Chapter 166: Ogre

Dimensional creature.
Ogres are ugly and greedy large humanoid creatures. They belong to one of nature's evil creatures. They are both lazy and fierce. They can appear in various land, waters and underground caves. For the convenience of predation, they usually live in the target Victims live near the colony and are therefore common and dangerous enemies.
They are omnivorous creatures, and most like to eat the flesh of humanoids, so after being captured, humans may become prisoners and slaves only 10%.
As for the humans who survive by chance, they are all women. Reproduction is the top priority of ogres. They need new fighters and partners, which indicates that prisoners and captives will accept unbearable physical and mental damage. (This situation is for the vast majority of male monsters.)
The most important point is that they are social creatures. A standard ogre tribe has 16-20 males, 2-12 females, and 2-8 minors.
Adult ogres are about three meters and weigh up to two hundred kilograms. They are good at using wooden sticks or stones to attack the enemy.
Despising ogres is a taboo.
Don't think that they are simple-headed fools because of their developed limbs. They make a living by plundering and stealing. Their usual mode of operation is ambush and assault, and they also know how to use long-range weapons to attack before close combat.
Compared to some animal-shaped dimensional creatures, ogres have the ability to think, and no doubt they belong to intelligent creatures.
Chen Feng looked at the ogre who disappeared on the river, and his eyes flashed a thought, whether the bridge was damaged by the other party remains to be explored, but one thing can be determined that the corpse that died on the shore was indeed the cannibal. Capricorn eater.
Aquatic ogre.
This is a branch of the ogre that lives in freshwater lakes and is one of the sources of disaster for sailors and fishermen.
Aquatic ogres have green bodies, webbed hands and feet, and males even have ivory sharp horns. Their claws and teeth are black and contain some paralytic toxins, which makes it easier for them to hunt. .
Compared to land ogres, they have long-term dwellings in the water. They have a cold and violent character and move faster. In the water, their strength will increase to a certain extent.
Although it was just a glimpse of surprise, Chen Feng could still tell that the other party was a behemoth, just a head, just like a reef on the sea, giving a sense of heaviness.
Roughly judge, its height is between two and five meters and three meters. This is an adult ogre. It came to this land with the end of the day and occupied it.
On the fringe of the Economic Development Zone and Qiaodong District, Chen Feng and Feng Zhiyong ignored it, so that no one found the ogre.
Chen Feng frowned. He first looked at the broken bridge, and then glanced at the opposite bank. Suddenly, he had a bold idea.
Perhaps, try to get the ogre to take you across the shore.
Do n’t think about communication. Although ogres are intelligent, they are violent and cruel in character. They have only two options to kill the enemy or run away.
Chen Feng must try to seduce the other side in order to carry out the arrest operation.
Thunder Dragon Lion? No, the opponent's appearance is too terrifying. The ogre knows how to avoid heavy and light, and finds that the enemy is strong, it will hide its own trace. If you want to lead the opponent again, it will be a little trouble.
This matter must be done on its own.
Chen Feng majored in mental strength. In the case of immobility, his strength is only of a conventional level, and he can be used as a bait.
As a summoner.
His Majesty Chen Feng now gathers four Summon Beasts, Dark Elf, Undead Mage, Fura, and Inferno. There is no problem in melee and range, but his combat strength in the air and underwater is lacking.
At this time, if His Majesty Chen Feng had a six-armed snake demon, he could not fear any river current. Compared with ogres, the six-armed snake demon was more water-based and more flexible.
However, like the Burning Demon, the bloodline of the six-armed snake is very high. To summon this creature, it is necessary to call the flesh of the golden strongest.
The agile power, amazing water, and most importantly, it has six arms. Once these arms are armed, they will be a nightmare for all species.
The six-armed snake devil is inherently [invulnerable]. When six weapons are waved, it will form an enchantment that cannot be discerned with the naked eye. A weaker enemy, once it enters its attack range, it only takes a few seconds. Time, it will become a pool of meat.
In addition to some dark creatures in the abyss, demons are also a force to be reckoned with.
Cowardly, Quaser, Succubus, Flor, Berserker, Enchanter, Soul Judgement, Six-armed Snake Demon, Burning Demon, etc ...
To this day, Chen Feng has only summoned two pure demons, inferior demons and incendiary demons, and each of them, such as other demons, has its own characteristics and weird abilities, which makes people dare to imagine.
Like a mad war demon, unlike the six-armed snake demon's agility, mad war demon is a symbol of strength and violentness. They like to be on all fours. When fighting, they rush towards the enemy like a tsunami.
This creature is irritable, and its blood veins carry the characteristics of [Bloodthirst]. Once it explodes, its power will rise to an amazing level in a short time!
The distinction between low-level demons and high-level demons is clear at a glance. Compared with the former, the latter has some characteristics by nature, which is an additional bonus for strength.
There are countless creatures in the abyss. Based on the number and ability of those species, Chen Feng is now at best a trainee summoner, far from reaching the elite level.
However, rice needs to be eaten bit by bit, and the road needs to be followed step by step.
Chen Feng is working hard and never stops.
These are things that need to be faced in the future. Compared to summoning demons, how to control ogres is the top priority at hand.
Wiping away the extra thoughts in his mind, Chen Feng strode out of the dark, picked up a stone, and threw it severely into the river.
Chen Feng's face was cold, and his voice was mixed with taunt, as if trying to die, for fear that the monster in the river could not hear his voice: "I see your ugly head."
"Now get out of here!"
Open the door and see, there is no unnecessary nonsense.
This method is rude and effective, UU reading www.uukanshu. The com ogre is a territorial conscious monster. Once they find biological activity around the camp, they will use the fastest speed to bring it back to the camp.
The river's surface changed a bit, just like there was some rolling below. Between them, a huge head was exposed, its skin was green, and its forehead had a curved long horn. As for the eyes, it was scarlet, as if it would attack at any time.
There was a smile on the corner of Chen Feng's mouth, and sure enough, treating this creature with a big noise was the most effective way.
However, Chen Feng's expression did not last long, and the water level changed again. I saw that just after the male ogre appeared, the water surface rolled up again. Then, one was also huge, and the other was relatively thin. Ogre appeared in front of him.
Chen Feng's smile gradually disappeared.
Two big and one small.
this is……
Family? !!
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