Vol 3 Chapter 867: teacher

In the days without Chen Feng, the order did not change much, even though it is already winter, everyone is still doing things in full swing.
In the last days, this is a picture that I dare not imagine.
With the doomsday coming, science and technology retreat, most forces rely on warm seasons to hoard food, and the winter is cold. Even the moving beasts and bugs are mostly hibernated. Food is hard to find. In order to reduce energy consumption, most people Choose to crouch in your place to stay physically fit.
But the order is different. Even if it's freezing cold now, the weather outside has reached about -20 degrees Celsius, but the silhouettes of the streets still come and go, a very lively picture.
Orders built new factories, which greatly increased the options for survivors.
Food factories, cement factories, slaughterhouses, etc., as long as they have hands and feet, as long as they can put their feet down to work, anyone can fill their stomachs on this land, and there is even a chance to accumulate some wealth and buy themselves What you need, weapons, armor, or a piece of land that really belongs to you.
As the population continues to increase, the order cannot be perfect, and even those survivors who can get a free house are just a place to stay for more than 20 square meters.
It's also common for a family of three or four to squeeze together.
Of course, if you are tired of this life, you can get a wider house for yourself by buying.
But this requires wealth!
People are not always easy to be satisfied, they will make themselves comfortable life through a series of methods.
In the past, the world collapsed. Everyone is like a pig and a dog. There is a point of stability that is already a luxury. How dare you want a better life?
But here is order! It was the power of Chen Feng's rule. The powerful strength became the support of this city. It is because of this sense of security that people try to find a higher degree of happiness.
Open a factory and encourage consumption. What Chen Feng has to do now is to stimulate the economy in the shortest time. He has to press on a pair of wings for the behemoth of order to make it fly.
It takes some time.
But Chen Feng has found the right direction. Whether it is a factory or land ownership, this will become fresh blood injected into the behemoth of order.
The ultimate goal of Chen Feng is not to captive a group of cowardly cowards who have lost their courage. He wants to stand behind and create a brand new civilization in this new era!
This ambition is very big, even a little crazy, but Chen Feng believes that he can succeed. After all, the order in front of him is on track. What he has to do now is to give the other party enough time to complete this thing!
"It's snowing!" A group of children just shouting at the corner of the street. They looked at the snowflakes falling from the sky and said excitedly.
Tuition is free!
Order should not only exist for decades. For Chen Feng, a long-term plan was set up in his mind long ago.
Teaching starts with the baby.
The first group of survivors of the order will always grow old. Compared to a group of atheists who do not understand awe, children are undoubtedly like a blank piece of paper. As long as what is written on it, they will become like that!
Chen Feng did not train the child into a killer like Tanjinju, but instead involved many courses. In the way of passing on knowledge, he started fighting classes by the way.
In addition, there are many special teachings not seen in peacetime.
"Goodbye, Jie!"
"We are leaving, Teacher Jie."
"See Teacher Jie tomorrow!"
A series of greetings came from the child's mouth, and the existence of what the child called Teacher Jie was not far away. She had a straight, slender leg, and a very tall figure, even if it was comparable to the model. , Is simply a rare beauty.
But such a beauty has two sharp corners on the head and a flexible tail behind her hip.
Where is this human, clearly a succubus from the abyss!
That's right!
What the children call Jie Jie is a physical education teacher. Her true identity is indeed a succubus!
A demon turned into a physical education teacher in the human world?
In ordinary forces, this is simply impossible to produce, but here is order, a place where miracles are created!
Anything that is impossible in the eyes of the mundane people can be realized here one by one.
Order is a multi-element force. In addition to humans, it includes indigenous people, goblins, ogres, and demons.
Before having a mind-reading demon, Chen Feng summoned the demons to serve as slaves on a large scale, and over time, some higher-level demons were also summoned at the same time. Compared with lower-level demons, higher-level demons undoubtedly have higher wisdom.
Even though the demons are cruel and chaotic by nature, the high-end demons have great wisdom, especially the succubus. They have a human-oriented appearance and are not particularly destructive. Therefore, after observing for a period of time, some succubus were promoted. Become the demon slave responsible for the caretaker's swing.
The low-level demons are a group of really humble and cruel street crossing mice ~ EbookFREE.me ~ They may not know what is called Grace Tubao, but they know death and pain.
The succubus' whip became the driving force for the other side to work. In this way, the demon took care of the demon and relieved the pressure of reading the demon until the other side died.
Just like humans, the demon with wisdom also has no lack of ambition.
Some succubi are tired of boring management life, they try to live a better life, they have had enough! Fed up enough to spend time with low-level demons.
Although order allows Dimension Life to serve, it needs to be examined at various levels.
After working in order for one year, there is no bad record, the year-end assessment is excellent, and then I have the opportunity to apply for other jobs.
Jie is a stranger among the demons. She doesn't like killing and torture, and her natural charm is not superb. More often, she likes to be alone and raise some small animals.
She hates the loud noise of demons, so when she was employed for one year, she did not hesitate to apply for a transfer. No matter what kind of work, as long as she can stay away from the life she hates, this is enough!
Perhaps the weird personality has been well known, and a succubus was even assigned to a teaching post in a special case.
She even has a name of her own, Jie.
Jie stood on the steps, looking at the children carrying schoolbags in front of her eyes, and there was a warm smile on the corner of her mouth. She never thought that there would be such a group of life outside the abyss.
She is not engaged in killing and betrayal, but is a daily teaching. She has witnessed the growth of the children, and enjoys the name of each other.
Jie Zi smiled from the bottom of her heart. She likes this title. If she can, she is willing to live here without a deadline.
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