Chapter 507: Bloody collision

Ogres are unaware of the danger, and at this time, they are still preparing food reserves for recent days.
There is no shortage of food here, and there are no natural enemies.
After originally coming to this world inexplicably, the ogres spent a period of panic, but as time progressed, these guests from different dimensions liked this place.
Compared to the trembling life before, this is undoubtedly a paradise for ease.
There are no horrible undead creatures, no treacherous human wizards, and no terrible orcs dedicated to plundering themselves as slaves. There is no danger here, only prey.
Even if it's a terrestrial dragon, in the face of more than three ogres, they can't eat good fruits. They like to use thick trees as weapons, and they will make some simple traps. When only the bronze-level earth dragons fall After the trap, they appear with boulder and trees.
Everything is determined by strength.
Ogres have the habit of storing meat, and there are some stones around them, and on them, there are countless corpses.
On it are bugs, beasts, and some familiar bodies, just like people make bacon. These corpses are placed on stones, air-dried, and then made into jerky for humans to eat.
There are a lot of ogres. These guys like to store enough food. After all, in the previous harsh environment, food outages may occur at any time. Therefore, they will eat half of them when hunting in the past, and then Store the lower half.
Now, even in a world without natural enemies, they still inherit this habit.
And on the side, from time to time, some young ogres came over, tearing some minced meat from the jerky, and put it in the mouth.
And some female ogres followed, clapping their opponent's buttocks hard with their hands, making some laughter.
This was supposed to be a scene of harmony and beauty.
But this changed a little when the young child turned into a face with a length of eighteen meters and blue teeth.
Giant baby?
Just a bunch of monsters.
At this moment, a few oval black objects fell to the ground, and the young ogre saw this novelty, even without thinking, and put it in his mouth.
Ogres are mentally retarded creatures, and this deficiency is especially noticeable at a young age.
They do n’t even have the ability to separate food, so when they see something, they put it in their mouth to chew, and after the tongue sends a signal that they can eat, the ogre will swallow it. inside.
The only good thing is that the ogre has some resistance to toxicity. Otherwise, the Shennong spirit alone, most of the cubs will be killed by poison every year.
Several companions gathered around each other and stared at each other's mouths. They regretted that they were one step slower than the other, causing others to try.
They want to hear what the other person said about the food.
The ogre boy contained this dark, icy, cool, hard case, which seemed to be inedible.
But the ogre is not like giving up.
He also wanted to make a final attempt. As he grew up, he contained too many hard foods, such as stones and pebbles. As a taster, he can only taste the real taste when the food is bitten .
The ogre opened his mouth, and while it was trying to bite the food with his teeth, a "bang!"
In addition, there is the head of a young ogre. The huge head completely becomes a pool of minced meat. The power of the explosion is so amazing that the companions watching around are all iron flakes containing corrosive acid. The splashes, all of a sudden, fell to the ground.
And in Ruo Da's camp, there were blasts in more than ten places, and those ogres were naively playing in their hands, but who can think of it, it will turn into a pool of unconscious rotting meat in the next second.
The ogre is already stingy.
Almost instantly, a terrible change took place in the surroundings. The explosion took away the lives of thirteen ogres, and the wounded were countless.
The ogre is undoubtedly powerful, but in the face of the horrible hot weapon, it is still severely damaged, and the situation is far from getting better. Just while the ogre was still in a panic, rows of human soldiers came out and their faces Filled with madness.
In the face of the ogre, the soldiers did not show fear, but instead walked about thirty meters and pressed the trigger severely.
Thirty people were in a row, no meters apart, five rows were staggered, and a depth of three meters formed a defensive front.
A rough voice sounded in the crowd.
Immediately afterwards, the ogre was subjected to a horrible bullet attack. Like the high-explosive grenade just now, with some research, the bullet has undergone several reforms, and an acid-containing liquid has been placed in it.
The bullet has a corrosive effect and can break through the ogre's body like a leather armor. After a few seconds, it will explode slightly. The bullet is not fatal, but there are many toxic substances. These toxins are mixed with it. One drop of venom from several or even dozens of insects is enough to poison an elephant.
When he took over Qiaodong, in addition to the city, Chen Feng's biggest gain was a group of researchers. When these researchers collided with the last days, some chemical action undoubtedly occurred.
Although they are ordinary people, the toxins and other substances they study can often cause people great fear.
Like the bullets used by soldiers today, the model is [Viper], so extracting toxins is tedious, so there are only about 30,000 reserves.
The soldiers carried several magazines on their backs.
When hunting, it is mostly used for narcotic ammunition, which is convenient for capture and consumption.
And like now ...
Soldiers are allowed to use this special ammunition only when there is a war or an enemy that is difficult to confront.
[Viper] is undoubtedly immensely powerful, and the ogres were hit hard at once. Twenty or so ogres fell directly to the ground under the attack of ammunition and lost their fighting ability.
The soldiers approached little by little.
Chen Feng also followed, but his face was not so smooth. After all, he knew that the ogre had more than that.
Just between thoughts, a terrible trample sounded suddenly in the distance, as if the ground were to collapse, making people feel a little unstable.
Heavy armor ogres appeared, and they found that the camp was under attack. As the strongest of the camp, they decided to use the blood of the enemy to comfort the death of their companions!
In the course of running, those heavily armored ogres even turned their eyes red, and even their arms became a little thick. As for breathing, it was like a heat wave, and a white mist formed in the air. .
When God closes the door for you, he will open a window for you.
For most creatures with limited IQ, rage may be an innate talent, and now, after seeing the corpses everywhere, they are even more stunned by anger, and they suddenly rush towards the crowd Over!
The bullet sputtered on the heavy armor, everything was as Chen Feng thought. The heavy armor prevented the attack of the bullet. Even after hundreds of bullets, the heavy armor would also face the possibility of breaking, but as long as the ogre can approach The crowd is just fine.
These ogres are undoubtedly the elite in the ethnic group, with a height of three to five meters to four meters. As long as they can approach the crowd, even lying down, they can cause terrible lethality.
Witnessing the ogre's attempt, a scolding voice came out.
Many soldiers reluctantly aimed their guns at the opponent's body, trying to use headshots to block the opponent's closeness.
But how easy it is.
After turning on the bloodthirsty mode, the ogre completely lost his mind. Except that he would not attack his companions, everyone became the target of his attack. They swayed left and right. The so-called headshot plan of the soldiers was obviously not ideal.
But Chen Feng didn't sit still.
"Go on!"
Chen Feng said quietly behind him, and then a group of members of the dark rushed out.
It was like a dust passing by.
A heavy armored ogre was actually wrapped in yellow sand and attacked. It was the one who participated in the blood sacrifice and merged a [sleepless crane] into his body. This monster has a fiery personality, even if it has been fused, But it caused serious side effects to the other party. As soon as the other party fell asleep, the monster ’s soul would try to occupy the other party ’s body. Therefore, the professional had not slept for a long time.
However, Sai Weng lost his horse and knew nothing about blessings. It was because of the long-term tug-of-war with the monster that the soldiers took the energy one step further, and the mastery of the sand has already reached an intimate state.
Even more, he is one of the first strong men to enter the silver stage. In recent times, there have been some signs of breaking through the peak.
With the explosion of life ~ ~ The heavy armored ogre was actually wrapped in yellow sand, and the next second, the sand exploded from the inside, and the heavy armored ogre was still in a violent situation, his eyes suddenly Bian San was aloof, apparently without breath.
The power of the shadows was revealed at this time. This group of specially recruited desperates liked this collision more than ordinary soldiers.
The heavy armored ogre is in danger. Where they were hunters, where can you imagine, almost the effort of meeting them has become a beast that has been killed by humans.
Chen Feng did not act lightly. He just stood silently, watching the battle, and at this moment, he seemed to feel something, and suddenly looked upwards to the right.
An ogre in animal skins stood there, muttering something in his mouth, as if some terrible move was brewing.
Chen Feng's pupils were slightly shrinking.
The camp was beyond his imagination. Here is one ...
Ogre Shaman!
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