Chapter 537: Blast Wang Duan

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In the darkness, a ferocious voice appeared in the room, a huge and blasphemy monster. Its appearance looks a bit like an ape, and it looks like an insect; its skin hangs down in piles, and on its wrinkled head, it has traces of degraded eyes, and its head is about drunk. Shaking. On the forelegs that have been extended, there are widely opened hooks. Although he could not see any expression on his face, he could feel the cruel and vicious breath coming out from all over his body.
Empty ghost.
The empty ghosts are some lone hunters, born with the ability to enter higher or lower dimensions. Using this ability, they were able to obtain food, avoid enemies, and travel quickly.
They can peek through the dimension gap and easily monitor lower organisms. Their favorite hunting method is to appear in a closed environment while avoiding outside sightings and making sure that the selected prey cannot escape easily. No one knows how these predators choose their prey.
Only one thing is very scary. This is a monster that ignores space. In a short time, even if the prey escapes to other dimensions, the empty ghost can enter and kill him.
This monster has already entered the golden stage, and the momentum of the whole body spreads, making people hot oil poured on the body, making Yan Xiu restless.
Not only because of strength, but also because of the appearance of an empty ghost. This is a creature that even the five senses do not have. The cheeks are covered with wrinkled flesh, which seems to cover the features, but because of this, it looks even more frightening. It makes people feel uncomfortable breathing.
Yan Xiu stood side by side, unable to control his fear at all. At this time, he still seemed to be the leader of the dominating party, but a young girl who had been trafficked to the mountains, completely frightened by everything in front of him. Already.
Who is Chen Feng?
In his eyes, the other party only pressed his hand on Li Hongyi's body. Then, the other party's flesh began to languish, and then such a horrible monster appeared.
What Chen Feng is best at is not hand-to-hand combat. For a summoner, commanding operations is his best skill.
The eradication of Li Hongyi undoubtedly alarmed several other forces. The slaughter of Li Hongyi and a number of high-level officials was originally a matter that could not be hidden.
Moreover, Chen Feng never thought of concealing it. When he beheaded Li Hongyi with the thunder strike, he thought of this situation. The soldiers came to block the water from the soil. In the face of absolute power, any conspiracy was meaningless. .
Why did Wang Duan break in in order to lift this veil and see what was happening inside?
But he and Shi Xiong behind him could not imagine that Li Hongyi was dead, and in it, he was a real demon who was horrific than the horror of the sea curtain!
There was a flash of blood in Chen Feng's eyes. When he was here for the first time, everything needed to start again. If Wang Duan breaks in today, the momentum is already behind.
It is better to kill the other party directly. Even if they are evil with Shi Xiong, they can still knock on the mountain and let the remaining forces not rush into action.
As for joining forces, this is even more impossible. Chen Feng knows the ugliness of human nature. If he can show enough strength, when several forces are charging, who will stand in front of him?
Wang Duan was so fierce that he was on the verge of hitting the golden stage. At this time, facing such a terrible enemy, instead of being timid, he faced difficulties, and the momentum was even better.
He moved, there was no need to shoot in person, the white tiger virtual shadow in front of him was wrapped on him, seemingly slow, but in fact fast, forming a storm-like light curtain, and it was advanced for dozens of meters in an instant. .
At this moment, the wall of the villa suddenly burst, and then, an ugly figure suddenly appeared, and flung towards Wang Duan!
There are some verbose statements in the empty ghost's mouth, and no one can understand what it is saying, but these are not important. The important thing is that it is fierce, like a monster that has been suppressed for many years before the Buddha. When it appeared, there was a resentment around, which was disturbing.
Skeleton warriors are scary and scary, but compared with the ghosts, they are little witches. Although the ghosts are not undead creatures, they look uglier than the carrion, especially the wrinkled cheeks. The load of human fear has increased countless times!
The empty ghost rushed forward. There were no gorgeous moves, just a wave of his hand, and he shot at the tiger head.
The energy contained in the extremely hard hands was full of pure destruction attributes, and it waved up, and it reached the white tiger's head in an instant.
Wang Duan burst into tears like an irresistible force, his arms and bones rattled, and his entire body was backed up by the empty ghost's palm. Lower body shape.
"Ah? What kind of monster is this so powerful?" Wang Duan still looked like a flirtatious boy a second ago, but at this time, Hukou was cracked, and he stepped back a dozen steps, extremely miserable. Looks like.
Wang Duan was shocked. How could he have expected that the villain was still hiding such a monster, that he could persecute himself to such an extent only by his flesh.
But Wang Duan will not sit still. His eyes are harsh. He has been looking for an opportunity, an opportunity to break through his own realm. At this time, although the pressure on his body has doubled, as long as he can withstand it, he feels that he can break through. Limit and reach your desired state.
What's more, he is not without a backhand. General Blaze is also in the corner. He is just a pathfinder pioneer. Once he is in danger, his brother will definitely save himself.
It is precisely because of this backing that Wang Duan went to the banquet alone, and one dared to attack Li Hongyi's base camp, and even spoke well to those who blocked him.
Without any worries, of course Wang Duan was fearless and roared, and the white tigers around began to condense. However, the other side of the tiger's head trembled, and it didn't take long for a tiger's head to radiate more gold.
One white and one gold.
The two tiger heads possessed invincible momentum, Wang Duan leapt forward, the tiger's claws spread out, and scratched towards the empty ghost.
With a tear, the scary chest was caught with one or three bloodstains, but the flowing blood was not red blood plasma, but black corrosive liquid, and it was full of stench. Wang Duan just sniffed and felt his head faint. This caused the impacted figures to pause for a few seconds.
The empty ghost was wounded and roared up, perhaps because of too much anger, and his body trembled. A surprising scene appeared, and his figure suddenly became a little blurred. The next second, it turned out Completely disappeared to the ground.
Wang Duan's eyes widened and he didn't know exactly how the other party did it, but at this time, he felt an inexplicable fear, as if walking in the forest, locked by a giant python, and his body trembled.
He opened his mouth, his body shaking uncontrollably. At this time, where was he still the pride and momentum of the strong, but he exhausted his whole body strength and yelled into the distance: "Rescue"
Wang Duan's voice stopped abruptly, because his neck was suddenly grabbed, and it wasn't anyone else who was holding him by the neck, it was the empty ghost that disappeared from the spot!
The empty ghost has the ability to shuttle space. In a short time, it can perform some instant tricks, and this is why it scares countless creatures.
At this time, the empty ghost's chest was still dripping with blood, perhaps to vent his anger. He raised Wang Duan and slammed it on the ground fiercely. He only heard the sound of "Boom", and Wang Duan's back smashed the ground out of a cobweb. It was cracked, so painful that the lower limbs were arched like shrimp, and blood was spraying wildly in the mouth.
The virtual shadow of the two tigers condensed by Wang Duan, like a piece of paper, slowly broke and dissipated in the air.
He widened his eyes and was completely stunned. The tiger's virtual shadow is his protective cover. From the awakening to the present, it has never been broken. Do n’t look at the virtual shadow, but it is hard and unmatched. The titanium alloy must be ten times harder. How can it be broken like this,
But before he had time to exclaim, the other hand of the empty ghost raised it high, and his wrinkled cheek stared at Wang Duan, so that Wang Duan was so afraid!
"Dare you! Put me down!" Just then, a roar came from afar.
Obviously it is now midnight, but in the sky, a fiery red suddenly ignites, just like the sun goes down, making people feel a small sense immediately.
What can cause such momentum is that throughout the Xiamen, there is no second person except Shi Xiong. Wang Duan also heard the anger and repulsion of the other party, and jumped out of his heart, which settled a point.
As long as Shi Xiong appears, he must have no worries about his life.
Wang Duangang let out a sigh of relief ~ ~ But the empty ghost gave a roar, and then, the raised fist suddenly hammered down, like a 10,000-ton boulder blasted down, not only shattered his energy, His lungs were torn even more, and Jiuqiao bleed. At the next moment, the horror released his arm and raised it, and then fists out at the same time. At once, it was like blasting an egg. The whole body of Wang Duan was directly The flesh flew across, turned into rotten flesh, and scattered all over the floor.
There was no noise around.
Everyone was stunned by the scene in front of him. One of the most powerful players under Shi Xiong, and one of the strongest in the Xiamen talent is most likely to impact the golden rank, so it was blown up and scattered on the ground!
It is Chen Feng's will.
In the era of the strong, he told everyone with his fists. Even if he was just a newcomer, his dignity should not be underestimated. Whoever provoked him would have only one end, and that would be a dead end!
It is also at this moment, as Wang Duan was blasted by students, indicating that the entire Xiamen has become heaven
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