Chapter 592: Complete System 1

Fighting continued in the city. Although hundreds of thousands of bugs were besieged by humans and undead, some fish that leaked into the corner drifted into the corner.
A small number of the worms entered a densely populated area, and suddenly some survivors died innocently.
This is an unavoidable situation. It can crush the bugs and reduce the scope of death and injury to the current situation. It is already an extraordinary situation.
early morning.
When the sun is completely shining on the land, even brave soldiers will still be surprised to say nothing when they see this scene.
But this is not a time to cheer. Too many corpses fell to the ground. Most of them were incomplete, apparently swallowed by bug puppets.
Because of its proximity to the cracks, the Sutan camp was basically destroyed, and the home that it was so easy to build became an instant ruin!
Looking at each report in front of her, Su Tan was in extreme pain.
"Tell me, are the final statistics of deaths counted?" Su Tan kept working on government affairs, at this time, she had to figure out how many people died in this battle.
"Well ... the approximate data has been calculated ... the information we have collected and the list records ..."
"I just want to know the number of deaths"
"Number of deaths?" The tired red cotton froze for a moment, then his eyes were complicated, and he shook his head bitterly, saying:
"Before we just calculated it roughly ... everything came too suddenly. Except for the soldiers and God-given soldiers who died in battle, when the insect tide came, it was just when everyone was resting. More than half, 80,000 people died in the attack. "
All dead ...
This is really a sighing death figure ...
Su Tan did not dare to think that after this worm tide, bringing a series of troubles was the real difficulty!
The camp that was built with all the painstaking effort was in the tide of insects, just like the cricket flower, but it bloomed for a few seconds, and then fell.
Su Tan squeezed her fist, her face was full of unwillingness, and she saw the end, she knew the importance of power too much. Now that the insect tide is coming, all her plans are gone, how can she not feel angry!
While Su Tan was thinking, there was a sound of footsteps from outside, and then Chen Feng pushed open the door and appeared in front of himself.
"The coming of the insect world is not trivial. This city must be reunited as quickly as possible. I just came here to ask you a word. Do you agree?" At this time, Chen Feng asked indifferently in a linen robe.
"I want to say disagree?" Su Tan actually calmed down and showed a strong ability to control himself. After so many things happened, he could be so calm and apparently considered a talent.
"You do n’t know what the Wormworld means. This battle has not ended. Instead, it has just begun. I must integrate the strength of this city. All people and all professionals need only one voice. If there is a voice of opposition, it is good to destroy it. "Feng." Chen Feng's face looked awkward, but his voice was more than cold.
Obviously, Chen Feng has murdered himself.
Su Tan raised her head, only looking at Chen Feng, and slowly said, "Shunzhechang, Sinzhe is dead. This sentence you said, if I say nothing, will you kill me directly?"
Chen Feng shook his head and calmly said, "You are a personal talent. I will not kill you, but I will force you to bow down like me. By then, your life will be in my hands. Once I have a second heart, I will immediately Will know! "
"No wonder Lin Tianxiu's old thing will obey you." Su Tan said: "I don't want to be a slave, not to love the right in my hands. As long as the insects came, I knew that I had to rely on the strong to survive in this world. I Will be loyal to you! "
Suddenly, Su Tan knelt down: "I Su Tan swears to heaven, after that, she swore allegiance to Chen Feng and never betrayed. If she breached the oath, let the worm swallow me alive without leaving the whole body!"
Chen Feng didn't stop, and after she finished her vow, she helped her up: "One day you will know how right the decision you made today. As long as you don't break the vow, I will naturally give you everything you want."
"From now on, the Xiamen is divided into three sections, which are jointly managed by Lin Tianxiu, Yan Xiu and you. As for the survivors here, all need to be relocated!"
"Hundreds of thousands of people have moved away? Are there bugs in the cracks?" Su Tan looked surprised when she heard the order.
"You can understand that crack as a shuttle channel, this channel has been formed, there is no possibility of disappearing, that is to say, when the crack opens, it is simply not certain, not only your camp, but even this Everyone else in this city will leave here one after another and go to order! "
"Order? Is that the city you created? Even if there are many misfortunes in this city, but there are still millions of people, all of them leaving, how to go?" Su Tan asked his own question.
"You don't have to worry about this at all. The ships of order are ready for mass production. By then, I will naturally send people over to transport the population. Of course, for ordinary people, the order fighters and professionals will stay. It's scary, but when used properly, it can also play an unexpected role! "Chen Feng's voice is beyond doubt.
He already has a plan, just like this battle. Professionals have not actually died much. They are used to killing and war. They can adapt to emergencies faster, but those who survive are not. They are just ordinary people. Calm, but without the strength to support, will eventually die in the worm's mouth.
This time the Wormland offensive sent only a few pioneers. The next time, it is very likely that more scary bugs and an amazing number of low-order bugs will appear. Once a large area appears, it will be devastating for the population of the Xiamen. Blow.
The reason for the destruction of the Xiamen in the previous life may be like this. The insect tide was fiercer than fierce. Millions of people in the city were slowly declining during the killing. At that time, only tens of thousands of people survived. This kind of pressure directly caused It can scare a professional into collapse.
Chen Feng has already discovered that order is simply a blessed place. Even though there have been some dimensional cracks, there has never been a scene of such overlapping planes. His purpose is simple: to stop building wild bases, but to completely force Integration. Once the population here enters order, the number of people will approach 2 million by then. With the strong energy, even the newborns born every year will be a horrible number!
And Xiamen, Chen Feng will not easily give up. Compared with the cities where people live, his purpose is to make it a training base. Soldiers and professionals use this place as a military base. Once the insect wave erupts, it will be suppressed. Practice your ability and guts in the process!
Mastering here ~ ~ is equivalent to mastering a steady stream of meat. Except for a small number of insects that are not edible, the flesh and blood of most of the insects contain a lot of protein and energy. Ordinary people eat too much. It is very possible to change your physique and increase your chance of awakening!
More importantly, Chen Feng also intends to counterattack the insect world. Of course it is impossible now. Don't look at the endless sword in your hand. Once you rush into the insect world, the dense insects rush over, and you only have a dead end. After entering the legend, All this will change qualitatively!
At that time, Chen Feng had the ability to open the portal to the abyss. Worms and demons and countless undead creatures fought together. Chen Feng on the one hand avoided the pollution of the human world by demons, and on the other hand he could harvest countless lives like the abyss sacrifices. By then, it would be a good thing to kill two birds with one stone!
The plan cannot keep up with the changes.
Even Chen Feng did not expect that this would be the case. Before he brought Dumen to try to develop the planting industry here, so that the survivors can live a good life, but the advent of the insect kingdom had to let them Replan.
This is a migration about life!
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