Chapter 228: maid

Li Siqi's appearance is comparable to that of beautiful gods. A luxurious ice-blue hair really reaches the waist, and the faint blue pupils are faintly mysterious. It seems to be easy to see through. The white skin has no flaws, like cherry. Lips seduce people with magical moments, not to mention that she is only fourteen years old, which makes adults feel a sense of care.
A golden fish tail replaced her legs. At this time, she was floating in the air, and the fish tail fluttered, as if the entire room had been purified, permeating the unique fresh breath of the ocean.
Legend has it that the mermaid is defined by its waist, its upper body is a beautiful woman, and its lower body is a beautiful fishtail in scales. The whole body is both seductive and easy to escape quickly.
The two sisters are almost like being taken care of by the Gods, their sister is a sacrifice of light, and her sister awakens the body of a mermaid. Moreover, the latter has a thick accumulation of hair and has achieved the silver stage in one fell swoop.
At this time, if Li Siqi couldn't believe it at all, she stared blankly at her tail. The glittering tail was shining with dazzling light.
Look wise.
It seems that the queen bee honey played a role, and Li Siqi was not like the previous life. When she awakened, she lacked energy and became an unwise person.
Chen Feng only used two bottles of queen bee honey to obtain the loyalty of the two strong men, which just burst into an upset.
The mermaid's body naturally controls the water system, and even more, she has a strong affinity for aquatic creatures. Chen Feng wanted to control the river occupied by the ogre, which was originally a difficult thing. After all, the creatures in the water also mutated, like Those who are not permeable to the water go down completely, just give it away.
But it's different now.
Owning those creatures in Li Siqi to soothe the river, it is entirely possible to use the river for its own purposes, and build it into an ecological garden, which can continuously provide fish for the order.
His legs were melted into a fish tail. Li Siqi seemed to be suffering from some kind of pain. Li Siyu saw her sister was so distressed that she immediately performed the holy light technique, and the warm light was like the drizzle of spring. , Silently moisturizing the sister's skin, gradually warming up.
Li Siqi first felt pure pain. Slowly, she felt that the pain seemed to diminish a little, followed by a rising, plumping warmth, like wearing on the cool blue sea beach Sunglasses are the same as sunbathing. Although not very comfortable, the feeling is really good.
In the process of calm healing, her picturesque thin eyebrows were occasionally raised during the healing process. Most of the time, she was very calm. The eyes reflecting the rouge sun were bright like lake water, and the beautiful eyebrows carried the faded childishness. Add a different beauty to its frequency!
I have to say that the appearances of the two sisters were only considered to be superior. However, the ability to awaken has a bonus effect, a bright sea and an ocean, and the two sides complement each other. The other's impulse. My novel can't be so pitted
Wei Xun stood aside, completely speechless.
On the one hand, he lamented the amazing transformation of the two sisters Li Siyu; on the other hand, he felt the bitter cold of Chen Feng's vision.
Maxima often exists, but Bole does not often.
It was as if Li Siyu and Li Siqi were in the eyes of everyone, they were all scum-like goods. They would never look at them again, but Chen Feng brought them back.
But it turned out that Chen Feng was right.
At this moment, Wei Xun only felt that Chen Feng was mysterious and unpredictable. A strange idea appeared in his mind. Can adults predict the future?
Shaking his head, Wei Xun felt that the matter was unbelievable.
But in any case, Chen Feng once again refreshed Wei Xun's world view, making his respect in his heart once again rise to a level.
Gold can be found in the silt.
This is simply not something that ordinary people can do!
Li Siqi gradually adapted to the fish tail on her leg, and the pain on her face became less one after another. At this time, she nestled in Li Siyu's arms, and she had an inexplicable weakness.
The two sisters have already fallen into the hands of Chen Feng. It is simply fish on the cutting board. No matter how slaughtered Chen Feng is, they will call each other to sleep. Even if they are unwilling, they have to smile and serve.
Is power useful?
Of course it works!
Drunk lying on the knees of beautiful women, wake me up to kill the sword.
Unconsciously, Chen Feng already has the ability to dominate the fate of others.
Looking at Chen Feng, although Li Siqi was young and didn't know what to say, Li Siyu was careful and said, "Sir, our sisters rely on you to rely on you to have today, what arrangements, you say it."
There is no free lunch in the world. Li Siyu is not stupid. He knows that loyalty is not enough. He must make some achievements to show his value.
"There is no arrangement for the time being, but I lack service, and your sisters will leave me to clean the bed and take care of my life." Chen Feng calmly asked for a request.
Li Siyu heard that her body shook and she shook her sister's shoulder, but she did not refuse. She sent it under the fence. Although she was awakened, she knew her current status. [System] Beauty Star
"Yes, my sister and I will take care of the adults carefully." Li Siyu hesitated for a few seconds, then bowed his head, bowing his head like the other.
"Well, Wei Xun, go and find some clothes for them to change and just woke up. Their ability is not stable. Take a few more bottles of blood honey and give them daily."
Chen Feng remained calm and ordered Wei Xun a few words.
At this time, Wei Xun's expression to the two sisters Li Siyu was suddenly a little funny. Don't look at her daily work, but just serve other people's daily life, but the question is who is serving.
It can be said that with only half a day's effort, the two sisters reached a height beyond the reach of others.
Wei Xun's mind turned, in addition to blood honey, he himself needed meaning, which is to plan ahead, to serve the daily life of adults, who knows, what will happen more intimate things.
In any case, can not be evil with them, figure out all of this, Wei Xun's attitude changed, and he spoke kindly: "If you have any questions in the future, you can always ask me."
"It's troublesome ..." Li Siyu bowed her head and smiled.
"It should be for the work of grown-ups." Wei Xun calmly, and by the way smacked Chen Feng.
The two sisters Li Siyu and Li Siqi awakened successfully ~ ~ Chen Feng is in a good mood. If used properly, the hearts of the order can be regained, and even, it is also very beneficial to the management of his followers.
The people around were relaxed. Except Chen Feng left the door, the other two women returned to their room to rest and adjust.
Chen Feng sat up for a while, and at noon, a knock on the door disturbed him.
"What's the matter, let's ..."
The door opened, and a soldier from the guard camp came in, and his waist was slightly curved. He said respectfully, "Sir, Mr. Xu Hongzhuang from the bridge, and Major Xu sent a notice, saying yes, what you want , Just put it in the training room and wait for you to get it. "
"Oh?" Chen Feng raised his chin, but he did not expect that Xu Hongzhuang was so efficient in handling things that he had just promised yesterday, and he arranged them properly today.
Silver monster.
It just happened to be used for a blood sacrifice and a new helper.
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