Chapter 509: Soul imprisonment

Chen Feng stared at the battlefield.
Hundreds of ogre warriors rushed forward like steel torrents, and they could break all the lines of defense in front of them at any time.
In this case, the momentum of human beings has fallen into disadvantages. It is not that the soldiers are weak, but that the ogre has stood up in this disadvantage, but has an indescribable spirit.
The ogre's body is filled with countless bloodstains, and even red blood plasma remains in the wound, but even so, these ogres are still running forward, even if some injuries are no longer able to charge, but they continue to crawl and slowly move towards the crowd Close.
And all this changes ...
All because of that shaman!
As a spiritual symbol in the camp, Manr is not only a gold-ranked strong man, but also the belief of all people. With it, this camp is like a stone pillar erected in a mound of earth, which will never collapse. .
The soldiers held their breath, and some even couldn't help taking a step back. These soldiers, accustomed to death and war, felt a little panic.
Chen Feng did not punish the other party.
The opponent is a caster. The shaman has a good soul attack, just those abilities, but it is just a superficial phenomenon. Chen Feng felt an absent pressure on him.
Manr tried to bring some shadows to the soldiers in this way, which is the same as Long Wei!
If only these fighters are in front of you, then this battle will definitely be defeated. During the battle, the damage caused by a caster often surpasses most combat-type powerhouses, because in addition to their powerful mental power, they also control Some kind of large spell attack.
Meteorite fall!
-Meteor fire!
The earth is cracked!
These are large-scale spell attacks. Some legendary casters can even summon meteorites from above. At that time, a wave of spell attacks may sink Quanzhou. In the presence of powerful natural forces, one ’s power appears It is so weak that even without even the least resistance, it will be completely crushed.
All this is an illusion.
As Feng Yan, Chen Feng has a strong sense of fire. At this time, he clearly felt the extremely active fire element on the shaman.
Just as a wizard will chant some spells when casting a spell, this spell is too powerful, the shaman tries to use the blood of the people to divert his attention. All the plots have only one purpose, that is time!
This spell is similar to [Big Character Explosion]. The hot lava will be sprinkled on the enemy's body in an instant. At that time, even if there is a dark side to guard, but the soldiers are defeated. Live!
The other party is an old fox.
As an ogre who hasn't lived for many years, it has even mastered the wisdom that the clan can't have. All this is just a bureau he set up.
Humans are the prey entering the game.
This may seem seamless, but in Chen Feng's eyes, he had nothing to hide from the beginning.
It's time to make a break!
The undead mage is just a bait to attract the shaman, and on the side, Erwin is the key figure in charge of the attack.
Erwin did not reveal his own strength. Unlike Fura's courage to go forward and the cruelty of the bad demons, Erwin accepted the belief from an early age that he was forbearing and acting like a pig.
Geniuses often die earlier!
If Fura is a cheetah, it will burst out with the strongest force to kill the enemy in a few seconds. Then Erwin is a deadly poisonous snake hiding in the lake. It never exposes itself. Only when the enemy enters her own attack circle will she open her venom-filled teeth and bite her!
Erwin was good at disguising herself. She took out the bow and arrow behind her back and stared at Manr. She was waiting for an opportunity, an opportunity for the other party to never turn over!
The undead mage is not afraid of the giant dog transformed by the fire in front of him. He is like a corpse without emotion and thought, standing there, wielding the scepter of bones in his hand.
Some black mist shrouded the body of the corpse ogre. After a while, fat guys weighing more than 300 kilograms and huge tonnages appeared in front of everyone.
It is close to the same measurements, saying that he is a ball and may be more similar. His eyes were small but fierce, and his body was a little different from Bai Huahua's greasy body. His two arms were dark red, and there was a faint smell from above.
It ’s like a corpse has been placed for several days, and the changes in [Giant View] have occurred. However, in the face of their former companions, they did not have the slightest expression at all, but faced difficulties, but in the process of running, Their bodies are slowly expanding, their faces are stunned, their bloodshot eyes are full of devastating suffocation, white smoke is sprayed in the nostrils, and the corners of their mouths cannot be suppressed, and the beast-like smirk is gradually enlarged!
-Corpse Explosion!
That is, when this group of monsters just came into contact with the ogre, the huge body was torn directly, and the deafening explosion sound left a large pit full of two meters directly on the ground. The instantaneous blasting force ignored the same or not. On the spot, several ogres were blown up and shattered. The whole body was lying on the ground motionless like a rag.
And the corrosive liquid is also extremely terrifying, falling green on the ground, and emits a strange sound of "嗤嗤". Waiting for a few seconds, the sprayed concrete floor turned black!
Under such a violent blow, the body of the blood corpse was torn directly, and a large odorous viscera sprayed out from it. Vaguely, in the center of those viscera, some creeping tapeworms were even seen.
The undead mage hastened the decay of the corpses, and these maggots are not just as simple as they appear. These bugs, which have been transformed in resentment, will penetrate into the wounds or other parts of the enemy, and they will destroy the enemy ’s thoughts. To make it a zombie with no will.
However, many ogres did not notice the danger, but stared blankly at the blasting companions.
This guy blew himself up!
The ogres around looked at the huge pit in front of them in amazement. The ogres leaning forward were hit hard, and the horrible explosion hindered their progress.
At the moment when everyone was a little stunned, Erwin grinned at the corner of his mouth.
"Dirty creatures are simply not worth living in this world!"
At this time, Erwin's clothes rose from the wind, and there was a unique spirit of fluttering fairy in her hands, especially her pair of phoenix brows, which contained a hint of murderousness, perfectly blended together.
"I didn't expect that Erwin's progress in such a short time turned out to be so great. He broke into a stand and entered the golden stage and realized the arrow's will so quickly."
"Well ... until her realm is in the previous step, it is very likely that this will continue to escalate. At that time, she will be the arrow, the arrow will be her, the man and the arrow will be one, and she will be invincible, and there will be Rose behind her. Respect for the evil god! "
Chen Feng muttered to himself, without any panic because of the situation on the battlefield.
It can be said that this small-scale battle was not seen by him at all. This is the power of the battle group. A golden-level ogre shaman does not need to mobilize too much power by himself!
A rage drove Chen Feng back to reality.
I saw Erwin chanting the purifying words of weeping at this time, and the power in her hand radiated a dazzling light. Immediately, she shined on her jade carved face, shining with dazzling beauty, which was so The beauty is absolutely incredible, and there is even a touch of sacredness.
Soon, a magma-like heat was burning in her hands, blowing Erwin's clothes, hunting and hunting, and her long red hair floated away. Instead of feeling messy, she gave it to people. A wild and unique mood.
The next second, Erwin reached out and grabbed into the void, and then there was a crack in the space in front of her. Like a trace of cutting, she raised her head, pointed her hand, and a dark light passed instantly!
Manl felt a fatal sense of crisis, and instinctively told it that the cast should be terminated at this time, but it had gathered its power to complete, five seconds, only five seconds, and the sudden flame would burn these enemies.
It hesitated.
But it was precisely because of the sacrifice of God for a few seconds that it pushed it into the boundless world.
Manl felt that he was hit by something, but he didn't feel the pain, but all the consciousness was slowly disappearing. This feeling has transcended fear. This is a kind of complete crushing, just like, His body and even his will are about to disappear into the void.
Infinite blood was scattered on the side. After the huge body burst, it was like a blood river breaking in the purgatory, and the indescribable stench swept the ground. At the moment his body broke, he even heard a lot of chills. Ghostly Voice.
"Soul imprisonment?"
Chen Feng looked at everything, and it seemed that he didn't even think that Erwin had mastered this special ability after entering the golden stage!
This is not a simple sniper. While shooting, Erwin also detained Manr's soul. A golden shaman's soul is simply priceless.
Manl is dead.
But there are some simple thoughts.
He saw with his own eyebrows being shot, and his soul was about to be imprisoned in the enemy's world in the next second. Its enemies, far more than the Lich, and a hunter around him, were watching him at all times. .
When the clan comes to an end, UU Kanshu will still be slaughtered like the winter of that year, this time is especially terrible, without its own shelter, not even a trace of blood was left.
Above the sky.
Man's soul looked down at everything around him.
Everything he does is for the clan, no ... it is not over ... even if there is a clan who survives, his tribe will not completely fall.
"In the name of the master!"
"Follow the ancient covenant, the humble slave prays to you with the power of the soul. I hope you can wake up from your sleep and kill these abominable invaders!"
Manr looked down at the various humans around him, and a look of violentness and madness appeared in his eyes. Instantly, his soul had faded a lot. At the moment that he was about to disappear, he slowly said, "Oath!"
— "Dragon Covenant!"
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