Chapter 130: Military Married Wife 17

Nowadays, Zhou Zekai knows a lot about the situation in the village. Except for those who go out to work outside, most of them actually farm at home. Therefore, if this food is to be shipped out, it must be done in a very special way. At this time, Zhou Zekai's network of contacts was revealed.
"Village chief, I know someone who has a convoy here. Although the road conditions in our village are in poor conditions, is it a problem if you want to get the food out, or you may let everyone set aside some money to rent a car together. , But I will try to negotiate with others to be cheaper. "
The company is a construction company. Zhou Zekai's connections are very broad. He only suggested after listening to the village chief and the captains of several brigades.
"Akai, do you know a team?"
The hardest part of their village is how to get the grain out. In addition to bad road conditions, it's also because the outside convoy charges too much. Their village can't afford it at all. They just find a car to transport the grain. It takes a lot of money to go out. If the grain production is sold at that time, it is estimated that it will make a cost and not make other money.
"Well, I had an internship in a construction company for almost a year before, but I knew a lot of people, but the village chief, who do you intend to sell these food products to?"
Zhou Zekai thought of the imperial palace, and the Zheng family also had a granary. When it comes to harvesting in the fall, they must also collect the grain. The best way is to tie this line.
"This ... I don't know yet, but this year's food prices have risen. I have already made a check with the secretary. Everyone is planning to sell a lot of food this time. Are we discussing this specific charter?"
Wu Shixin, the head of the village, was frowning at this time. After all, everyone in the village had a good grain harvest this year, and they were very happy, but how to sell it was also a problem.
As the head of the village, Wu Shixin can't sleep all night and all night. He doesn't say that he has to pull the achievements of the village for the sake of the village. It is just hard to say that the villagers are so happy after hearing about the rising food prices The kind of words that hit people.
The village secretary and other captains have the same idea. Who wants to make a fortune if food prices rise? But how to make money is the problem, whether it is from the traffic conditions or buyers, this is a huge problem.
"Village chief, I think so. I originally arranged an internship at the school, but I still want to come back to repay the care of the villagers in the village for this food thing. I think I still have a The solution is just not knowing whether it is feasible or not. "
As soon as Zhou Zekai's words came out, the people present looked bright. You must know that Zhou Zekai was the true champion in their village. Which one was not envious when he was admitted to the university when he was admitted to the university? I thought Zhou Zekai would stay in the city after graduation, but now he didn't expect that he would return to serve the village. How could the village head be unhappy?
After all, those who have gone to college are all smart people. Do smart people do smart things, wouldn't their villages get better?
"Akai, I agree with you on this idea. You are also a smart child who we all grew up watching. Any way you can just say, ah, we all listen. After all, you are a college student and know more than us. Gone ... "
The village chief's words are true, but the college students are really expensive these days, especially Zhou Zekai. The whole village has high hopes.
The others nodded, and wanted to hear what Zhou Zekai had come up with.
"That's it, village head. Didn't I already have an internship six months ago? I just took a list in my hand, a list of big hotels. I built a big hotel for others, just in the city, called the Imperial Palace. I don't know if everyone knows. I know the boss there. It is said that Mr. Zheng has a granary under his hands and receives a lot of food every year. Moreover, this Royal Palace is also close to us. We can contact the people in the Royal Palace. "
Zhou Zekai is not worried. Even if there is no such way as the Imperial Palace, he has a way to sell these grains, but he may have some twists and turns.
"You mean the imperial palace?"
Mayor Wu Cun was even more surprised, looking at Zhou Zekai.
"Why did you design the imperial palace?"
Other villagers may not know, but why does the village chief Wu not know? When the Royal Palace opened, the surrounding leaders passed, and the mayor went to congratulate him. Of course, the village chief was also present. After visiting the Royal Palace, he felt that the name was really good, that place. Ah brilliant and gorgeous, it's really like the palace ...
"Yes, village chief, do you think it is feasible if our village can cooperate with the imperial palace?"
Zhou Zekai feels that as long as the food problem in this village is solved, everything is easy to say.
"Feasibility! Why not?" Wu Cun's excited face filled with joy, and he walked directly to Zhou Zekai and patted Zhou Zekai's shoulder.
"Akai, you really have grown up. You know it for the villagers. If this is done, the villagers in this village, thank you!"
Mayor Wu Cun has seen the splendor of the imperial palace, and also knows that there are people behind the imperial palace. If they can really cooperate, that is absolutely the best! Food prices should not be too low.
"Village chief, you are very serious. I am also a member of the village, and I work for the villagers. Can I still lose the blind date within my ability?"
Zhou Zekai also laughed. After all, Zhou's father and mother had been in the village all their lives. If he made achievements in the future, Fang's family would not have to think about those things. Zhou Zekai always felt that Fang Peiyi was unwilling to marry his elder brother. Later, Suddenly thought, I don't know why.
So this time about how to work after the autumn output, so settled, Zhou Zekai and the village chief and the village party secretary personally went to the Royal Palace to discuss this matter with Zheng Yanzhong. After all, if people want food, they must also inspect the ground. The situation, if the food is good, let alone the price.
When he got home, at the dinner table, Zhou asked about the meeting in the village. After all, if there was no major event, how could he call Zhou Zekai? After all, Zhou Zekai is the only college student in the village, and the village chief still trusts him.
"Mom, it's about selling grain after the harvest. You also know that the price of grain has increased a lot this year. Many villagers in the village are counting on selling more money this time. The village chief is discussing this matter today."
Zhou Zekai did not hide it and told everyone about it. After all, sometimes the wisdom of old people is even better than those of young people.
When Father Liang heard this, he also thought about it. After all, people are getting better and better, and food prices have risen. That is normal.
These days, money is still very valuable.
"It's really increased a lot this year. Isn't our family also land? Your dad also talked to me about selling it ~"
Zhou's mother still listened to Zhou's father about these things. After all, the two of them had spent the barren years before, and they always felt a little flustered at home without any food.
"Well, when you receive the grain, you sell it, and you can't finish it at home."
Father Zhou also nodded. He has been in a very good mood recently and has been very close to Father Liang. Although Father Liang feels that he has a status, Master Liang can speak well or be a man, and he has great admiration from Father Zhou. Recently, I also studied chess with Mr. Liang. You and I are not going to be busy. As for those jobs, I gave them to my second son Zhou Pengfei.
Seeing his father was so happy, although Zhou Pengfei was busy with his work, he was in a good mood. After all, because of the elder brother's affairs, his father and mother hadn't shown off their faces for a long time.
Father Liang is also recently. He has n’t been in this farm for a long time. He is very comfortable living in the Zhou family. Fang Peijin, the granddaughter, cooks his favorite meal all day. Accompanying the conversation, occasionally instructed Pei Jin's writing brushes, and Zhou Pengfei specially made a rocking chair for him, so that Grandpa Liang could not enjoy it, and he was reluctant to leave. He didn't know his daughter Liang Shuya was looking crazy for him.
"Grandfather Liang, I actually discussed it with the village chief. I plan to contact the people at the Royal Palace Hotel. I met Boss Zheng before. Boss Zheng talked about the granary at home. I want to see him collect this year. If possible, we will also take away our village's food. "
Like the kind of granary in the family, they collect a lot at one time. Besides, with the presence of Father Liang, Zhou Zekai guessed that the Zheng family would not be used for or sold to the Zheng family. What Zhou Zekai did not want to guess.
"Well ... this is feasible, why not? Just let him come over, and I see, the grain here is pretty good, and the villagers are good, let him come over."
I have also met a lot of people in the village. Father Liang is still playing a chess place in the village. Every time a lot of old people watch chess, this makes Father Liang feel that the culture in this village is very good. people.
In addition, he has decided that this time when the son-in-law came over, he told the son-in-law and daughter about Pei Jin, and the provincial daughter was worried.
"So ... would you like to inform Miss Liang?"
This Miss Liang is naturally only Liang Shuya. Before that, Zhou Zekai had always called out his sister-in-law, but in front of Mr. Liang, he couldn't say so.
"Well, let her come over and tell her I'm here."
Mr. Liang nodded, quite a bit of pointing to the taste of the country. He knew that Zhou Zekai was pregnant with the world. I am afraid that he would like to make some achievements and would be happy to help Zhou Zekai embark on this path, but how far, it depends on Zhou Zekai himself. Yes.
"Okay." Zhou Zekai nodded, knowing that this might be the case. As long as Mr. Liang spoke, Zheng Yanzhong would definitely agree. Although there is some meaning to use Mr. Liang, Zhou Zekai understands that it is precisely because he said so. Mr. Liang is an outsider. If Mr. Liang bypasses Mr. Liang and finds someone else directly, I'm afraid there will be something wrong in Mr. Liang.
Liang Peijin, who has now changed his surname Fang Peijin, watched Zhou Zekai chat with his grandfather so harmoniously, but the thoughts in his heart gradually spread. Thinking of those things that grandpa secretly said to herself, she felt very struggling. I do n’t know, in Kai Kai ’s mind, can she still only be a sister-in-law?
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