Vol 5 Chapter 1527: Divine Power

The viper's body was drowned, and in the next second, the atrophy's chest bulged directly, and it was sucked into the body.
The extremely frightening femme fatale, even without struggling, was directly killed by the atrophy and devoured into his own body.
The atrophy's strength is slowly recovering. Its true strength in the past has even touched the realm of the divine residence, but in the captivity of endless time, its strength has dropped continuously. This is the epic level of such misery. !!
But despite this, the other party is still much stronger than ordinary life, and the thin camel is larger than the horse, which is the reason.
At this moment, Sadao's eyes, which had not been shot, were suddenly reflected on the atrophy's body, and then, a thick black smoke on his arm slowly penetrated, and the next second, like a blast, He rushed towards the atrophy.
The other party can't return to the original dimension now. If he wants to stay in this world, he can only stay in one body.
The dark guard is extremely powerful, and raising his hands is enough to kill a weaker force, but despite this, Sadaoge still does not look at it.
萨 In Sadao's view, this body is just a tadpole that can be discarded at any time. Now, Sadao has found a higher host, and naturally wants to abandon the other party so that he can penetrate into this world.
Is this Sadao's plan?
He has been sitting on the mountain watching tigers and tigers, trying to occupy the atrophy's body, using the opponent's body as a container, and then living in this world.
The atrophy is an unusual creature. Although the Dark Guardian is powerful, compared with the atrophy, it is like the glow of fireflies and the starlight.
Although it ’s not clear what Sadao is going to do, the opponent is a divine mansion. He must have a hidden card. Although Chen Feng promised to let the atrophy go, but it ’s not the time now, and he ca n’t just watch the other party being taken by Sadao Home success.
Fortunately, Chen Feng has been staring at Sadao's movements. If he is negligent, he will be afraid of leaks. Thinking of this, Chen Feng's body suddenly burned a violent flame. In a blink of an eye, he jumped directly to Sadao. Before.
Devil transforms and shadows shuttle.
Chen Feng's gaze was directly on Sadao's body. Although the other person occupied his body and stayed away from the dimension, the value of divinity meant that he had existed in Sadao's body for countless years. This divinity had no connection with the body. , But it also means that the other party has not weak wisdom.
黑色 The black smoke that permeates the body is the illusion of divinity. In the void, those divinities seem to change constantly, and then become an incomparable monster head.
I did n’t even have a pupil in my skull eye, so I locked it directly on Chen Feng ’s body. Without moving, it seemed like I had to peep into Chen Feng ’s physical body, full of deterrence.
"Human! Are you going to stop me?"
Chen Feng gazed at the other party: "I made an agreement with the demon to summon you to help me destroy the devil, but now you are going to take away my summoned beast and make it a container for you completely. In doing so, I have lost a lot and naturally Will make you wish, if you think this is stopping, then, even then, "
If it is Sa Daoge's world, Chen Feng will not be as arrogant as it is now, but the reason that the strong dragon can't crush the ground snake is not limited to the human world.
Brother Sadao is very strong, but staying away from the dimension, it is not difficult for him to kill it, as long as it will provoke a divine hate again?
Chen Feng doesn't care at all!
He has provoked too many divine residences, and of course, this giant frog demon king is in front of him. After all, the other person's personality is too weak compared to the other divine residences such as Rose.
This is a divine mansion forgotten in the void. The reason why the previous purgatory devil was defeated is because the other party is too eager and utilitarian, and has been blocked by the so-called divinity.
It is because of greed that the other party loses so quickly, it can be said that it is out of hand.
But Chen Feng witnessed all the battles on the side. In all fairness, the strength shown by the opponent today did not make him feel scared.
Perhaps Sa Dao still hides some strength, but in Chen Feng's view, he can still entangle and fight with each other, not to mention that he is not himself, but there is a in the side as an assist.
The samurai's killing was not hidden before, but after swallowing up the femme fatale, the atrophy slowly turned his head and looked at the enemy aside.
The atrophied person's body is distorted and emaciated. If ordinary people are gazed like this, they may go mad directly, but Sadao brother is not afraid, so he looks around Chen Feng and his prey.
"Human, do you want to stop me?"
Sadao brother apparently responded to Li Pei's words. The other side was asking Chen Feng if he wanted to drain the muddy water this time.
Although using this sentence to describe some jokes, Li Pei still feels that there is a feeling that there are no tigers in the mountains and the monkey is called a king.
At the beginning, Ren Tianpeng raged in the Devil City. Chen Feng used all his power to stop the opponent, which caused the other party to lose half of his life, and then Rose appeared, killing Ren Tianpeng almost instantly.
Apparently, Ren Tianpeng was not easy to mess with. At the last moment of his life, he even summoned a meteorite with countless demons in an attempt to destroy the ghost city.
After that, Chen Feng offered Ren Tianpeng's body, and also called out the Sadao brother in front of him. The previous peaks and peaks were pressed on his body. Chen Feng could not even breathe for a while, but now it is different ...
A god's mansion with a legendary creature attached to the divine nature, even speaking to himself like this, does the other person really think he can't do it?
The other party is under the control of the demon king. If Sadao can fulfill the order of the demon king, but simply eliminate the devil, he will naturally not embarrass the other party, and even help the other party open up a dimension channel to return to his hometown.
But as the saying goes, please ask God to send God easily and hardly. After Sadao brother led his army of monsters into this world, he obviously smelled the unique taste of energy here. He wanted to stay here, like countless broken before. In the second dimension, the gods who attempt to enslave this land want to form their own forces here.
But unfortunately, the other party encountered Chen Feng ...
Regardless of whether there is a god-slayer like Chen Feng in other corners of the world, but in the devil city, in front of Chen Feng, a deity does not really make people feel hopeless.
"You regret it now?"
Chen Feng did not answer directly at all, but just looked at each other in silence and said so.
After Chen Feng made these remarks, he naturally broke his face with Sadao. It is impossible for him to give up the atrophy. Even if the other party is still hostile to himself, it is undeniable that the atrophy still has use value!
However ...
锋 Chen Feng guessed right, that is, Sa Daoge ’s psychology has been completely distorted, and he has fallen into a state of madness.
Sadao, who is attached to the Dark Guard, now has only one idea, which is to find a body suitable for walking on this land.
Although the Dark Guard is powerful, because of falling into the darkness, he is very resistant to the power of light. It can be said that the light is his biggest nemesis.
Once besieged by a professional with bright power, even if Sadao is more powerful, there are many inconveniences, but the shrinking one is different.
The other is a god, and has the blood of a spirit in his body. It can be said that ignoring any energy and being unaffected, mastering the other's body means mastering a stronger strength.
"Poor human, like a ant-like human, then you go to death, and after killing you, I will naturally take that sinful body."
As soon as Sadao's voice fell, his black-clad palms were fisted, with unstoppable terror waves, as if this palm could shatter space and tear the earth, and Chen Feng ’s rather generous body, Will be directly smashed into stumps.
"The deity in the body is so strong!"
Seeing that Sadao Brothers suddenly started to work, Chen Feng couldn't help but look at it. When the purgatory demon attacked Sadao Brothers before, the other party had no choice but to consume some of the divinity to use against the enemy. , The other party has not had much energy.
But now he feels intuitively, but he is a bit shocked. These deities are almost close to saturation. The waste of purgatory demon thinks that he has won everything, but who can think of it, it is just a pretense of Sadao.
This monster who has strength but still has super intelligence!
Unlike Chen Feng, the atrophied person named by the surname actually stepped in front of Chen Feng at this time, not because he tried to protect the Lord, but because he had been bullying others, and now he has become the target of Sadao ’s attack. This is obviously It makes the atrophy extremely angry!
The atrophy ablaze to the living creature and tries to incorporate enough living creatures into its dead corpse aura. It relies on its power and speed to defeat its opponents. Once surrounded, it constantly attacks enemies with Shadow Touch, hoping to kill targets and recharge physical bursts.
Under the anger, the atrophy completely turned into a streamer and was directly put in front of Sadao. Chen Feng instinctively wanted to stop the other party. After all, after knowing the identity of the atrophy, Sadao still was extremely greedy and wanted to get the other's body. This also means that the other party has a way to deal with the evil of God.
However ...
After all, the speed of the shrinking man was too fast, and he suddenly came to Sadao's face, and when he was about to make a shot, Sadao's chest suddenly broke, and then one of his palms stretched out sharply, and then fiercely Fiercely banged on the atrophy.
A muffled sound seemed to silence the whole world, and it seemed that even the volcanic volcano could not bury the sound.
"噗 ..."
The dark breath of terror gathered in the chest of the atrophy in an instant. Even if the gods have the power of the gods, they still cannot stop the corrosion of these dark energies. The surging dark energy is like ice and snow melting, and it melts away instantly. The atrophy's body rushed directly under the other's skin and rammed into the other's body.
The immortal atrophy is as if it has been affected in some way, and the body has cracked, and large pieces of rotten, deteriorating blood flow in the ground.
The only one who can defeat the divine residence is the divine residence, and the only one that can harm the divine evil is the divine evil.
Why can Sadao Brothers so surely believe that the body of the atrophy belongs to himself, because the other person's body has the energy of another god.
A word suddenly appeared in Chen Feng's mind.
Blood Demon!
Vicious, bloodthirsty predators, the blood monsters are so horrible that they can stop other creatures with a vicious glare. They have keen senses and can hunt anything for food or sports.
血 A Gore uses his horror gaze at the beginning of each round to keep the enemy from moving. Then he turned to a weak enemy and used its claws to crush it into pieces. It will indomitably attack an enemy until its prey dies, and it will choose a new target. The Gorefiend is not afraid and will not escape under any circumstances.
Brother Sadao didn't know what the price was. He had the characteristics of a wickedness in his body, and this was why the other party could subdue the atrophy.
Seeing that the atrophy was unable to move, Sadao's eyes permeated a scarlet color, and the other person was waiting for this opportunity. At this time, the divinity hidden in the body began to move again. Obviously, He was ready to be here. For a moment, fully grasp the body of the atrophy, completely occupy each other, and facilitate yourself to walk in the human world.
Without Chen Feng, the other party is undoubtedly successful now, because the atrophic person at this moment is like a severely injured patient, and even the most basic strength cannot be exerted ~ EbookFREE.me ~ and it is ready in Sadao. When further capturing the body of the atrophy, Chen Feng had already moved. He was extremely fast. He used the shadow shuttle to reach the body of the atrophy again. Just as Sadao was about to touch the other side, he kicked hard. Out, the atrophy was blasted hundreds of meters away.
Although the atrophy was severely wounded, this degree of injury cannot affect it.
At this time, the body that was available at the jab was taken away, which put Sadao into a violent state. He screamed like a beast and rushed directly to Chen Feng. The previous hole card had been used up. He can now use it. Yes, only this physical strength.
The strength of the monk gave him amazing fighting skills.
At this moment, his fist, like a flame, burned directly, and in conjunction with the burning flame of anger, to a certain extent, this has reached the level of myth.
This punch is already qualified to hurt Chen Feng!
Soon before Sa Daoge still maintained this invincible momentum, Chen Feng held the endless blade, as if it was popular, passed by Sa Daoge, and at the same time a bright purple knife trace was blooming.
No matter how fierce his fist is, he is naturally not an opponent of the secondary artifact. Suddenly, Sa Daoge ’s body was cut open. What ’s more terrible is that the violent stab gas not only hurts the surface, but also directly destroys the body. That is to say, at this moment, Sadao has only one skin shell left, and everything in his body has been destroyed with one stroke, and no longer exists!

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