi did research, and you can imagine how terrible the other party's reputation was.
This demon-like creature is fat and fat, standing about three times as tall as an average person. His goats had huge, spiraling goat horns. He had thick brown hair on his legs and goat-like hoofs. A huge strong arm was waving an evil skull wand. Two huge black bat-like wings stretched from his back, and behind him dragged a long snake-like tail with a sharp barb.
Just as Chen Feng was confused, a void voice suddenly appeared to his ears: "Interesting human, are you looking for cooperation?"
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