Chapter 48: Be careful

There was a sound of light footsteps from a distance.
This is a young man with short hair and long beard, covered with dust. The most iconic appearance is that he is carrying a rice bag in his hand, among which there are treetop leaves, moldy flower rolls, and even rotten meat.
The man was working in a state-owned enterprise before the end of the day. He was young and promising, and was highly valued by his boss. It won't be long before he will be sent to study abroad. When he returns, he can take the position of director.
Parents are alive.
My wife is gentle.
I also have a pair of sons and daughters. It can be said that he is definitely a winner in life. But who can think of it, after he woke up at home, everything changed dramatically.
The streets are full of countless monsters. He can see clearly upstairs. The daughter of the brother Zhang Zhang next door, a lovely junior high school student, is always polite when he sees himself. I heard that she has taken the college entrance examination and it won't take long. , Will go to the most famous high school in the city, but the end is coming ...
There was a corpse spot beetle crawling on her body. The beetle was the size of a small calf. This lovely girl was bitten into two pieces. The schoolbag was set aside, stained with the owner's blood and internal organs.
The man was directly frightened. He shivered and sealed the doors and windows of the house with tools. In this way, he spent a whole dozen days.
But today, he opened the door and window, and stomped out of the door.
Do not!
He is too hungry, not only himself, but his wife and two children have n’t had enough food for a long time. If they do n’t find some food, they ca n’t even survive for two days, and they will starve to death.
This state of men is more starry in the future.
A career at the bottom of the doomsday.
In the wild, they are like rats, wandering freely, going out early and returning home every day, and making use of the waste to survive.
In a sense, this is the most authentic portrayal of the survivors at the bottom. They have no home and no strength. Because the terrain is remote, even troops and judges will not set foot there.
没有 No piece of land in this world is safe. Even in the deserted wilderness, there are still countless bugs and zombies. These monsters roam around and hunt humans for food.
In such an abandoned situation, the lives of survivors can be imagined.
The scavengers are the products of this cruel life. They go out early and return late, and use their hands to scavenge in the wild. The food is mostly from some plants and fruits.
No matter how good a man was before, now ...
He is nothing more than a scavenger.
Carrion in barley bags.
Monsters in the wild will also fight to eat. This is the remains of a blade mantis. It does not know how long it has died, and even the flesh has begun to rot, giving birth to maggots, but for men, this is also life-saving food.
He can't care so much.
The supermarket in the community was occupied by a group of zombies. He didn't dare to approach there, and there were too many dangers outside. He could only try to find food nearby.
Even if the meat ca n’t be eaten, the maggots in it can also be used as a protein supplement for strength.
The tartars were forced out. Those spoiled rich people used to eat the treasures of the mountains and seas in the past. It is not fragrant when they see it, and it is not fragrant when they see it. It is definitely a model for picky eaters.
But in this last day, food is definitely the most important material, not to mention the mountain and sea, even the moldy steamed bun may trigger a battle.
What kind of despair is Xun, so that an emperor arrogant is ecstatic to see Ascaris?
的 The hostility of the environment and the low level of strength will only make this situation worse and worse. Even some people at the bottom have never tasted a piece of meat from life to death.
Of course, there are exceptions.
Hogs, sheep, and cows are monopolized by the upper layers. Ordinary people may not even touch them. However, there is a kind of meat that is extremely cheap and available at hand.
That's ...
When despair comes, man will become more crazy than the beast.
"These foods are almost enough. Tomorrow, I'll come out tomorrow ..."
A large-scale massacre took place in Qiongqu, and scattered meat residue and broken bones can be seen in any corner. Every step, even every second, is a torment for him.
"Meow meow……"
Alas, just as the man was preparing to go home, a weak voice shocked him.
The man yanked the grass away, his body was tight, and his eyes were full of alertness. There was no danger in the surrounding area. He slowly started to walk and walked deeper.
I see a red creature.
The appearance of a cat is a cat, who curled up and fell to the ground, whimpering from time to time, looking very weak.
"Alive, can you eat?" The man was puzzled, and he took a tree branch and nudged it gently.
This thing is softer than the man thinks, and it ca n’t be said, it ’s like there is no bone. With a slight touch, the branch collapses.
A cat dying?
The man's eyes were a little shiny.
The tortoiseshell cat has a good taste. Although the taste is not as delicate as that of pork and the chewy strength of beef, it is much stronger than the ascaris in hand.
How did he know as a cat lover in the peace era?
I was trapped at home. As early as the seventh day of the doomsday, he killed and raised him for four years, and accompanied him through the lonely fold ear cat, Button. This is its name.
I'm so sad!
There was some sadness in the man's eyes. He clearly remembered that he was very hungry and twisted the cat's neck with his own hands.
Raised from a young age, Barton is extremely human and not bothered. When he is busy with his work, he always likes to lie quietly beside him, just like being with him.
When he twisted off Barton's neck, he even rubbed on his trouser legs.
Grilled skin and bones.
I cried and cleaned the shreds on Patton's calf.
Do you regret it?
I regret it!
Xun Shengsheng pinched his pet, but he watched Barton grow up, cute Barton!
"If everything comes back, Button, I will still eat you!"
I'm so hungry!
I have never experienced hunger, I do n’t know what kind of pain it is!
I do n’t want to kill Barton, my children, my wife, and myself are going to die. There is no way, this is no way!
The man's pupils have already become flushed, and he swallowed saliva. Nowadays, where does he care about whether the other person is dead or alive, as long as he can eat, nothing is a problem.
A scavenger will devour anything that can fit into his mouth.
Even though the cat in front of him was weird, the man had already thought about not so much. He reached out and wanted to take it back for a good meal.
The man stretched out his hand, and just as his finger was about to touch the weird cat, it suddenly cracked ...
Cracked? !!
The cat's body suddenly cracked, exposing the white flesh inside, filled with bile and white flowers, like brain and protein that magnified countless times, and the most amazing thing for men is a tentacle-like At the top, facing upright to myself.
How about a cat?
The tentacles suddenly straightened, and a needle-sized thing pierced the man's chest. UU reading books www.uukanshu. com
"What the hell!"
The man was so frightened that he felt a sudden pain in his chest. He tore open his clothes, but he saw a spike in his chest.
Cold, numb, stiff, dazed ...
The man's consciousness is slowly disappearing, his vision is dim, like a dark night, and the light is lost for a moment. Fear is spreading. He hastily tried to escape home, but his steps were much slower than expected.
His pupils gradually enlarged. After a while, the two eyes were completely covered with darkness, the skin was loose, starting from the chest, the skin seemed to be scalded by boiling water, and gradually became wrinkled, only a few minutes later ...
His body was melting, like a candle, and his skin and blood had all turned into a thick red liquid, and these liquids slowly flowed into the cracked cat's corpse.
After devouring a whole body, the red foreign body began to creep slowly, and after a while, a dark red, human-like body appeared on the ground.
The dark red blood was flowing on the man's lips, and there were even half of the maggot's body on it, but it turned a blind eye, like a puppet, sending out weak words from his throat.
"Huiyi, Xiaopeng, Xiaofei ..."
The man was lying on the ground with some names murmured in his mouth, which was shocking. He replaced the previous corpse and became a new bait.
Unknown creature.
The fate of the man, perhaps the moment he heard the cry, a thrilling rest ...
In addition to some dangers on the bright side, in the silent corner, there are also weird crises.
Darkness is coming.
If you want to live, you must be careful, then be careful ...
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