Vol 2 Chapter 754: Sink

No slightest stay.
Flutter slammed into the darkness for a moment, becoming more cautious.
A group of devil figures appeared. The gap between the front and back was only two seconds. They didn't find Fura, they just excitedly destroyed everything in front of them.
The fort was broken!
This is a very unpredictable thing!
Obviously, the victory has been achieved before, but unfortunately, the devil finally won the victory with the help of the tauren chief.
After Fu La successfully led the Demon Legion back to a round, the Demon Army moved forward all the way, and even fiercely broke into the Devil's Barracks. All this made the Tauren Chief more complacent, but Fu La smelled some at this time. The taste of conspiracy, at that time, she had gained some permission to speak because of victory.
Fura personally weighed the pros and cons with the Tauren Chief, and analyzed the devious character of the devil, but the victory over and over has made the Tauren Chief forgetful, and it was no surprise that it rejected Fura's proposal and even weakened Fur Pulling the number of teams, only one wolves were retained.
Victory again.
The Tauren Chieftain, along with three legendary powerhouses including allies and hundreds of thousands of demons, invaded the Devil's Barracks. They have been advancing all the way, and have even captured the opponent's hinterland. But when everything is moving towards victory, the Devil's Minions came out.
All this is nothing but a deliberate illusion of the devil.
The dead devil before were just some low-level devil, just like a cowardly devil. It was harmless cannon fodder. The devil used some negligible losses to lure the tauren chief into deeper. When the other party was eclipsed, it ambushed the surrounding high. Tier Devil begins to counterattack!
It is conceivable that in this extreme situation, a large-scale stampede of the Demon Legion occurred, and more than tens of thousands of low-level demons were stamped to death. In addition, the Tauren Chieftain also suffered two at a time. The attack of the devil officer killed the powerful Tauren Chieftain.
The Supreme Leader died in battle, which is like a blockbuster!
After learning about all this, the battlefield began to become subtle, and those allies who had a weak relationship began to be inward. They no longer moved forward, but instead led the army to flee when they were entangled with the devil and the other side.
The alliance of three legendary strongmen was completely disintegrated by the devil in the case of two deaths and one escape!
Fora will never forget that scene. Countless demons and dark creatures ran backwards like crazy. The leader fled to death, which undoubtedly broke the backbone of this army. At this time, they were just a group of broken ridges. Dog, how can you have the courage to face the devil!
Don't look at the faces of the deserters when they face the devil, but when they face their own people, they also show a very brutal scene. When they escape, those who are in front will undoubtedly hinder the possibility of survival in the back. In order to increase the chance of escape, they waved their weapons and claws to reveal the most brutal side.
The devil chased and killed the demon in front of him. For a time, there were sorrows and horrors everywhere. In a battle, the number of his own companions killed even more than the devil. This is obviously a satire!
Almost without resistance, the devil broke into this steel fortress, and for a time, the living creatures in this fortress were slaughtered!
The devil does not need to be captured!
Maybe I have seen too many ugly and mindless demons. For these beings, the devil has always tried to kill them. In their dictionary, victory means slaughter, not conquest!
The devil does not like to work with the devil. Even the beautiful succubus will only be reduced to playthings, not partners. The devil regards the devil as a pig, and in their eyes, the devil is a group of uncivilized beasts.
The killing lasted one day and one night, and the demons might know that it was the last moment, so part of them joined together in an attempt to resist the devil's slaughter.
But these resistances are meaningless. The Devil's Legion is advancing layer by layer. During the day, the city is full of thick plasma smell. Even though Fura is already familiar with death, in this environment, it is not insignificant. Frown, chest slightly dull.
Fura didn't choose to run away or participate in resistance. The most dangerous place was often the safest. At this time, she was lurking directly in the area where the devil had ruled.
The devil is desperate to kill the devil, but occasionally opens up to the dark creatures, they will enslave each other, and order the other to clean their camps and forces.
More than 20,000 dark creatures were recruited, including 5,000 tauren, loyal? Give me a break! This is the abyss. Everything is for the sake of being alive. Even the same race will choose between being alive and dying.
Obviously, these crazy warriors chose to live.
What Fula needs most now!
In the previous duel, Fura broke through life and death, and finally took a step forward, but want to truly enter the legend ~ EbookFREE.me ~ still lack some practical things, that is pressure!
Every legendary boxing master has completed the last step under the test of life and death. Fura had a chance to escape here, but what place is more challenging than here? There is a feeling in Fura, even though there are countless dangers here, it is also the key to entering the legend!
The bad demon burned a house, and a violent collapse sounded.
At this time, Fura took the opportunity to rush out. In front of him was a chain demon and a bone demon. The strength of the opponent was hovering at the peak of silver, and the sound of the surrounding collapse covered the devil's shriek. After a second, Fu stretched his fists straight and penetrated the two devil's chests.
The corpse fell aside, and the flowing blood stained the ground.
Fu La just glanced at the corpse, and fled at a deft pace, restarting hiding. This is dangerous because the Devil's Legion is nearby. Once the battle cannot be resolved in the first place, it may cause the attention of the surrounding devil. At that time, thousands of demons rushed from all around, and no matter how strong Fula could be, there was only one way to die.
It's dangerous!
Equally challenging!
In this environment, Fura felt her heart beating constantly. In addition, the blood was boiling at this time.
"One step closer to the legend!"
Fura took a deep breath and buried her figure in the shadows, waiting patiently for the next prey to appear ...
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