Vol 5 Chapter 1547: God-given battle

The emergence of Saruman, and the appearance of the commander of the undead, completely reversed this originally embarrassing situation!
In particular, the strength of the corpse demon already has a legendary state. Although these zombies are terrible in front of them, their strength is extraordinary. Hurrying forward and wielding a knife, they have formed a terrifying sword!
And these zombies infected by terror dragons have already spawned many powerful men in a short period of time. These zombies are contaminated with the blood of terror dragons. Although the terror dragons were killed by Du Jingcai, these zombies Able to live and increase his strength continuously, when the terror dragon is very likely to be able to complete the resurrection with the help of the opponent's body!
Contaminated with dragon blood, the skin of these zombies has become scale armor. This scale armor is extremely thick, even if the gold master wants to break the defense, it will take some time.
It is for this reason that when professionals first meet each other, they will show a very distressed expression, because everyone knows that although their strength is similar to the zombies, even stronger, but because the other party is extremely scary When the skin is blasted, other zombies may be attacked.
This is a deadly situation.
But now, as the zombie waved a knife forward, he saw that the scale armor of more than a dozen zombies was cut open instantly. Not only that, another toxin in the zombie body was also injected into the zombie body!
These zombies roared angrily, hating the sneak attacked corpse with their claws suddenly inserted, and were about to penetrate the body of the corpse, but the huge bones on the side suddenly appeared, and their thick arms raised, directly lifting these attacking zombies They smashed to the ground.
The corpse was staring at him. It was a general of a legion in front of him. Even after death, he still had endless courage. Saruman summoned some undead one after another, and these undead were all attracted by the corpse. Become a small soldier of the other party, launched an attack on the zombies in front of him.
These horror legions, born from the Plain of Bone, collided with the zombies at once, except that the Saruman legions did not know how many demon lords were destroyed, they could be described as real soldiers, but the zombies were transformed Soon, there are still many forces that cannot be exerted, so at this time, it falls into the disadvantage.
One of the zombies stained with half of the dragon's blood is the true leader of the zombie army, and the other party even has a trace of consciousness of the terror dragon.
But even so, because it had just mastered the power, it was ruthlessly devastated by three headless knights, and even the heart was pulled out and smashed. This is a humiliation for a zombie with a dragon bloodline!
The strong pain deeply stimulated this zombie, making it ferocious to spew like a volcanic eruption again, and a more violent force erupted deep in the bone marrow!
At this moment, the consciousness of the terrifying dragon was awakened partly because of madness. I saw that its ten fingers changed suddenly and stretched out its sharp claws.
At the same time, it exploded with energy, forming a shock wave for a time, and even flew the three headless knights in front of him into the air!
This zombie can be described as the leader of this evil legion. It spreads its dragon-like fingers, and it is about to pierce the body of the headless knight.
But at this time!
The corpse came over at this time. Although it had forgotten many things, the belief in helping his soldiers was never forgotten, but he saw that he held his right hand on the bone knife, and waves of terror energy surged from it. Out, it seems that the air can be completely detonated at any time!
He raised his extremely cold bone knife, his figure flickered, and the electric flint flew to the neck of Longhua's zombies, and then he was cut off, and the blade collided with the opponent's neck, and a harsh metal sound broke out!
The neck of this zombie, because of the dragon's reason, is also distributed with extremely dense dragon scales. Before the headless knight consumed all his strength, a scar was blasted on the opponent's chest, and the heart inside was taken away.
If it is replaced by ordinary life, this time the death has been paralyzed on the ground, but the zombies are different. From the moment of the change, they will have no life unless they cut off their heads, even if they crush the heart , Can't deal a fatal blow to them.
And now the corpse shot, under the great force, even cut deeply into the tender meat at the neck of the zombie, and immediately, a huge wound with deep bones appeared!
Poor dragon blood zombies, if you give each other enough time and no one comes to disturb, maybe it won't take long before you can master a dragon blood, have the will of a dreadful dragon, and become a terrifying creature!
But now, he has suffered countless misfortunes one after another!
There was a dragon sound in the mouth of the dragon blood zombie. Although he was wounded, he was still unyielding. He vowed to smash the enemy to death, but when he wanted to fight back, a strong sense of dizziness hit his head!
This is the toxin in the corpse worked!
At the same time, a stench came suddenly, and then a group of twisted undead appeared beside the dragon blood zombie.
These barnacle-covered corpses looked like ordinary undead, but he kept dripping the salt water, emitting an unbearable stench, which showed that this thing is not an ordinary monster.
The dead war corpses carried a stink like rotten seawater, and this dirty substance was spilled everywhere they went. These filthy undead creatures are usually derived from humans who were shipwrecked in the sea filled with undead energy. The bodies of these dead crew members harbored a fierce malicious rebirth of living people ~ EbookFREE.me ~ attacking any living creatures close to them . Decaying corpses' attacks are filled with the vicious smell of carrion, seaweed, and parasites. When hit, the smell will also linger on their targets.
Each of these terrible corpses has strong strength. These guys are the elite troops of Saruman. At this time, the dragon blood zombies were captured and they appeared immediately, in order to defeat them completely!
The dragon blood zombie still struggled with his heart, but all actions became extremely futile. Before the attack, he was covered by countless attacks. Then, a stench came from the dragon blood zombie body. Its body was corroded, and the most The terrible was still behind, but saw the corpse again wielding a knife, this time, directly fell on the scar left last time.
The dragon blood warriors were slaughtered, and with the death of the leader, the remaining zombies could not play a decisive factor at all, and soon they were overwhelmed by the undead, completely becoming the past tense of the devil city.
The battle only lasted for half an hour and then came to an end. While watching the zombies invading Devil City, all of them, including Du Jingcai, were kneeling down on the ground and said to Chen Feng: "Thank you for your gift!"
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