Chapter 282: Joined forces

In the last days, the first cold current invaded this land.
In the memory, at least tens of thousands of people were frozen to death and frostbite because of this cold current. It was a scene of mourning, and countless people fell into stiff ice in the snowdrifts.
Everything came too suddenly.
The snowfall was more than ten centimeters almost overnight. In previous lives, it was too late when the high-level officials reacted. Those who survived escaped the attacks of monsters, but eventually died of natural forces. before.
But now ...
All this turned around because of the arrival of Chen Feng.
Xu Hongzhuang stood on the window, looking at the white field outside, her eyes filled with incredible eyes.
For the sake of revenge, this bridgehead leader who hesitated to become a betrayer and pulled out the conservatives by himself, at this time, is like a little girl, without concealing the surprise and panic on his face.
Turning his head, Xu Hongzhuang looked at Chen Feng, who was quietly drinking tea, sitting in a chair, surprised, "How did you know that there would be this heavy snowfall?"
Chen Feng's face was normal.
After seizing power, Xu Hongzhuang was pressured by her heart during this time. Every day was like an expressionless puppet, and now she has a sense of flesh and blood.
how do you know?
Chen Feng experienced this scene at the beginning. The most tragic thing was that at that time, he was still performing missions outside, and the cold current attack, even he was frostbite. After paying some price, he found a therapist to cure it completely.
However, Chen Feng would certainly not say so, even if each other is already a cooperative relationship, but due to personality factors, Chen Feng will not reveal himself to anyone, the deepest secret.
"I have a professional who can accurately detect the weather. He foresaw the cold current, so we avoided a loss."
More than avoid.
It's just an escape.
Xu Hongzhuang faintly remembered that Chen Feng had found herself not long ago and said that she would build a number of burrows. She did not agree with this measure of labor and money damage. After all, there are still many places where Qiaodong consumes materials and manpower. In her opinion, the burrow like water off a duck's back.
But forced by Chen Feng's insistence, she had no choice but to agree.
But who would have thought that today's heavy snow had no doubt hit her with a slap.
I dare not imagine that if Chen Feng's proposal was not accepted, those survivors living in wooden houses and stone walls would not know how many people would die.
This is a masterpiece of Goblin.
As Chen Feng's slaves, in order to express themselves, the group of guys even used housekeeping skills, and this heavy snow gave them a chance to perform.
Because living in a harsh environment, goblins don't build very tall buildings, but build their own kingdom underground. By doing so, not only can they hide their tracks, they can't be easily found by the enemy, and more importantly, the cave Keep the temperature away from the cold.
In a week, the goblin showed superb standards. With its amazing architectural talents and some staff, it even excavated hundreds of pits in the east of the bridge.
These burrows range from 300 square meters to 500 square meters. Although they are a little crowded, compared to being frozen outside, this is already a very happy thing.
In addition, some high-rise buildings were also opened to the affected people in advance. Some people were arranged in the early days of snow.
In terms of food.
The resources of Qiaodong alone can only meet the normal consumption in the past. There is still a big gap to fill the stomach, but all this has changed after Qiaodong and the Economic Development Alliance formed an alliance.
After a period of accumulation, the worm meat reserves in the economic development zone have reached an alarming amount, and at the same time, the first batch of mutant food has been harvested.
The yield of light mutant corn reached hundreds of thousands of kilograms.
Variation corn.
A mutant plant.
Unlike ordinary corn, this kind of corn can grow up to half a meter in length and full of grains. For ordinary children, three or four can fill the stomach.
The only drawback is that this kind of corn has been completely remodeled by Truman. Although the volume is increased, the taste is lacking, dry and tasteless, and there is no ordinary corn aroma.
But what time is it now?
As long as there is something to eat, who cares about the taste of food?
Not to mention that it is dry and tasteless. In the case of extreme starvation, some people even mix the bark with soil and dare to swallow it.
Not to mention, some places will even dig up the body of the deceased. If it were not hungry and crazy, who would be willing to become that kind of cannibal demon?
The subsidy for food has brought a strong vitality to the entire Qiaodong. It can be said that, in a fundamental sense, the previous food shortage has been resolved.
In addition to the daily support, as long as you go to work, the rewards an adult receives can fully support a family of three, and even if you have a good work attitude, there is still a chance to get a piece of dried worm meat.
For people in the Economic Development Zone, all this is unthinkable.
People take food as their heaven.
Originally some conspirators were hiding in the corner, waiting for some disasters to come out and defeat Xu Hongzhuang. After all, the way the other party seized power was really difficult for some people to accept.
Hong Jiuling has diehards. As the soul of this city, isn't Feng Zhiyong there?
However, no one expected that because of the delivery of materials in the economic development zone, the so-called conspiracy had not even appeared, and it was overwhelmed by the crowd.
If there is food, who will give up a good life for no reason?
This is the reality.
A poor man was poor without a grain of rice. At this time, you send him a few bags of rice and a few bags of noodles, and he will be grateful for your life, and he will be satisfied;
A pair of lonely old men leaking rain and wind around their houses in winter. You go over to help him repair the house and help them fetch, he will burst into tears, he will be grateful, and he will be satisfied as well;
This is the satisfaction of this social group. There are not too many extravagant hopes, not too many demands, not too many ideas.
For Chen Feng, he might do all this for his own sake, but for those survivors, there is nothing more important than that.
Of course, this is just the beginning.
In Chen Feng's plan, they overthrew some buildings, and then built a sturdy house on the original land. There is no end to the end. What he has to do now is to make this land a real battle fortress and a living city.
In addition to this, the road from the development zone to Qiaodong also needs to be opened.
He needed to go down and build a road directly connecting the economic development zone. The road along with it was damaged due to some earthquakes. Now, Chen Feng is trying to repair this continuous road.
It is estimated to be about 30 kilometers. At this level, it doesn't have to be very flat. It just needs to be too potty.
Now that we know that the insect tide will come soon, of course, Chen Feng must make all preparations. This road is the golden route of reinforcement and retreat. In case of any situation, both sides can respond instantly, not because the road conditions are not good. , What error occurred.
In terms of road construction, Goblin's special skills may come in handy.
In order to mobilize the enthusiasm of the other party, Chen Feng promised that as long as each goblin participated in the construction for more than 5,000 hours, he would bid farewell to the identity of the slave and obtain freedom.
For goblins, this kind of thing is simply something that they ca n’t even think about. Because of their reputation, where they live, once the goblins are caught, the ending often ends in tragedy, not a more evil existence. To eat is to be enslaved to death.
But here, not only the air is clear and the environment is good, the most important thing is that as long as you perform well, you can even fill your belly and get freedom. Except for some sneaky and slippery, you will get a few lashes. In addition, it will not Someone deliberately tortured them.
I have lived in this environment for a long time, and even if I let them go now, the goblins will even stay here.
Everything is well organized.
In order to prevent the resurgence of Feng Zhiyong's forces, even Han Qiang was placed under house arrest. In order to take over the work of the other party and not paralyze Qiaodong, Chen Feng even dispatched Xu Zhe.
Nowadays, after the reshuffle of Qiaodong, the senior members of various departments are not only mixed with Xu Hongzhuang's contacts, but also have several figures in the economic development zone.
Regarding this ~ ~ Xu Hongzhuang did not show any dissatisfaction.
She agreed that the real reason for controlling Qiaodong was not originally for the sake of power. For her, the so-called power was just a tool that could manipulate the fighters and mobilize the situation.
At this time, she had already achieved her wish. As for Chen Feng who arranged some people to important departments, she just opened one and closed her eyes. As long as Chen Feng really resisted the enemy with her, she would not care about these things.
What's more, Chen Feng has nothing to do with it. Everything seems to escape his eyes. Hong Jiuling is like this, as is this snow.
Although they are at the cooperation stage, unknowingly, Chen Feng has occupied the dominant consciousness.
Taking a deep look at Chen Feng, Xu Hongzhuang said, "These days, the conservatives have been wiped out. In addition to the people killed on the spot, thousands of people have been captured, including some professionals. What should these people do?"
Strictly speaking, Chen Feng is a cold-blooded person.
Thousands are a terrible number, but for Chen Feng, as long as he is an enemy, there is no possibility of his mercy.
"If it can be effected, allow those people to abandon the dark, and if they still do not know repentance, send it to Mr. Fang, who happens to need a batch of experimental products."
Mr. Fang.
Xu Hongzhuang has been curious about Chen Feng's conquest of Mr. Fang. She really doesn't understand how the other party conquered the experimental madman.
To Mr. Fang?
Xu Hongzhuang could not help but hit a chill.
Once into the demon's laboratory, it foreshadows that these people have stepped into the Ghost Gate with half a foot, and have no chance to walk out at all.
Although it is known that this is the best choice, there are thousands of people.
Think about it, it makes your scalp tingle.
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