Chapter 584: Outbreak of despair

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It will be late.
In this quiet ghost town, two figures struggled up and down, and a series of solid and clear footprints remained behind.
Those are two boys!
The older ones look fourteen to five, and the smaller ones are only about ten.
They have deep concave eyes, gray eyes, and long-term nutritional deficiencies, which have made them look a bit like they are taking drugs and some are out of phase.
It's hard to imagine that there are so many young children in this harsh environment. They are tired and weak, but they haven't stopped in the slightest, and continue to look for something in this ghost town.
The two children stopped. They dug on the soft ground with simple tools. They were digging a kind of food called Taste. The taste was not very good and it was bitter and bitter, but it was a kind of food unique to Doom .
Once in the rainy season, these will appear in the soft soil.
"Brother, we are getting less and less food. Will we starve to death?"
On the side of the teenager, the ten-year-old boy was exhausted, his skinny face was covered with dust, and his eyelids swelled with tall black bags. Apparently, he did not sleep well in recent times. His The little hand also scratched a lot of skin, and gave out a trace of blood, but he didn't yell pain or hard, but just shivered his thin shoulders and asked the teenage boy softly.
"Don't talk nonsense, I can feel that we can find food right away, and hold on for a while, we will find it right away!"
Although the boy was equally stunned, his eyes were exceptionally bright and his voice was full of firmness. He believed in miracles and believed that what his mother said at first was artificial.
Zhang Ye, a 14-year-old ordinary boy, is more accurate. He is already a teenager and has lived alone for so long in this last day. He has already said goodbye to the boy's identity.
The miserable life did not make him despair. On the contrary, the obsession of protecting his brother filled him with fighting spirit. He believed that he could create miracles and turn impossible into possible!
Zhang Yi nodded, he firmly believed in everything his brother said.
In this environment with death and gray as the main melody, the dependence of the two brothers is the only motive that enables each other to live.
Although some food is distributed in the city every day, those foods are not enough to fill the two men's stomachs.
The two brothers have amazing food. When each person had a worm meat jelly, they needed to use several hours to find the ingredients, and Chen Feng was on the upper stage. The supply of worm meat jelly has clearly increased, but it is strange that it is increasing food. After that, instead of feeling full and full, they ate more food after eating for a few days!
Zhang Ye rarely communicates and contacts with strangers. Living in such an environment, he has already seen the cruelty of life.
When extremely hungry, humans will become a lunatic.
When food is scarce, people will stretch their sinful hands toward their kind.
Even if Chen Feng took the throne and changed these bad habits, the criminals would be executed as zombies once they were discovered.
But Zhang Ye had already developed a cautious character in the long road of survival. Even though the city's crimes had been reduced by many times because of the promulgation of the law, he still intentionally stayed away from the crowd.
The reason why he stayed away from the crowd was that he was afraid that those who were very hungry would start working for himself. It was not the time. At the very least, he needed to have the strength to resist and kill people before choosing to contact strangers.
Life is cruel.
Like this kind of digging right now, they still need to go through a long time.
In peacetime, it is only the size of an adult's thumb. It is a gourmet on the human table and is not lethal at all.
But in the last days, these creatures have also mutated. The smaller ones are as big as fists. They will vomit venom in the mouth. Although the toxins are not strong and will not die, they will also corrode the skin and form ugly scars.
At this time, the skin on Zhang Ye's arms was terrifying and scars were formed from the burning of the flames. It can be seen that in the process of arrest, he also paid a considerable price.
But there is no way around it. The brothers have an amazing appetite, and the worm jelly cannot meet the daily intake. They must use this method to stabilize their body functions.
But while the brothers were digging for food, a flash of lightning suddenly struck the sky, followed by a thunderous masterpiece. Before that, the starlight hanging from the sky was suddenly blocked, and the dim weather and sudden showers caused some of them to suffer. Scared, don't know what's going on around!
Living in this cruel world, Zhang Ye has a strong ability to foresee danger, and it is precisely because of this special perception that he can change his fortune several times.
And this is also Zhang Ye's most important hole card in these last days!
Although unlike other professionals, Zhang Ye also relies on this perception to avoid several crises.
For example, when his chest was tight during capture, he quickly led his younger brother and fled from the place. It didn't take long for him to know that there was a cricket with a length of more than three meters. If he took a step later, he would be swallowed immediately By then, not even the body could be found.
But now, when the thunderstorm comes along with lightning, Zhang Ye's heart starts to beat, that's a feeling that it won't take long for the heart to jump out!
Zhang Ye was astounded. This feeling far surpassed his previous perception of danger. It was simply heaven and earth, without any comparability.
"Flip-flops ..."
Suddenly, there was a sound of digging ground not far away, accompanied by a slight dust, a puddle full of people.
"Ah! Brother ... is a bug!"
Insects are inexhaustible, just like the sparrows and grasshoppers of the peaceful era. These insects pervade all corners of the city. Not many giant insects have been killed in residential areas, but in this ghost town, it is inevitable Some missing fish.
In the past, people rarely went to the beach and inaccessible places, because they were afraid that bugs would suddenly come out of the ground and kill the body after killing.
The major forces have their own affairs. Even if they know that bugs are a scourge, they will not waste their strength to clear up the bugs. The consequences of doing so will not make any sense except to weaken themselves.
However, not long ago, Chen Feng came to power and listed dozens of rules at once. Not only that, those dilapidated houses and dilapidated buildings have also been remodeled. The most popular among them is the show, the camp and the surrounding camps, there are scale bugs and monsters, All caught and executed!
For a time, the entire gorge was shrouded in blood, hundreds of thousands of bugs were caught, blood was drawn and peeled, and even the flesh was made into cans for the people to take.
This time, the survivors didn't have any objections at all, because the professionals and the management took the lead in eating these cans, and there were some healing professionals who showed that the cans were non-toxic and harmless, and that even the worm meat was refined and the meat quality occurred. Variations, long-term use, will also strengthen your body!
This kind of good governance is simply an astonishing change for survivors.
The original is an ordinary person, and they have no right at all, not to mention worm meat, even if it is poison, they cannot resist when the upper layer lets them eat.
At the moment, Chen Feng has corrected the absolute dominance of the professionals, and even promoted ordinary people to become management in order to deepen the balance. Ordinary people got the rights and changed from ants to decision-makers.
Professionals disagree?
Nothing terrible.
In front of Chen Feng, there is only one end to any reactionary force, and that is
For ordinary people, Chen Feng's achievements are no less than, because of his existence, ordinary people can experience freedom and respect.
Zhang Ye has always admired Chen Feng. Even though the other party seems cold-blooded and ruthless, everything he does has rules.
Even, Zhang Ye wanted to rely on each other more than once, but what did he have? It's just an ability to foresee the danger, and it won't be reused at all. Zhang Ye has self-knowledge, so he didn't go to the door to be loyal. He only thought that if the body could change again, he would take refuge, and then it would cause Chen Feng's Attention!
Bloody rain!
These four words are enough to describe the situation of the worm during this time, but it is this iron and blood method, and the worm is spared. This is simply impossible!
Moreover, Zhang Ye lived for a long time in the doomsday and had already recognized some bugs, but this kind of bug had never been seen before.
It looks like a flea, but it has three meters. What is more terrible is that the body is covered with tumors, some pus dripping on the ground, and there is an unspeakable nausea!
This worm is only a bronze step, which is the bottom of the worm world, but for two children, it is a cricket that cannot be crossed!
After seeing the tumor worm, Zhang Yi was so scared that his face turned pale, and his small body shivered. The worm in front of him was so terrible, especially the pair of worms.
"Brother, run!"
Zhang Yi was under ten years old. At this time, seeing such an ugly bug was already frightened, and she shivered.
"No, we can't escape. This is a flat road. We can't escape its tracking at all. We buried our heads. It won't stay here for long. As long as it's gone, we will be safe."
Zhang Ye learns to calm down through the years of wandering. At this moment, a fascinating light shot in his eyes, he slowly lowered his head, hoping that the tumor worm would leave as soon as possible.
After wandering for a year, Zhang Ye encountered countless crises. Each time, they passed through in shock. This time, he was also full of confidence.
He firmly believes that God will give himself and his brother a chance!
It's just that God didn't care for them this time.
"Squeak ..."
Suddenly, there was a humming sound not far away. With the slight dust rising, the tumor worm's eyes filled with resentment and greedy red worms radiated excitement and locked the two children dead!
It comes from the insect world and has some good wisdom. Looking at Zhang Ye's panic expression, he couldn't help showing a little ridicule!
Tumor worms are a kind of terrible bugs. They have venom condensed on their bodies. They have extremely horrible compound venom on their bodies. Once contaminated, they will spit up and diarrhea, or they will die instantly.
There is no comparable at all!
Zhang Yi pursed his lips and pulled the brother's horns hard. At this moment, he was like a sad young bird, and the whole person looked terrified.
Zhang Ye didn't speak. He clenched his fists and stared tightly forward, because of the excessive tension, a bit of blood was bitten from the corners of his mouth, especially the pressure of the spirit, which had already reached the extreme!
He originally had the ability to perceive danger, but now, this danger has increased countless times directly, like repeating a sentence in his ear, today you!
But even so, he didn't choose to run away, but instead went straight to the enemy and never stepped back.
It's not that Zhang Ye doesn't want to run away, but he can't. His brother is less than ten years old. Such a young age can't escape the pursuit of bugs!
"Squeak ..."
The tumor worm first observed its "prey", and then hissed, his voice filled with excitement. After discovering that the prey in front of him was no threat, he rushed forward at an extremely fast speed, looking timid and terrible.
"No, you disgusting bug ... don't hurt my brother!"
As a matter of fact, Zhang Ye ’s body has already been severely damaged due to the psychological pressure, and even walking is extremely difficult. For other people, she ca n’t stand the pain of this wild tide and fury, but Zhang Ye not only endured it, And still standing up, he gritted his teeth, as if to break his teeth, and ran forward.
His brother is his only relative, and even if he dies, he must protect the other!
Endless courage breeds in the heart. During this vigorous running, Zhang Ye's body is getting hotter and hotter, and he sees it as if something is broken in the body.
"Time pull!"
A burst of torn flesh sounded ~ ~ I saw Zhang Ye's skin cracked a little bit, and after a while, it turned into red blood, as if being pulled out of the skin alive, useful to say no Out of the terrible!
Zhang Ye's eyes widened and his heart rate suddenly doubled. He couldn't care about his fear and thoughts. He still had only one idea in his mind, which was to hurry up, then hurry up, and rushed to the other side.
Just at the moment when Tumor Worm was obsessed with "cuisine", Zhang Ye, who was determined to have no threat, actually endured severe pain and appeared in front of it!
Between the light and the flint, Zhang Ye directly penetrated the opponent's body. With a sound of "Zi", the tumor worm's head was obliquely marked with a white turbid blood stain. The dead can't die anymore!
Worms come!
For the Xiamen, it is simply a disaster, but when there is oppression, there is resistance. When human beings are exposed to life or death, they will also have a terrible potential!
Today, I don't know how many people died and how many people broke out in despair and gained new opportunities!
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