Chapter 1257: 纨 绔 二 少 is finished with cannon fodder

After receiving news that the company was about to fire him, Ke Yang couldn't believe it, because Zhou's company's company was very difficult to enter. At the beginning, he also tried hard to compete with many people. This company's, otherwise it will not be so hard to want to stay in the sales department, although the sales department is the most tired department in the Zhou Group, but Ke Yang is still working very hard.
Therefore, Ke Yang couldn't agree with such a result, especially his girlfriend had proposed to break up, and when he was promoted to the group leader, because his girlfriend had been promoted to the group leader in advance, and he was still an intern. Uncomfortable, and now was informed by the department manager that he was fired. How can this be accepted by Ke Yang?
Although the intern was dismissed from the group, no compensation would be given.
Ke Yang went to find the department manager, and said a little hesitantly.
"Mr. Lu, can I ask, why did the company suddenly make such a decision?"
Manager Lu was questioned by Ke Yang at this time, and he also remembered the president's phone number. This employee who looked a little embarrassed did not expect the president to get to know him, and also called to talk about the dismissal, so he had a long time in his mind. Something was added, so he said blankly.
"What you did yourself, you should know for yourself."
As soon as this word came out, Ke Yang's face changed suddenly. I didn't know why. I thought of the Millennium Ghost who was sent out by himself and hadn't returned. That night he was broken up by his girlfriend. Then he saw a mirror and saw a mirror from the mirror. For the millennium female ghost, from the female ghost, he can make three wishes, so when angry, Ke Yang made three wishes.
The first hopes that Zhou Zekai will die, the second hopes that his ex-girlfriend will also die, and the third hopes that he will reach the peak of life ...
The first two female ghost matchmaker said it was very simple, she would do it, and the third one promised that he would teach him the magic of ghost control, so he just watched the matchmaker disappear in front of him, and went My wish was fulfilled, but the female ghost couldn't go back anymore, and she couldn't summon whatever she called, which made Ke Yang very worried. At this time, she was dismissed by the Zhou Group and it was unavoidable to let Ko Yang Somewhat worried.
Originally, I wanted to ask something, but after hearing what Manager Lu said, he suddenly dared not ask, because the things he did, if it was really discovered, it was incredible.
With this resignation certificate, Ke Yang could only helplessly pack his things and leave, but when he left the company with the things, he met his girlfriend. Now Lin Ke, who works very hard in the sales department, Lin Ke also watched When I arrived at Keyang, I thought that Keyang was selfish, and naturally he didn't have a good opinion of Keyang, so he didn't want to talk to Keyang, but eventually he was stopped by Keyang.
"Xiao Ke, shall we break up?"
Without work, Ke Yang can only hope that he can still retain this relationship. In fact, he still likes Xiao Ke, even if Xiao Ke is not the girl he imagined, but Ke Yang chose to compromise, the female ghost Is it just my hallucination?
Lin Kewan never expected that Ke Yang would talk about their previous relationship in front of all employees, cold face, but originally wanted to cool each other, but at this moment, she really wanted to break up, because she did not I thought that Ke Yang would destroy her for her own sake.
"We broke up long ago, Ke Yang, I think you should understand."
The other employees also looked at the two of them, and then remembered that Ke Yang was fired, and then told Lin Ke that Lin Ke looked at Ke Yang more wonderfully. It seemed that he finally understood why Ko Yang would compromise. .
When the two of them fell in love together, as long as they encountered something, Lin Ke would always compromise. Now, it ’s finally Ke Yang's turn to compromise, but Lin Ke is not happy at all. She chose the real one. Maybe they broke up with Ke Yang, maybe they are really inappropriate.
Ke Yang, who lost his job and was really dumped by his girlfriend, had no choice but to return to the rental house. He did n’t know why God was so unfair to him, so that he suffered such a blow at the same time. I tried to call matchmaker while looking at the mirror, but I couldn't call anything, and finally I smashed the mirror!
Ke Yang's misery is of course completely ineffective for Zhou Zekai. Zhou Zekai was originally to kill Ke Yang in the cradle, so now the female ghost in red is dead. Naturally, Ke Yang will not learn anything about ghost control. In this case, the Zhou family is safe.
After Zhou Zeyi returned, he also asked his brother why he was fired from the company. Of course, Zhou Zekai used the night-time tank, and said that the person used a ghost to count him. If he didn't start with him, it would affect the fortunes of the Zhou family. .
After getting such a result, Zhou Zeyi and the Zhou family were very concerned, so that Ke Yang, who was fired from the Zhou family, repeatedly failed to find a job afterwards. He had originally secretly borrowed money to start his own business, but the end result Not ideal, he owes a butt!
Lin Ke's company in Zhou Group has performed very well, and everyone has recognized Lin Ke's ability. Although he may occasionally be harassed by Ke Yang, all this is okay.
Zhou Zekai has been a bit unhappy recently because he has recently been harassed by Bai Xueyuan. Like Qingxiao, Qingxiao was also harassed by Lin Jiayin, who was chased from Shangjing.
Bai Xueyuan thought that Zhou Zekai had retired from her because she didn't care about him, so she even started to circulate news outside, saying that she would pursue Zhou Zekai again, but unfortunately, even if she released the news, Zhou Zekai was completely indifferent. Everyone knows that Bai Xueyuan is no longer liked by Zhou Zekai.
There is also Lin Jiayin. Zhou Zekai would not agree with Lin Jiayin's stay in their home. Instead, Lin Jiayin was very wealthy and bought a villa near the Lin family. The distance was relatively small. He came over every day to find the night, and tried to get the night out.
However, I have lived for hundreds of thousands of years at night, and have seen more people and more feelings. Naturally, he will not take this Lin Jiayin to heart, and he is still obsessed with online shopping.
One day, Zhou Zekai was a little curious. He took the Qing Dynasty Fairy while drinking and chatting. He liked red wine, while the Qing Dynasty Fairy liked white wine.
Both of them drank slightly, and both eyes were blurred. Zhou Zekai looked at them even if he was drunk, but his eyes were as bright as the fairy maidens of the early night, and he asked curiously.
"Evening night, did you have enough love in your previous monastic life?"
Anyone who cares?
Zhou Zekai feels that he has it, but every rebirth is like a new beginning and new experience. He forgets a lot of things, his feelings are like being cleared away, and sometimes he remembers something, but occasionally he does n’t remember anything. This makes Zhou Zekai sometimes even wonder whether everything he experienced is real, or is it all false?
There was a hint of blush on the face of Qingxian Fairy. Hearing Zhou Zekai's words, he picked up the wine glass and took another sip of wine, and his voice was a little more emotional.
"It was ... it was."
After living for so many years, how can I not experience feelings? Anything in this world has been experienced, whether it is the tenderness of affection, the fiery enthusiasm of love, the sincerity of friendship, or even betrayal and pain, all of which constitute the current night, he is also the one who killed The devil of millions of people, how could he never love someone?
"Then do you miss her now?"
Looking at the fairy goddess of the Qing Dynasty, Zhou Zekai knew that this question was too cruel for a fairy who lived for hundreds of thousands of years, because time was the most painful thing for such a person.
Human beings have a few years to live, but it ’s only a hundred years, but an immortal can survive for thousands of years. The so-called time will forget everything, but it is just the self-consolation of human beings, because the brain capacity is not enough, it will forget some over time Something, so they think they can forget it.
But to those who are cultivators, any memory seems to have happened yesterday.
Qingxian Xianren also turned to look at Zhou Zekai, without answering Zhou Zekai's question.
"What about you? What are you looking for?"
Through contact with Zhou Zekai, the Xianxian people already knew that the old ghost traveled through time and space, and it was not really wishful. It seemed that for some reason, this problem was refuted.
After hearing this, Zhou Zekai laughed and took a sip of red wine.
"Oh, I'm looking for myself. In the midst of meditation, I feel that as long as I keep looking this way, sooner or later I will know who I am, why I am called Zhou Zekai, where do I come from, in the middle of the night, maybe, I Like you, is a fairy in a certain space ~ "
He was joking, but was careless, because he knew that his journey had not yet come to an end, and he still had some way to go. In the process, he would find himself sooner or later.
The fairy of the Qing Dynasty nodded and could not deny it. After all, Zhou Zekai's cultivating ability is very good. It is also possible to say that other fairys are possible. Even ... The fairy of the Qing Dynasty thinks that the other party may be God.
But he wouldn't say anything, because he knew that in such a cycle, the self-proclaimed old ghost would find himself sooner or later.
In this world, Zhou Zekai made a lifelong puppet, with parents and brothers protecting it. He did n’t have to do almost anything. He did n’t even get married and had a child. The Zhou family did n’t want to embarrass their children. Even Zhou Zeyi returned He passed on a son to Zhou Zekai, although it didn't matter to Zhou Zekai.
It was late at night, but it was because of the fate of the child that he accepted the child as an apprentice ...
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