Chapter 1264: Brother and Sister Sold 7

In the days that followed, there was a figure named Zhou Zekai on the road, although a son of Chen Xian would be added to this person.
In fact, managing things on the road is not very troublesome. Some important things are to be managed by the upper layers. Therefore, Zhou Zekai is still calm. He looks at the scene with Yang Bald, and knows many brothers.
The swaying dance floor is not much different from before. Zhou Zekai leaned on the bar and played with his mobile phone. He was actually watching the stock market, and then he was photographed from behind.
"Hello, you are Chen Xian's son?"
The voice of this man was kind of unruly, and when Zhou Zekai turned his head to look at it, he was somewhat surprised to see it.
This is a pretty-looking boy. He is estimated to be sixteen or seventeen years old. He shouldn't appear in a bar like this at the moment, but the person standing behind him makes Zhou Zekai feel that the child is not in a good position.
"Um." Nodded, Zhou Zekai was neither cold nor enthusiastic, letting the boy stunned, and did not expect anyone else who didn't know him.
Standing directly in front of Zhou Zekai, pointing at his nose, he continued to ask.
"Do you really not know me?"
It was almost to be laughed at, the boy's eyes widened, and he looked cute.
"I don't know." It wasn't long before Zhou Zekai arrived. Naturally, it was impossible for everyone to know each other, so this boy who seemed very rushing, Zhou Zekai really didn't know.
At this moment, the boy also knew that Zhou Zekai didn't know himself, but thinking about the little cute in the class, he put down his face and introduced it actively.
"I'm Long Mengzhe, and a class with your sister Zhou Xianxian."
I don't know why, Long Mengzhe didn't say his relationship with his father. The reason why the Black Dragon Gang is called the Black Dragon Gang is because of his name after Long Mengzhe's father, so there are actually very few people named Long.
"Oh ~" Zhou Zekai nodded, indicating that he knew each other, but at this moment, all kinds of memories suddenly filled his mind, and the face of the boy in front of him became clearer and clearer.
The other party is called Long Mengzhe, the Prince of the Dragon Family, and the Prince of the Black Dragon Gang!
This is certainly not the reason why Zhou Zekai thought of him. The reason why the memory recovers is because Zhou Zekai found that there was this person in the memory of his sister.
When the wishing man and Zhou Xianxian were brought to the club, the wishing man was perverted, so it was not that good luck, and Zhou Xianxian just happened to run into the club to experience the first life of Long Mengzhe.
Zhou Xianxian was taken away by Long Mengzhe, and he was raised by Long Mengzhe for a long time because of his beautiful appearance. However, after Zhou Xianxian found out that he was pregnant, Long Mengzhe did not agree to this child. He did not want to marry Zhou Xianxian, nor did he want to let him Your child becomes an illegitimate child.
Although Long Mengzhe liked Zhou Xianxian, he knew what his responsibility was, and he wasted no time on these children's love.
Unfortunately, this child Zhou Xianxian originally wanted to keep it secretly, but the Black Dragon Gang was conspired by other gangs. A pregnant woman of Zhou Xianxian did not know how to appear at the duel scene, and he directly shot several shots for Long Mengzhe. He said before he died. Want Long Mengzhe to be good, and help her pull her brother out of the quagmire.
At that time, the wishing man was already a puddle of mud. After being pulled out by Long Mengzhe, the whole person was also abolished. Through the death of Zhou Xianxian, Long Mengzhe also really believed that there could be someone in the world who only loved him. He didn't love his money, nor his power, but only loved him.
If this is the end, then maybe the wisher will not make a wish. The key is that Long Mengzhe later met a woman. Her appearance is similar to that of Zhou Xianxian. The name is also called Shi Xianxian, so that Long Mengzhe thought it was Zhou Xianxian came back to love her again, she can be said to be very petted, and even married Shi Xianxian.
At this time, the wishing man found that Shi Xianxian had contacted the police. He wanted to stop all this, but he was powerless and even disgusted by Long Mengzhe.
In the following days, the black dragon helped this behemoth, and finally succeeded in Shi Xianxian's calculations. Then Long Mengzhe was also brought to prison. The wisher knew that this Shi Xianxian turned out to be another daughter of his father, because I heard about Zhou Xianxian and came here to take advantage. Before the Black Dragon Gang fell, she had taken away all the money from the Black Dragon Gang.
The wisher admits that all those who are black are not good people, but his sister died in the hands of those people, and that Shi Xianxian, Heng Ming, whose father was derailed, made the wisher unacceptable.
It is precisely because of this that wishing talents make a wish, saying that they hope to make themselves clean and take care of their sister.
Things that were not known were revived in Zhou Zekai's mind at this moment. When Zhou Zekai looked at the boy in front of him, his eyes were naturally different.
It was just that he didn't expect that fate is such a wonderful thing, my sister still knew this person ...
"Master Long, my sister will take care of you at school."
He spoke, making Long Mengzhe suddenly proud, picking up the wine next to him and sulking.
"Of course! Zhou Xianxian's little girl, if I don't protect her, she may be eaten even by someone. In school, I am the boss!"
After drinking alcohol, Long Mengzhe's face was a little red, presumably because he didn't drink alcohol often. He didn't seem to be in a good condition, and then began to pull Zhou Zekai to chat.
In short, the center is a point-Zhou Xianxian was bullied in school, so his hero saved the beauty! That's why I inquired about Zhou Xianxian's relationship with Chen Xian. I felt that I wanted to see Zhou Zekai ...
After listening to Long Menzhe's nonsense after being drunk, Zhou Zekai could only laugh bitterly. This child is not suitable for drinking, otherwise, he will be thrown home.
Find someone to send Long Mengzhe away, and Zhou Zekai stayed in the bar until early in the morning before returning home.
Of course, he didn't forget Long Mengzhe's words. Since his sister has met Long Mengzhe, he has to look at it. This time, the two of them will still be together.
After getting up in the morning, Zhou Xianxian was already training. She was learning the kind of fighting and catching the enemy with one move. When Zhou Zekai came over, she was training vigorously.
It's been almost five months since I came to Chen Xian's villa. Don't look at the beautiful Zhou Xianxian now, it looks like a tender feeling, but in fact, he can already compete with Zhou Zekai.
After watching Zhou Xianxian practicing for a while, Zhou Zekai sat there waiting for her sister to finish.
After a set of hits, Zhou Xianxian wiped her sweat while walking towards her brother.
"Brother! You got up early today ~"
It was only 10:30 in the morning. Because of staying up late, my brother often slept after lunch. The most accurate creature in the family was Zhou Xianxian.
"Well, I met someone yesterday, so I came to ask you."
Patting the chair to let Zhou Xianxian sit down, Zhou Zekai felt that his sister's personality should not be bullied at school ...
"What's the matter?" Zhou Xianxian continued to wipe her sweat, her hair stood tall, at this time she looked particularly energetic and full of wild charm.
"Are you bullied at school?"
Recently, I have been busy going out with Chen Xian to meet people, so I really have less concern about my sister Zhou Xianxian. Zhou Zekai feels that they need to talk to each other.
Zhou Xianxian heard his brother's words for a moment, then continued to wipe his hair, his face didn't matter.
"Bullying, you say the girls in my school, huh, they did want to bully me at first, but the catcher I learned was not for fun. After I taught a few people myself, no one dared to mess with me. Me, brother, don't worry, I won't be bullied in school! "
He also raised his arm and let Zhou Zekai take a look. The arm was supposed to be fine-skinned and tender, but now it has some muscle outlines.
Thinking of Long Mengzhe with small arms and lower legs, Zhou Zekai didn't know why. This time, he sympathized with Long Mengzhe, if he still likes his sister.
"Have you ever heard of a classmate named Long Mengzhe?"
Continue to ask my sister, Zhou Zekai feels that emotions are uncontrollable, so it doesn't matter to him whether or not his sister sees Long Mengzhe in the future. Even if it is not a good match, he will turn everything into a good match.
"Long Mengzhe?" Zhou Xianxian didn't expect to hear the name of his classmate from his brother's mouth, and nodded.
"You said that weak chicken? He was my back table. He was there to help me when a girl blocked me. Although he helped, his father should be very powerful. Those girls were dropped out of school. I guess his father did it ... "
Weak chicken is a beautifying word. God knows how breakdown of Zhou Mengxian's mood while protecting Long Mengzhe, so that Long Mengzhe was beaten with a nosebleed ...
Speaking of this matter, Zhou Xianxian didn't have a good impression of the boys, one by one, so weak, what can she do if she can't beat her in the future?
Zhou Zekai heard what the younger sister said, in fact, she had already made up in her heart what the situation looked like, and then think about Long Mengzhe's figure, um ... Hai Jie was said that this child should be a little worse than her younger sister.
The most important thing is that my sister seems to have no thoughts about Long Mengzhe. Instead, Long Mengzhe seems to like her sister.
"He is the only son of Brother Long. You will see it when the Black Dragon Gang meets next month. If you are in school, don't conflict with him, you know? If you conflict, your father can't save you."
Remind my sister of their situation, and Zhou Xianxian nodded immediately.
"Brother! Rest assured, I promise not to bully him!"
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