Chapter 207: unexpected

Chen Feng stepped out of the door, only to feel that the sun was refracted on his body, and the haze in his heart was diffused a lot.
Li Chiyu, Mr. Fang.
Chen Feng has been living in Qiaodong for many years. It is impossible to know the identity of the two. They are both masters of the master. When the former has strange abilities and fights, all the bones of the whole body can be used as weapons, hand bones, spine, and even It is a rib. With sufficient strength, it can grow indefinitely. If you are not careful, you will hit the other side.
And Mr. Fang is not an ordinary person. In peacetime, he was a famous scientist. However, instead of going the right way, he went to the wrong way. He specializes in cloning technology in biology and chemical agents for poisoning. He has even been on the country's wanted list and is an S-type special criminal.
After the end of the day, he turned to the conservatives, and not only became a professional, but also used his previous knowledge to conduct experiments and research on the human body, and gave birth to him to study such a heterogeneous corpse.
"Both of them are not simple characters. Fortunately, I took the lead this time, and brought all the masters with great momentum. This allowed the other party to take care and not dare to easily attack myself. If I came by myself, I would probably What it looks like to be chased by the other party. "
While Chen Feng was thinking, suddenly a rushing figure ran towards him.
After seeing Chen Feng, Wang Feng seemed particularly excited, and hurried forward a few steps: "You, Chanel, you finally came out, thank goodness, you didn't get in the way."
This is not a false feeling, but a feeling of excitement in his heart. For Wang Feng, if Chen Feng really has any shortcomings, even if he raises his head to see the colonel, it will not help.
King Wang Feng came to the residence early in the morning, but surrounded by fierce beasts and corpses lined up, even if the flames were piled up, he couldn't even approach half a step.
Suffering from anxiety, Wang Feng bit her teeth and was about to make a forcible attack, but saw Chen Feng slowly walk out, and she felt a sigh of relief.
"Bad? How can some Xiaoxiao pose a threat to me? It's you, you haven't seen it for a few days, and you've got a lot of rosy look. Presumably this time, your strength is one step closer." Chen Feng nodded and said lightly.
Hearing the word ruddy, Wang Fenggan laughed a few times. He sold a piece of earthworm earthworm in exchange for hundreds of kilograms of dried meat. During this time, there was meat to supplement the body, and every day was at its peak every minute. State, physical condition, has never been so good.
Or think of something ...
Wang Feng lowered his voice and said to Chen Feng: "Consignor Chen, conservatives are some cunning minds. I encountered some changes before on my way. These people are intentional because they want to come. No need to be extreme, you have to be more careful in the future. "
Chen Feng heard and did not follow the other side.
The main battle and conservativeness are like water and fire. Nowadays, Chen Feng has suffered some minor contradictions, but it does not mean that he will merge into the main battle and Feng Zhiyong will become an alliance.
This muddy water, before the last resort, Chen Feng did not want to touch it easily.
Wang Feng knows how to perceive words and words, and sees that Chen Feng has no words or talks anymore, but speaks out: "Sergeant Chen, Shang Jiao is waiting for you at the residence, I will show you the way ..."
Chen Feng nodded, this time did not refuse.
Halfway through the road, Chen Feng moved in his heart and asked: "Wang Feng, a lot of conservatives, I just went to Zhang Xueyuan's residence. Regardless of ordinary professionals, even if there are two silver peaks, one old, one young, old face Like white paper, and less cruel like a wolf, I don't know if there are any masters who can compete with it? "
Hearing Chen Feng, Wang Feng said as he walked; "Lieutenant, are you talking about Mr. Fang and Li Chiyu? These two are conservative diehards, oppressing goodness is harder than anyone, only to the outside Tigers and wolves have repeatedly shied away. What's the power of being empty? It's just a group of vampires who only know to oppress ordinary people. "
As soon as the complaint was over, Wang Feng took a deep breath, and his face was glorious: "He has a master in conservatives, and naturally a mainstay in my main faction. I am an old man, a silver hook with iron painting, and a pen can suppress any night snack. In addition, Tian Xuefeng, the "army god", has long been integrated into the gun. He can add energy to the bullet. Even an ordinary pistol can become a big killer in the opponent's hand! "
Sure enough.
After hearing Feng Feng ’s narrative, Chen Feng felt anxious. In the previous life, the main faction was that these two men acted as the top beam. Zhou Xian had an epiphany. Although he was an elderly body, he had the meaning of a tiger and was It's a miracle to achieve the peak of silver in a short time.
And Tian Xuefeng, in addition to the marksmanship, is more difficult to extract the monster's soul. Attached to the guns and artillery cannons. Ordinary artillery shells can't even break the defense of giant earthworms. Once strengthened, they can be fired in one shot Attached above is the power of the soul of a bronze-level or even a silver-level monster. After an explosion, even a building may be wiped out.
Wang Feng talked about sex, and did not notice Chen Feng's face, and said again: "To say that these two seniors, although they benefit the people, they are better than the last one in terms of reputation. Human idols, especially among the younger generation, are more commonly called Valkyrie! "
Chen Feng frowned. He had never heard of such a name in the previous life. Is there a deviation in his memory? What happened? Why, a sudden figure would become the idol of the main battle faction? Seeing Wang Feng's eyes, there was no falsification at all. Even the man who had been in the barracks for half his life was a look of worship.
Even more, this person even suppressed Zhou Xian and Tian Xuefeng's reputation.
锋 Chen Feng was puzzled and was about to open his mouth to ask. The turbulent cannon sound was suddenly transmitted from a distance, and the whole new bridge east city seemed to be shaking.
Dark world, corpses raging. As the land's last paradise for human beings, Qiaodong New City used to be silent and cold like a sleeping giant in the past. That kind of silence is the pressure of hundreds of thousands of people in the city, and that kind of coldness is the resistance to monsters that can attack the city at all times.
However, today, this beast seems to be awake from a deep sleep, its body is agitating its throat is roaring, and the whole bridge east city is filled with a lively, surging feeling. With vocal enthusiasm and joyful leaping, you can hear some inexplicable screaming words like "War God!" "Invincible".
At this time, Chen Feng followed Wang Feng and just walked to the central area of ​​Qiaodong New City. Suddenly, the accident happened, which filled Wang Feng's face with a layer of joy: "Come back!"
Who is back?
The empty streets like a ghost town in the past are crowded with people at this time, they growl and growl! They are like crazy, everyone's face is filled with a crazy frenzy!
I do not distinguish between men and women, young or old. Even the asylum-seeking refugees in the past have joined the celebration of this carnival! Some of them were throwing clothes in their hands, eating the relief food that was unwilling to eat in the morning with embarrassment, and even crying with their faces covered. This kind of chaos was mixed with excitement, giving Chen Feng a kind of end of the end Ridiculous.
Chen Feng became more and more curious, he took a lot of masters, pushed away the crowd, and walked towards the middle!
It is not difficult to see from this weird behavior of everyone, this is definitely a big man!
This crowded crowd is like a sky that has not cleared up, enveloping the blue sky in a dark mist. Chen Feng pushed, dodged, and cleared away. Every step of his footprints seemed to be walking through the clouds, gradually revealing the mystery inside. Veil, come closer, come closer! When Chen Feng finally came to the center, the moment the veil was unveiled, he saw a creepy scene!
Behind the sloppy crowd is ... a corpse with a bronze step bug and a mutant beast!
Among them are hunters, lickers, tanks, and even corpses such as corpses, as well as strange evolutionary beasts, insects, such as ghosts, red rock beetles, amoeba, earth dragons, and flame toads.
普通 For ordinary people, a bronze-level monster can scare them, let alone the evil creatures in front of them?
These dead beings, just lying there will give ordinary people the illusion of stagnation! A negative sentiment of desolation and destruction made everyone present as if in the fierce punishment of hell.
For ordinary people who can only hide behind the fence in Qiaodong, this is a day that can never be forgotten in their lifetime, especially the refugees living at the bottom. In this short time, the refugees who have always been safe to live like dogs Destroyed by this mysterious, shocked, and horror scene one after another, the heart is like a fire in the forest.
After the fear, a strong sadness rose from their hearts. How many of these hundreds of thousands of refugees are millionaires, how many are official cadres, and how many are handsome men and women in peaceful times! But the end of the day brings everything that they are proud of into nothing!
Saving money is worse than paper and life is worse than a dog!
This is a portrayal of this world, and everything they have experienced now!
多 How many people have lost everything they had before, how many are watching the death of their loved ones, and how many people are willing to offer their proud and pure bodies for the sake of food!
In this place known as the land of joy, what kind of human tragedies happen every day, maybe only the refugees who live at the lowest level will know!
They don't have the ability to live well, and they don't have the courage to die immediately, so they gradually fall, thinking that if they live like dogs, they will not think and struggle!
But human beings are different from animals. Their biggest characteristic is emotion!
Let them no longer be able to control their emotions, which in the past can not resist in their hearts, even lying on the ground in such a large number of people to watch!
It turns out they can die, it turns out we can kill it!
For the timid and living refugees, this kind of complex emotions containing too much sadness, joy, disappointment, excitement, sorrow, curled together like a twine, they growled, pained, and growled. It's not just victory that screams, it's more resentment towards the end!
In sharp contrast to countless roaring crowds, there are more than a hundred dead soldiers wearing black tights. They have men and women, they are thin and fat, and their weapons are also different. But one thing they are completely similar to is the temperament of iron and blood that each of them emits.
It was a cold after a lot of killing. UU read the book They looked up, and the pride that was revealed to the whole body was released without hiding, but it made people feel right!
Slaying a total of 28 bronze monsters, including silver corpses. Of course they deserve this thick pride. They are the heroes of Qiaodong and the pride in everyone ’s heart. A powerful team, they are the only group that is enough to rival the corpses.
With more than one hundred aces working, according to the Taoist theory, they are destined to attract everyone's attention, but in fact, at this time everyone's eyes fell on a girl behind them.
There is a person in the world who has a certain charm by nature, no matter how noisy her surroundings, how many glorious figures, as long as she is in that picture, when you look, you will definitely see her at first glance, Then he could no longer look away.
The young girl in the crowd was such a person. She stood there, and the whole world was her.
The long black hair was fluttering in the wind, the flawless face was beautiful and gorgeous, a pair of monster-like silver eyes like the water of a river under the moon, clear and deep, crimson crooked The crescent mark lined the whole face, showing a little nobleness and arrogance.
There is no negative emotion on her face, blindness, just like a few poor mice beside her, there is nothing to make him worth showing off.
This is the of war in Wang Feng's mouth?
Different from the frenzied and roaring look around him, Chen Feng showed a slight incompatibility, and even some incredibly weird smiles. He looked at the figure in front of him, using only the sound he could hear, saying, "Xu ... ... red ... makeup. ") !!
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