Vol 5 Chapter 1522: Assists from the monsters

A large group of monsters in the abyss rushed out from the gap of time and space with the momentum of rowing mountains.
The Satan Brothers' Demon Legion appeared, densely packed, endless, and in such an instant, there were tens of thousands!
The number of these monsters may not be comparable to Chen Feng's previous corpse tide, but in terms of quality, the strength of each of these monsters has broken through the golden ranks, and the body of cold magic is permeated and connected together, as if straight The smoke of the sky is terrifying!
At this time, these monsters from the special abyss level are intertwined and the momentum formed is even more terrifying than the hundreds of thousands of corpse tides.
The world that Naluo has mastered alone is not as powerful as these monsters.
"Look, what exactly is going on in the sky?"
"The meteorite was really fixed in mid-air, and the Grand Commander did not deceive us. In this land, there are really other horrible masters who are protecting us."
等等 "Wait ... you see something out of the meteorite."
Du Jingcai and a group of soldiers far away in the slums have now discovered something weird, that is, there are countless ugly monsters in the meteorites sticking out their heads. The other side looks around the Devil City, just like the scouts in ancient war. Once the land is locked, it will immediately attack and kill.
The most terrible thing is not these. With the emergence of different ghosts and ghosts, Du Jingcai waited for a lot of masters, only to feel like they had not slept for three days and three nights. They were listless and even shivered.
With the appearance of Sadaw's Demon Legion, everyone was holding their breath, like a little dog abandoned in a snowdrift, and couldn't stop shaking.
"Not good, big commander, that's not a helper at all ... but a monster running out of the abyss. I saw a lot of monsters with strangely shaped bodies digging out of the cracks. There are giants three meters tall and some have grown up. What is that ugly mermaid with a tail? There are still many demons. These things are not helpers at all, but enemies! "
"The number is dense, and it has not been reduced. It is conservatively estimated that there are already tens of thousands of monsters in the cracks!"
"Ten thousand monsters in the golden rank!"
This is a professional who has increased vision. The other person's ability is more special. After awakening, he can continuously reduce the distance and let him see more and more distant pictures.
Now, although the meteorite is locked in mid-air, this professional is still sitting on a needle felt. With constant exploration, the eyes are covered with scarlet blood, and only a few seconds later, the scarlet blood ran down.
"Are you kidding me? How is this possible? Obviously the meteorite has stopped, why are the dimensional cracks suddenly opened, and what happened to the monsters on the meteorite before? Are you deceiving us, you are talking? ! "
Many people are crazy now, because they ca n’t believe everything they see. It ’s like a tsunami. There are twists and turns. Everyone just feels relieved, and they feel the unimaginable pressure. Many people keep shaking their vision. Or, the other party has been blinded under excessive pressure for a long time, and now it's like being stupid and deceived. I don't know what to say.
Why are all the people in Devil City so scared?
When Devil City was at its peak, it claimed to have three hundred King Kong, and this King Kong was a strong man in the golden rank. It was also with these strong people that Devil City established the current city state around it, destroying many unknown monsters and Zombie.
But now ... in the void, excluding the monsters hidden in the meteorite, there are as many as 10,000 monsters in the golden stage that have been drilled out of the dimensional crack. This terrible force can simply crush the devil city Ashes, and even ... just remove the city directly from the map and completely destroy it!
"Great Commander!" At this time, the blind professionals, like recovering some vitality, continued to say to Du Jingcai.
"Don't say any more, Awei, you say, I'm listening." Du Jing only saw the miserable appearance of the other party, and knew that the other party had suffered unimaginable pressure in the previous investigation, and his heart was mixed with emotion and confusion. But he also knew that at this time, people's hearts must be soothed. If people's hearts are scattered, then this is the real disaster of extinction of lights.
"Master, I haven't deceived everyone, it's true! The monsters are astute, magical, strong, and fierce. At first glance, they are brave warriors ... They are all fast, too fast. Now ... in a blink of an eye, they plunged into the meteorite, and I saw a lot of blood, and those monsters were fighting each other with the monsters in the meteorite! "
I heard the roar of the other person, and many people's faces suddenly became iron-blue. Some people could no longer remain calm at this time. They turned their heads and looked at the distant plains. Without thinking, they started to walk and fled.
人 These people have no courage to co-exist with the Devil City. For them, now they just want to leave here at the fastest speed, because they firmly believe that with their own strength, they can't make any changes here.
What is a monster?
What is an abyss?
What is a dimensional crack?
Now it ’s not just the end of the world, but years have passed. In these years, everyone has learned a lot, and the more they understand, the more terrible they become. So the inner world of these survivors is suddenly Was torn through, no longer followed Du Jingcai, but fled the land.
There are also some people who have stayed. After all, there is no way. Their relatives are still here. Although they are afraid, they are afraid that once they leave, their relatives will be left unattended.
The end of the world has brought countless tragedies, but in a long time, people have gradually started to get used to life, then opened their arms and embraced a new life.
Many people get married and have children. Although they lost their loved ones in the peaceful era, they also have new families in the last days.
And the family finally accumulates, how can they be willing to lose the family in this way and run away? Many people have already experienced the unimaginable despair, so they would rather stay and co-exist with the Devil City. For them, if they really cannot avoid death, they also hope to die with their loved ones!
"Great commander! Can we carry it ... the other party may be a 10,000 gold-level monster. In addition, there must be a stronger commander in it. The other party may be able to compare with you. It is uncle Nan. Demigods exist! "
Many people around looked at Du Jingcai and seemed to want to hear each other's plans. They also felt that there was no hope, or that there was still a chance for victory in the Devil City.
After all, when the meteorite fell before, many people were looking for death. They were also told by the great commander. Some people will help us and help us stop the meteorite. Du Jing didn't deceive them, so these people will yearn for it. Words of faith.
"Stop! If you can't carry it, you must carry it! Until I die, Devil's City won't collapse!" Du Jingcai's face was gloomy, but there was another deep and profound expression in his eyebrows. He stared at him like a wolf. Shouted loudly:
"No matter how terrible the danger ... God will protect us, and, I will say, do you know why the meteorite in the sky stopped? Because of the gods!"
"Demigod? How is my strength worthy called demigod? That true strong man is the deity. I have already made an agreement with the other party. In the future, everyone in the devil city will believe in the other party and take the other party as a target of loyalty. "
"What? We changed leaders?"
The other person just said such a sentence, a missionary next to him suddenly gave him a slap.
"Are the old white head crazy? Why hit me?" The assassin looked very angry, apparently he didn't know what he said wrong, and he would have suffered such a slap.
"Damn, you blasphemed the gods!"
These missionaries originally had their own beliefs, but in the last days, there were countless disasters, and no divine residence came to safety, so their beliefs were slowly lost.
现在 Now, after the Grand Commander says that there really is a god, these missionaries are like cats who see mice, and their eyes reflect the green light.
They waited for the gods for countless years. After feeling the devotion of the believers, they finally landed on this land, so they would not care about the existence of the divine residence in Du Jingcai's mouth.
There are thousands of forms of the God's Residence. For missionaries, no matter who the other party is, they all have only one identity, which is the object of their own belief.
For this reason, those missionaries are like crazy monsters. In the face of such pressure, they even danced, seemingly not afraid of the monsters on their heads.
"You guys, do n’t desecrate the gods anymore! The gods have endless power. Although these monsters are terrible, they ca n’t kill us at all, because the divine house will kill all these guys with condemnation. We are now The most important thing is to wait quietly! "
The preacher now exclaimed his voice, like a madman tearing his voice and saying, "Everyone must trust the divine residence. Anyone who dares to despise the god, I will tear the other person's head!"
This is totally inconsistent with the course of history. The butterfly effect over and over again will soon make the soldiers around the Devil City wonder whether they are sleeping now.
Du Jingcai also looked at everything. He only felt that these missionaries were a group of lunatics. He had previously promised that Chen Feng would make everyone believe in each other, but after all, it would take some time and make everyone more able.
Now, the emergence of the monsters is simply a assist. Once Chen Feng really shelters the land from any harm, everyone in the devil city may really trust Chen Feng unconditionally and treat the other party as a real god's residence. .
This is an opportunity, an opportunity for the other party to fully grasp the Devil City.
"I sincerely hope that you can seize this opportunity, please, save the ghost town!" At this time, Du Jingcai, who has been extremely proud and did not believe in ghosts and gods, has also raised his head. He is like a compromise, staring With the void, I just hope that Chen Feng can prevent the disaster from happening and let the Devil City survive. After all, this involves not just a few lives, but hundreds of thousands of lives!
呼 "Who ... if there is a god, we may really be able to survive!"
"Yeah, maybe only the power of the gods can stop the falling meteorite. We are protected by the gods. What else is there to fear? The devil city must be able to guard it, it must be!"
"Evil is invincible, and under the protection of God, all monsters cannot defeat us!"
"囡囡 You have to wait for Dad to go back alive, we will survive, Dad promised your toys will be delivered to your hands!"
"Wife, you used to say that I was too busy to spend time with you. As long as I can survive this time, I will definitely resign. I don't care what kind of work. I just want to be with you and my children!"
At this time, countless people were half-knelt on the ground, and like faithful believers began to pray, they hoped to be protected by the gods, so that they could survive this calamity.
At the same time, Chen Feng, standing in the air, suddenly frowned. For some reason, he suddenly felt that the power of an innocent faith had gathered in his soul ~ EbookFREE.me ~ with curiosity, Chen Feng projected his consciousness into his heart. He saw countless pictures of himself praying, from Du Jingcai, from Yang Shuo, and from countless powerful and incomparable warriors.
无论 No matter how predominant these men were before, at this time, the most tragic side was revealed. They wept and shed, just like the weak, praying for survival.
"Are these all means of Du Jingcai?"
In countless bad news, some of his unintentional actions have even intensified the cohesion of faith, which may be very rare good news for Chen Feng!
Thinking of this, Chen Feng showed a smile. He put his own power into the soul, and after feeling the power, the mind is like countless tentacles, derived from the back of countless people. The tentacles of the form gently patted the backs of those suffering, as if comfort was more enlightenment.
Far away in the slums, many crying soldiers suddenly noticed something, they stared at each other and saw the astonishment and surprise in each other's eyes.
Obviously, they felt it all at the same time!
is God!
The in the void really felt their pain and heeded their desire!
"God saves the world!"
The missionary could not bear any more, and stung a head on the ground, while the soldiers on the side couldn't remain calm, followed the missionary and bowed to the hoe, saying loudly:
"God saves the world!"

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