Vol 2 Chapter 715: Brynden Rock

Brynden Rock
This city is the pride of the grey dwarves and the dwarfs.
Over the years, these little creatures created this place with wisdom and labor, and built a prosperous and lively city inside. Of course, it also attracts countless intelligent races, who come here from various places for a short rest, or trade, or settlement.
After a day and a half, under the guidance of the bear goblin, Chen Feng finally came to this city created by the life of the dimension.
No, it is not so much a city as a huge cave.
The city is actually a huge mountain peak. After hundreds of years of excavation, the gray dwarf and the dwarf have broken through the whole mountain and become the current climbing city.
There are many creatures in and out of it, demons, vampires, dark elves, and some of them are also wearing cloaks, wrapping themselves in solid figures.
"Is the devil?" Chen Feng felt some unknown breath on those figures, apparently, their identity was on the horizon.
The battle between the devil and the devil dates back tens of thousands of years. In the tens of thousands of years of killing between these two races, the hatred of each other has been portrayed in the bones. In the face of this situation, the two sides have not reconciled at all. Possible.
The exception is some cities created by intelligent creatures.
For example, in Dengshicheng, there are the rules of the gray dwarf here. The leaders here do not care about the identity of the devil and the devil. What they care about is just how much wealth can be brought to themselves by trade.
No matter how much hatred the two parties have in the wild, once you enter this city, everyone has the obligation to fulfill the rules here, and the violators will be executed directly!
Don't challenge any established city.
According to the description of the bear goblin, Dengshicheng is jointly governed by a six-member council. The gray dwarves and the dwarves all have legendary power. This is only the power on the bright side. As for the secret, whether it is hidden Something more powerful is not what a humble bear goblin can master.
"Did you come here to participate in the auction of sub artifacts?"
A lazy voice came from one side, and Chen Feng turned his head to look at him. The other side was a vampire in a gorgeous costume, and the other side was one of the dark creature's labels.
It is also an undead creature. It can survive for a long time by drinking the blood of humans or other creatures.
This is a self-respected noble race. No matter whether it is a man or a woman, he always has a proud look. The vampire standing beside Chen Feng looks only in his early twenties, but this race is good at maintenance. It may be thirty or Is much older.
The opponent's strength is the golden rank. There is a guard group of ten people beside him. Walking in the wild is a very dangerous thing. The golden rank is not invincible.
The ten-man squad consists of six vampires, a dark elf, and three tauren. This is a simple combat team with six assassins, an archer, and three melee fighters.
At this time, the other side's narrow eyes looked at Chen Feng. After seeing that the other side had only two bear goblins as slaves, his eyes did not conceal the contempt.
There is no strong guard, and there is nothing outstanding. Just a glance really makes people doubt how they lived through the dangerous wilderness to the Bryndon Stone Town.
"The master is asking you, why not answer, do you want to die?" The question of the vampire was not answered, which made an tauren angry and defend the dignity of the master. This is a task that every slave needs to perform. !!
The tauren are orcs, and most of the time they are angry. It seems that a very small thing can make each other angry.
Anger blinded its thinking. The periphery of Dengshicheng belonged to the wild. Fighting here will not touch the rules of the city. Staring at Chen Feng, the tauren took a few steps forward. It decided to give the offender some lessons. .
The cold, deep voice came from Chen Feng's mouth, and with this voice, the tauren opened his eyes in panic, it suddenly choked his neck, and seemed to be suffering some kind of pain. The time lasted for two seconds. At the sound of a "bang", the tauren's head is like a balloon placed in the sun, and it bursts completely!
The tauren fell to the ground, but compared to the previous fierce look, at this time, there was only a bare body. As for the head, there was only some flesh involved.
Seeing this scene, the other guards who had originally planned to come to the rescue also stopped involuntarily and looked at the figure shrouded in cloak in front of them.
Although Chen Feng didn't show much ability, but one word made the silver tauren headshot, which undoubtedly shocked many people!
The death of the tauren caused some turmoil around them. The creatures walking around stopped and some similarly low-key figures took a deep look at Chen Feng and continued to walk towards the city.
The remaining low-level creatures looked at Chen Feng with some fear, and their strength undoubtedly made them feel fear.
But this fear lasted only a few seconds, and was seduced by the corpse. They chatted and looked at the tauren without a head. The blood splashing around them, like a picture, attracted these chaos. s concern.
It doesn't matter if you hang high.
No one will go ahead for the vampire. In addition, their more hope is whether Chen Feng will make some new corpses!
"Pap ..."
A series of footsteps came.
Three gray dwarf guards. They are responsible for entering the city. They first looked at Chen Feng with dread, and then gathered their eyes on the vampire. The tone was a bit bad: "Here is the Stone Town of Bringdon. There are six great men His Excellency the parliament stands here, and no more force can be used to enter the city. If you violate the rules of parliament members, you all need to pay the due price! "
The vampire was dumb, and his pale face now seemed to have a trace of blood.
Apparently his men were killed, but these abominable grey dwarfs looked like a reprimand to themselves.
"This horrible group of gnomes!" Said the vampire in his heart, but he did not dare to reprimand the other in person.
This is the rule of the abyss.
The weak have no so-called human rights.
Glancing at the angry vampire, Chen Feng snorted, and then he walked to the city in front of him. This time, no one dared to block his way. Even other people who planned to enter the city held their breath and took it with them. Horrified and dreadful eyes stared at the three men.
During this period, even the grey dwarf guard did not dare to block the other party. Although Chen Feng was very low-key, when he just killed the tauren, he also revealed some power.
That's the power of legend!
After being glared by Chen Feng ~ EbookFREE.me ~, the vampire stayed in the place, as if he was lost, then he suddenly woke up and walked around the gate of the gate just now.
As for the life of the tauren?
No one will pay attention, even though the vampire is proud but not foolish enough to provoke a legendary powerhouse.
No one will uphold justice for it, and even the so-called [parents] will not go to Chen Feng for an argument because of the death of a slave.
The weak?
Death is dead, just like the stones thrown into the sea, there is no obvious ripple at all.
No matter what era, rumors are always the fastest and most widely spread. This land is notoriously bullying and fearing evil. Chen Feng doesn't want to be disturbed by some small bugs. Therefore, it needs to kill chickens and tamarins once to keep those little ants away from themselves.
However, at this moment, Chen Feng doesn't care about these small things at all. For him, exploring the culture of a race and observing auctions of sub-artifacts is what it will do next.
Xiong Da followed closely behind Chen Feng, looking at the faces filled with fear and dread, even though it was clear that the other person's awe came from the host in front of him, but this incidental enjoyment also made it feel a bit floating.
Xiongda is just an ordinary bear clan. As a race superior to goblins, it can't be changed. They are the lowest members of this land.
The tauren who hit Chen Feng before had arms that were even thicker than their thighs. They only needed one hand and they were easily killed.
But when facing his master, his head turned into mud.
"This is how it feels respected?"
Xiong Da enjoyed this feeling. At this time, he finally found his future goal. He hopes that one day, when he is walking on the road, others will use this gaze to stare at himself!
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