Chapter 1154: What to do if parents are patriarchal 1

Ming'an Second Experimental High School, Zhou Zekai sits in his position and looks out the window. As the second experimental high school ranked by Ming'an, the teachers here are not only the best in Ming'an, but also all The highest grade in high school.
Of course, at this time, Zhou Zekai's classmates were all busy. Only Zhou Zekai did not write his homework and looked outside. Many people know that Zhou Zekai was stuffed in. The score line of the second experimental high school this year, Zhou Zekai is basically I did n’t reach it. To put it bluntly, it was the students who came in through the back door. Such people were generally looked down on by serious students.
However, Zhou Zekai was very calm, thinking of his current family and what was about to happen, and his mind was a bit chaotic.
Why is it messy? Because Zhou Zekai really doesn't understand, in this world, why there are so many people who value men and women, and men are more important than men, but sometimes women are even more important than men.
The wisher grew up in such a family. As a boy, he was loved by his family, and even when he was six or seven years old, he realized that he had a sister who had been thrown in The grandparents in the village feed there. They never meet each other. The wishing people also know after seeing the festivals. It turns out that they have a sister named Zhou Siqi.
Because I have been accustomed to having only one child at home for a long time, the wishing person never thought about how to have an older sister. Every time I was contacted by two-year-old Zhou Siqi, he was like an outsider. Big, his family is just himself.
The wisher had never thought that his parents turned out to be patriarchs. As the wisher got older, he had understood that his sister was his own sister, and he wanted his parents to pick her back. Parents always make a lot of excuses and never listen to the wisher. Although this couple loves the wisher, they never allow the wisher to have any ideas of their own. Everything must be heard by these two people. In order to be able to raise their son.
The source of the incident was the death of grandpa. Grandma died two years ago. When grandpa died, he gave the old house at home to the wishing person's sister, Zhou Siqi. After talking about the demolition of my hometown, I started to go back and wanted to rob the house. My daughter did n’t want to keep it, but the house wanted to rob, and it was for her own selfishness, but she was talking about buying a house for her son's future marriage. Finally managed to the house from Zhou Siqi.
But after bringing Zhou Siqi to the house, the sister could not stand the family and chose to commit suicide. At that time, the first person to discover that the sister committed suicide was a wisher, which caused him a lot of irritation, even for a long time. I was caught in depression in time, and I started to fear my parents, thinking that it was the parents who forced her sister to death.
But the more so, after seeing his daughter die, Father and Mother had to tell the wisher that the house was for the wisher to buy a house and get married, etc. In short, make the wisher think that if it was not for himself, the sister would not dead.
After high school, the wisher's grades were very poor. After repeating one year, he applied for the school farthest from home. After leaving the home, the wisher never returned, and found a part-time job in school. After graduating from college, he found his own At work, he was afraid of going home, facing his parents, and thinking of his older sister.
Later, the wishing man also had his own family. He took good care of his wife and did not value boys. He also loved the children born to his wife. He even tried to make money to buy a house for both children. His parents once said that He bought a house as if he had never seen it. He became an unfilial son. He had never returned home except to hit two thousand yuan for two elderly people every month.
Because he didn't want to go back, he didn't want to go back to the home full of pain.
Later, this soul met Zhou Zekai. He made a wish, whatever he wanted. He didn't want to be a string puppet in the hands of his parents, but wanted to keep his sister alive. He didn't care about the house at all, he didn't want her sister to be forced to death! !! !! If he can, he wants to take his sister to flee this place, and he wants to let her experience freedom, just like his last life!
Now, the time period that Zhou Zekai is in is just before the death of grandpa. Grandpa died suddenly. Because of a fall, his body had a problem. Zhou Zekai ’s sister also attended high school in Ming'an, but her grades were not so good. Zhou Father and Mother naturally wouldn't buy her a high school. She was attending the first high school in Ming'an, and this year's high school.
It was during the second half of the year that Grandpa died, the sister started a tug-of-war with his parents, and then the sister died ...
Thinking of the parents in memory, Zhou Zekai was a bit helpless. The couple not only valued boys but also did not filially respect their parents. Grandparents did n’t see much during the New Year holidays, and so did grandparents. After giving birth, they asked the elders to ask. A lot of money, after that he used his son to do a lot of things, and controlled his son to do a lot of things he didn't want to do.
For children, the most horrible thing is the sentence of the large population. I am for your good.
This is how my father and mother were. I built a cage for you and wrapped the wisher firmly in it. I never allowed the wisher to play with other people because I was afraid that the wisher would be injured. When I was in elementary school, I met a good friend, and the two of them fought awkwardly. After the father and mother knew about this, they fought directly with the parents of his little friend. ...
At this point, the wisher's elementary school has no friends ... the same is true of junior high school. The son is not allowed to live in the school. He looks at the prisoner every day, leaving the wisher alone. He went to high school because his son's grades were bad Regardless, you have to buy experimental high school, but in this experimental high school, the wishing person cannot keep up with the rhythm.
The ridicule of people around and the decline in performance made the wishing man unavoidable. Something happened to Zhou Siqi again. Wishing talents got depression, including after the wishing man left the house. Zhou Zekai was very sure of his depression. Symptoms are certainly not good, otherwise, you wo n’t make such a wish when you meet yourself.
Ordinary children may wish to keep their sister alive, and then make the family happy.
But what about wishing people? He wanted his sister to be free, he wanted to lead his sister to be free, and he didn't mention his parents at all. It seemed that his parents had been left behind.
Such a person is undoubtedly selfish, but this point can prove that the wishing person's illness is not good yet. He fears the childhood of being controlled by his parents. He fears seeing his sister's death when he is most weak. The compromise after the parents got along is precisely because of these oppressions and fears, which led him to hope to take his sister away, rather than let the sister go home, or get along with his parents and the like.
Because the wisher had determined in his heart that he could no longer get along with his parents.
It is because of this that we cannot get along with our parents, so we have such a desire.
Zhou Zekai understands his feelings, and honestly, after reading the memory of the wishing person, he really can't get along with such parents. After all, the other party hurt him with the name of love.
No matter how precious a boy is, you can't control everything, right? Even if you do n’t let people talk, even when you ’re at home, playing games will be controlled for a certain period of time. You ca n’t lock the door while you are bathing. The mother said in the news that going to the toilet alone is not safe.
The rules and regulations of life make the wishing man's mind feel like a shackle, so that he will no longer be willing to wear the shackle for himself after fleeing.
By looking at the memory of the wishing person, Zhou Zekai also understands why the father and mother of the week would do this. Generally speaking, some parents have more control over their children, while the father and mother of the week over-control the child, causing a rebound, and even Let the children see for themselves that they have killed another biological flesh. In this case, the wishing person is naturally afraid and afraid. In addition, this does not honor the elderly with their parents, and has a physical impact on the child. Also in my heart, there is no concept of giving pensions to couples ...
In short, parents are the best mentors for their children. This sentence is true, because the parents are good, and the child must be well educated, but if the parents are not good, then the child wants to be good, then rely on self-control Already.
Are you going to abandon your parents this time? Zhou Zekai didn't know how to solve this matter for a while and a half. Grandpa would die after two months. The house would be given to her sister at that time. There would be no news of relocation in another half year ... Zhou Zekai still has a long time to consider this matter. .
But before that, Zhou Zekai plans to cultivate feelings with his sister first. What should I say? Zhou Siqi still likes her younger brother, but she did not expect her parents to be so cruel. Zhou Zekai decided that since the wishing person wanted freedom, then he gave Zhou Siqi freedom.
Of course, as for the wishing parents' two parents who want to control their son, they must always let them recognize some facts.
For example ... the child is not a parent's plaything, so do whatever you want.
If the children in the sky are obedient and obedient, is that possible?
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