Chapter 437: Conquer the ocean

heavy rain.
The rain had been raining for a whole day, and the heavy rain was like a waterfall, and it was impossible to even peep at a distance of one meter.
Chen Feng made an urgent dismissal.
The soldiers around him showed a fearful look. If Chen Feng had ordered the harvest of grain as early as half a month ago, and then ordered everyone to enter a state of disaster recovery, the losses caused by this disaster would reach an astonishing level.
Now, everyone's eyes on Chen Feng have changed.
Some people who are careful will find that whenever there is a major disaster, Chen Feng can always make some preparations. It is because of this that order has avoided many losses.
This caused some chemical effects.
Ordinary people worship Chen Feng as a god.
There are even some legends about Chen Feng, such as possessing terrible powers such as exploring the future and prophets.
Most people choose to believe. After all, too many shocking things have happened in this world. At this time, after learning that their leaders have the ability to explore the future, the believers not only did not feel fear, but instead felt in their hearts. Full of heartfelt excitement.
What does this herald?
Chen Feng will rely on this ability to lead people out of their predicament and take precautions early when they are in danger.
Even the original hostile forces became much quieter in front of Chen Feng's god-like predictive power, for fear that the other party would find those careful thoughts in his heart.
As a priest of Chen Feng, Li Siyu will certainly not miss this opportunity. In this incident, after rendering some technical processing, Chen Feng's reputation rose to a new level.
In just one day, the power of faith increased by a fifth, and the body was strengthened again ...
Chen Feng sat in the room, looking at the heavy rain outside, his face filled with a little sadness.
"It's too dangerous."
In the previous life, a torrential rain coded as [Destruction] hit the surrounding land. This torrential rain not only caused the destruction of all the surrounding crops, but also resulted in the death and injury of people.
In this land of the last days, no one knows what will happen in the next second.
And people have been forced to get used to this situation.
There will always be some deviations in human memory.
Although Chen Feng remembered the heavy rain, the exact day was uncertain, so as early as half a month ago, he ordered the harvest of all grain.
On the other hand, all the residents near the low-lying areas were relocated. At this time, the underground ditches built in the city played an important role in preventing excessive rain, which caused the water level to rise.
This is the last heavy rain.
This land will usher in a short period of stability.
Maybe the weather won't bear too many disasters. After this heavy rain, the surrounding environment will gradually stabilize. In addition to the heavy rain that often falls, frequent earthquakes will enter a dormant period.
This is human opportunity.
In the previous life, the bridge east, which had already experienced a series of monster attacks and natural disasters, had become so riddled with holes. It was through this period of rest and recuperation that it gradually gained a foothold in this land.
"After the sun, I always need to see some rainbows." Chen Feng muttered to himself, sitting on a chair.
Because of early preparations, the injuries were not serious. In the eyes of other forces, this natural disaster was considered an outrageous disaster. In terms of order, the impact was actually not great.
What Chen Feng is thinking now is the future plan after the rainstorm.
Nearby resources have been mined.
The resources here are not minerals and food in the sense, but monsters.
With the rise of Chen Feng step by step, the existence of nearby enemies can be slaughtered. In this process, not only the sphere of influence gradually expanded, but also in this process, Chen Feng relied on the flesh and blood of the enemy. In order to get the energy needed for promotion.
It's not just Chen Feng himself, the guard who follows him, but also the diners on the chapter [End of the World Table].
Fu La, Wei Xun, Dark Elves, Lu Wei, Undead Mage, Bad Demon, and those soldiers around.
All are the beneficiaries of this "weak meat and strong food".
Now, with more and more diners on this table, food has been in short supply, especially at this stage of Chen Feng, those foods can only fill the stomach at most, but they cannot get the nutrients they need.
It's time to go out.
Chen Feng does not intend to continue to expand. The inconvenience of transportation and natural disasters have caused many changes in the world.
Rather than continue to expand and decentralize the forces, it is better to keep one acre of one-third of your land and slowly develop and expand slowly, and wait for the number of people and weapons to go further, and then open up a new territory.
This is also the main reason why Chen Feng gave up the economic development zone. Humans in the last days are a rare product. Instead of fighting in isolation, they might as well be integrated together. No matter what they do, they still have a care.
Order stopped for better growth and digestion.
However, Chen Feng couldn't choose this comfortable life for the sake of enjoyment. The strong men around him had been slaughtered. Not only the devil, but even the dragons have beheaded two, and reached the golden stage. On ordinary monsters, Chen Feng has no energy intake.
In this case, he needs to go out and take a look at the outside world.
This is the main reason why Chen Feng builds ships.
Wealth, fame, power.
The vast area, which is countless times larger than inland, has endless opportunities and [food].
Chen Feng needs strength. Naturally, he needs to pay some equal price. When he chooses ease, his strength will stop, and when he looks forward to being strong, he will face various challenges.
He is not a hot-blooded young man.
Of course, Chen Feng will not be stupid enough to go alone, so before that, he needs to build a powerful fleet.
Over a period of development, there have been as many as 13 poems parked in Gutang Port. These boats are not small fishing boats, but have gone through the work of skilled craftsmen and professionals.
Each ship is equipped with a living room, treatment room, canteen, and rest area, which can accommodate 150 people at the same time, and on the deck, it is also equipped with six magic martial artillery. The daily reinforcement of the person will not break in one hit even if they encounter the iceberg.
These more than a dozen ships can be said to be the pinnacle of order. Even if they can not be called artifacts, they are still rare gems, and they will exist as hegemons in the ocean.
And this is where Chen Feng's confidence lies.
These ships are mobile [order ~ ~] Although Chen Feng chose to explore, he also has absolute support and stability.
Chen Feng opened the window.
The torrential rain outside slammed into his face instantly, but at this time, he turned a blind eye.
He has conquered the land under his feet.
There, the so-called memory will have no meaning, and everything except the battle experience needs to be revisited.
But instead of fear, Chen Feng had an inexplicable excitement.
Unknown territory.
He looked into the distance and walked through the dense forest, as if he directly saw the flowing ocean.
At this time, Chen Feng seemed to beckon him if he saw it.
That's where he wants to conquer!
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