Chapter 1028: Dad's First Love Daughter 9

Because the latest results came out, the online video about Zhou Zekai's interview was reposted madly again, indicating that this is what learns God! If it ’s not for God, how can you predict your performance so accurately ... This is definitely not something that ordinary people can do well?
Zhou Zekai took more than 200,000 yuan for the bonus, plus various guarantees from the teachers from Jinghua University. After all, although Zhou Zekai said before the national media that he had applied for Jinghua University, it did not mean that there was no other good in China. Schools are going to compete. Maybe the conditions are better. Will others be willing?
Therefore, even if many people know that Zhou Zekai applied for Jinghua University, there are still teachers who come to the school to publicize their school. By the way, Zhou Zekai thinks about it. The teachers here at Jinghua University are in a hurry and come directly. Zhou Zekai waived school tuition and fees, as well as free accommodation, etc. In short, it is very affordable.
The people in the first experimental high school are all happy, the students are happy, and the teacher is also happy. Those students who have a good relationship with Zhou Zekai are even more proud. When Xie Shiyan owed to his family, all of the first experimental high school caused Teachers all attended this teacher's banquet.
After all, everyone grew up watching Zhou Zekai from a young age. Every teacher has taught Zhou Zekai more or less, so at the teacher's banquet, these teachers were thanked by Zhou Zekai one by one, and Zhou Honghui sitting in the corner was ignored.
why? Although I went to the son's teacher's banquet, my teachers were all smart people. They knew that Fang Yaxian had divorced from Zhou Honghui. It is said that there was someone outside Zhou Honghui. They looked down on people who had a moral error. of.
I have to say that at some point, the moral standards between teachers are always stronger than ordinary people.
Since Fang Yaxian divorced Zhou Honghui, the school has even faintly isolated Zhou Honghui. Who made Zhou Honghui's teaching level different, and still sought after those rich parents in the class?
As teachers, what they hate most is such people! Obviously in front of students, everyone should be treated equally.
Zhou Zekai also did not talk to Zhou Honghui. In his opinion, this man is already a stranger and has nothing to do with him. Why? When he got married, Zhou Honghui didn't choose himself.
Zhou Honghui, sitting in the corner, drunk his head and drunk. In fact, he was sad. He regretted it. He regretted why he had divorced his wife. Now that his son has become the champion of the country, his parents called to ask, and thought of giving a teacher's banquet. As I remembered, I didn't tell the story of divorcing my wife. In this way, Zhou Honghui was naturally scolded by the Zhou couple on the phone.
In their opinion, Fang Yaxian was already a good wife who could not find the lantern! After carefully asking the son's situation, it was even more embarrassing to know what the son's first love lover ’s daughter was in charge of, but when they thought of Fang Mingrui's identity, they did not dare to make trouble. After all, there were officials in their families, but they were all ordinary. ...
In the end, he was only able to throw all the complaints to Zhou Honghui, so that Zhou Honghui gradually began to regret it. If he did not divorce, his son's glory now has a part of him ...
After the teacher's banquet, Grandma Fang gave all the bonuses made by her grandson to Zhou Zekai. It was a card she applied for. The password was grandson's birthday. She believed that Akai would not spend these money in a mess. Only then is this trust.
Zhou Zekai did not refuse, more than 200,000, enough for him to do a lot of things.
Just when Zhou Zekai got the money, some people sent it again. It is a very hot program of CCTV, "The Strongest Brain", which is to find all kinds of academic tyrants for pK, what kind of mental calculations, what kinds Questions and the like, of course, these are not important. The important thing is that once you participate in this program, the program group gives 500,000.
Zhou Zekai succeeded because of 500,000 hearts, and then discussed with his mother.
"Akai, are you really going to this show?"
Fang Yaxian really didn't expect her son to have such a thought, which was strange.
"Well, I've watched this show before, it's fun."
Zhou Zekai was very calm. The program team said that it would give half a million for the first issue. If it could last, the money would be more, so for the money, Zhou Zekai said that he would also play, although in fact he did n’t know this before. topic.
Fang Mingrui and Grandma Fang also knew about this matter. Seeing the grandson's self-confidence, he finally signed an agreement with the show group. On the way to record, Grandma Fang took someone. Needless to say.
So only Grandma Fang closed her clinic and went to the recording site of "The Strongest Brain" with Zhou Zekai.
This test is a mental arithmetic ability, which is a variety of numbers arranged, and then see who can calculate the results in the fastest way.
The reason why "The Strongest Brain" has been very popular is because the show is recorded live, and there is no cheating. Your every move or even mistake will be passed to the audience through the lens as soon as possible. Absolutely nothing!
It is precisely because of this that the program "The Strongest Brain" has transmitted a lot of talents with high IQ, so that many ordinary people know that there are so many school fighters in the world ...
After watching the program flow, Zhou Zekai was very calm and found that there were a lot of learners around. When the program was officially recorded, it was found that besides the host, there were also stars to help out. It was a star guest betting. , Whoever voted for, and if this person can finally win, he can donate various materials and so on to poor mountainous areas, etc. These materials are given by individual stars and program groups.
It can be said that the stars on this show are all stars who have a certain ability and are not bad at money.
Soon after standing on this stage, Zhou Zekai looked up towards the stars in front. Today, there are four stars, two female stars and two male stars. They are the combination of the fresh meat and the uncle goddess. Zhou Zekai only I remember that person named Chu Heng, because he looks very personality, is the kind of tough guy, many male and female students in the class like him.
There are eight Xueba standing on the stage, each star can choose two people, Zhou Zekai found that he just happened to be selected by Chu Heng.
With the host's wonderful words, the real game started! Everyone is standing in their place, looking at the big screen, as long as there is an answer, they can press their own buttons and then answer.
The audience on the field was very excited, because they will once again witness the emergence of the of learning.
The questions on the question board came out very quickly. Zhou Zekai directly pressed the button and said his answer, which was no pressure to him.
Afterwards, the court was extremely heated. Eight people kept answering. Zhou Zekai's performance was even more impressive. When the final result was reached, his ranking was naturally the first, and the host conducted an interview specifically for him.
After mental arithmetic, I have tested my eyesight. I combined the pictures on the big screen into various shapes. Zhou Zekai has strong spirits and is naturally the first. He made everyone cheer. It was incredible and even felt This is more powerful than the previous study of God!
Chu Heng sitting there stared at Zhou Zekai. It was a strange smile. He had already seen the news of this of learning on the Internet. He came here today because he knew that Zhou Zekai was going to participate in the competition. of.
He didn't know why he came, but when he saw this clever boy, he couldn't help thinking of the mother of the other side. She used to be clever, much smarter than him.
The progress of the game was very smooth. The one-hour recording live broadcast made the audience and the audience watching the live broadcast truly convinced by Zhou Zekai. I have never seen such a powerful Xueba before kneeling!
Successfully promoted Zhou Zekai, after the show, was surrounded by people to sign, in a word-from the encouragement of learning God.
Chu Heng also approached Zhou Zekai. He clearly knew that he shouldn't do this, but he couldn't help it, and took out a pen and paper for the child to sign.
"You are really good."
He praised, and Zhou Zekai looked at the big star and smiled proudly.
"Of course, I'm like my mother. By the way, can you give me your signature? My classmates like you very much and I've seen your movie."
Zhou Zekai didn't mind giving welfare to the classmates. He didn't notice that this person had any relationship with his mother.
Just when the two were talking, Grandma Fang came over with water, but after seeing the person standing next to her grandson, she was surprised, then walked calmly and gave the water to A Kai.
Chu Heng didn't expect to meet Fang Yaxian's mother, so he hurriedly behaved.
"Aunt, long time no see."
His face was a little tense, and Zhou Zekai noticed that there might be a problem. Looking at his grandmother, he found that his grandmother's mood also seemed to fluctuate, as if with guilt and uneasiness.
"Well ... long time no see, you have become a big star."
Fang Fang's words are true. Who could have thought that the boy who didn't study well and always liked fighting would become such a male fan with countless fans today? Life is so impermanent. Grandma Fang looked at each other and thought of her daughter.
Chu Heng saw that Grandma Fang didn't express his dislike to him, and was a little happy, and said quickly.
"Auntie, since I haven't seen you for a long time, how about I ask you to have a meal with A Kai? You were also my teacher at that time, and it was my student who paid you off ..."
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