Chapter 221: Blooming day

Seeing Xu Hongzhuang's refusal, Chen Feng was not discouraged at all, instead he said a shocking news and immediately deterred the opponent on the spot.
"What are you talking about? You need to support me ... unify the bridge east ?!" Maybe it was the other party's meaning. It was so incredible that Xu Hongzhuang was stuttering.
She originally thought that Chen Feng did all this out of her own ambitions, but at this time, she found that she was wrong. The other person did all this for herself? !!
This is a huge question lingering in Xu Hongzhuang's heart.
Feng Zhiyong's appeal is very strong. Although he is very strong, he is also known as Valkyrie. When it comes to the main battle faction, the true soul belief is that of the middle-aged person who is over half a year old, not to mention, Feng Zhiyong has promoted her. Well, when she fled to the east of the bridge, Feng Zhiyong gave her support and help, and even supported herself, step by step, before becoming a major today.
For Xu Hongzhuang, Feng Zhiyong is almost like a teacher and a friend. How can she be cherished and seek usurpation?
Xu Hongzhuang turned around and looked at Chen Feng in front of her.
"I won't do this. Colonel Feng does a good job. I don't ..."
"Did you see the white hair on his head?" Chen Feng calmly said.
Xu Hongzhuang was stunned, her mind was all on the battle, so she didn't pay too much attention to these details, but now with a bit of Chen Feng's dialing, she has some reflections, compared with Feng Zhiyong's white hair a lot before. .
"He is an ordinary person, no matter how popular he is, he is nothing but a mortal body, bugs, monsters, conservatives. All these things put him under tremendous pressure. You respect him and believe him, just like It is those of all the main factions, who consider it the same as faith, but have you ever thought about how long can he persist under this pressure? "
Chen Feng is not alarmist.
Feng Zhiyong is just an ordinary person. Although the therapist and Tiancaidibao are available on weekdays, the painstaking effort can't make up for it.
Especially after the insect tide broke out soon, more than half of the population in Qiaodong died unfortunately, and gave him a severe blow. Since then, Feng Zhiyong has been ill for a long time, and has gray hair. He looks like he is 70 years old, and his physical condition Not as good as before. Gardenia flowers of TFBOYS
"If you think about it, under such a high pressure for a long time, even a professional can't stand it, let alone an ordinary person. He is kind to you. That's why you have to use your own methods. Go and help him. Is this wrong? "
Xu Hongzhuang nodded slowly.
"Don't hesitate. Now the people in Qiaodong are trembling. Who doesn't know that the conservatives have taken the initiative. As far as I know, even some high-levels have rebelled against the past and become the running dogs of the other party. Before the heyday, and even more, this situation will get worse. Once Qiaodong is really conservatively controlled, is that what you would like to see? "
"If you think about it, once the turtle shrinks in the city, the monsters continue to rag outside and no longer fight. How can the revenge of the loved ones be revenge? How can those strangled injustices be redressed? At that time, even if you are strong, you are fighting alone. , The ending is nothing but being drowned in insect waves and unable to extricate themselves. "
Xu Hongzhuang was completely frightened. Although she felt that Chen Feng was a bit alarmist, but she did n’t know how to refute it. After all, the current situation of Qiaodong was like this. With the death and injury of the battle, some people started to fight back, thinking that the bugs and monsters had fallen. In the downside, what should be done now is to recuperate.
"So, if you are really good for Feng Zhiyong, you should accept my offer and carry the banner of the main faction and do what you want to do!" Chen Feng said after the victory.
Xu Hongzhuang was trembling all over now. Obviously, she was fighting fiercely in her heart, and she no longer refused blindly, because there was already a slight looseness in her heart.
Regardless of how chaotic Xu Hongzhuang ’s heart is, Chen Fengke put his hand on the other's shoulder, turned to the other side, stared at the other side tightly and said, "If you can't do it of course, but now you have me, and order will provide you all Help, professionals, food, and people, I will do everything I can to help you ... "
"We are all of the same type, shouldn't we help each other, don't we?" Chen Feng smiled and patted Xu Hongzhuang's fragrant shoulders as a consolation. He felt that his "degenerate plan" was about to succeed, and the other party had come step by step Even in his own cage, it was too late to recollect, even if he opened his bow without turning back, he was already corroding the soul of the other party and becoming an unclean person.
"No ... I'm not you, I can't be like you ... I'm sorry, I didn't mean it ..." Xu Hongzhuang instinctively refused to speak from Chen Feng. As a silver peak, she was extremely strong inside, and a few words from Chen Feng Can't subvert her values ​​yet. When I was cannon fodder
"It doesn't matter, you just have to remember that I'm behind and I will silently support you until I get you on the brightest stage. In a few days I will send several professionals to assist you, all of you You can use it with confidence. "Chen Feng smiled indifferently, hiding the plot without flaws.
"Don't say any more ... Could you give me some time to be alone and be quiet ..." Xu Hongzhuang is now completely cowardly, her voice hoarse.
Those words of Chen Feng caused too much impact on her, and helped Chen Feng to place dark chess in the Iron Demon Army. She still needed to think about it for a while.
Chen Feng stretched out his hand and slipped on Xu Hongzhuang's face, the other person's skin was as silky as milk, making people put it down.
"I'm waiting for your good news. By the way, if possible, I hope you can help me get a few silver-level monsters. Is this a requirement?"
Xu Hongzhuang took a step back, and UU reading hurriedly avoided Chen Feng's fingers. Her face was reddish, her lips clenched, and she nodded: "This time I went out to hunt, I caught two mutant lizards. Powerful. I originally stayed for sparring. Since you are useful, I will find someone to contact you. "
"Thank you."
"So ... nothing, I'll go out first ..." Xu Hongzhuang hesitated for a moment and slowly spoke.
Obviously this is the opponent's main battlefield, but Xu Hongzhuang is a gesture of solicitation. Obviously, Chen Feng still has some shadows in her heart.
"Please, Major Xu."
Xu Hongzhuang heard the words, relieved, took out the clothes in the corner as if to escape, and quickly walked out of the training room.
Chen Feng looked at the beautiful figure, and slowly smiled at the corner of his mouth.
The flower of sin has bloomed.
Next, it's time to harvest the fruit ...
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