Chapter 1364: Ancient flushing bride 5

Who is Princess Changle? No one in this capital knows no one knows it. Since Wenwen Liang Wenyuan ascended the throne, this girl was his first child after he ascended the throne. It is said that he was different from other children when he was born. Beautiful, smart, and very much loved by the emperor today, and gave the title Changle when the child was one year old, and gave a place of abundant material to princess Changle, which can be said to be more favored than those princes a bit.
The previous Anping County Lord had met this Changle Princess, and even felt that this Changle Princess was blessed, but no one thought that this Changle Princess was different from others because she was this reincarnation. .
In the first life, Princess Changle was also very much loved by the emperor, and she was the youngest daughter of Zhou Zekai, the master of Anping County. Later, Zhou Zekai was admitted as the champion, and the emperor gave him a wedding. The two were very sweet after marriage. Zhou Zekai gave birth to four children, three boys and one girl. This life can be said to be very happy.
As a result, after the death of Princess Changle, she spent Naiheqiao because she missed her husband and did not want to drink that Mengpo soup, but she saw her husband's reincarnation in the reincarnation, or was it a new life?
In her eyes, Liang Guo is still Liang Guo, but she is no longer a princess Changle, and her healthy husband has turned into a frail and sick person, and was brought to Weizhou by the owner of Anping County. In order to make her husband better, and to please her husband, she found a business girl to be a wife. Princess Changle was jealous when she saw it, but she was more distressed to her husband. She did n’t know why her husband was like this. She didn't know why Liang Guo hadn't existed!
After that, she saw everything that happened to her husband, whether it was Ye Wen's deception to her husband or her husband's declining body, so when she saw her husband's death, Princess Changle really collapsed, and later she saw her in Ye Everything that happened to Wen found out that this world is completely different from her world. Ye Wen is like the real life girl, even if she has such a pretty face, she has such a low profile, and even She did such an unsightly thing, but she eventually overthrew Liang Guo with her husband and became a queen!
Princess Changle watched her father and brothers beheaded, as well as her mother and her grandmother and grandfather, all of which made Changle unacceptable. She asked Meng Po and wondered if everything that happened in the reincarnation was It's true, but Meng Meng told her that true is also false, and false is true.
Later, Princess Changle waited for a long time, but wanted to wait until the souls of the emperor and her husband came, but they could n’t wait. Later, after practicing for a long time, it became difficult for her to find out that her husband would not enter the local government. Ghost cultivation, once on earth, is just the experience of her husband ...
But even so, Princess Changle couldn't bear it. She stayed there for thousands of years. With the help of Meng Po, she jumped into reincarnation and was born again.
The newly born princess Changle certainly has no previous memories, but with the recovery of her age, she finally began to think about the things she experienced, so after thinking about what her husband might experience, she chose to want her father The idea of ​​the emperor's marriage, this time she did not want her husband to die so unclearly, nor did she want to watch them Liang Guo finally die, and the father and the emperor ...
So, this time, Princess Changle felt that she must marry her husband! Only in this way, the husband will not like that Ye Wen and will not be deceived by that Ye Wen. She believes that as long as she sees her husband, the husband will definitely like her ...
The emperor was helpless by her daughter, so she had to let her go to rest first and discuss the daughter's marriage with the queen.
"Aunt Zi, it's not that he doesn't hurt the boy in Zhou's family, it's just that the child is weak. If Changle marries, then ..."
Saying the emperor sighed, he really loved Princess Changle, so he did n’t want to marry Princess Changle to such a person, but it was decided to look at his daughter. From childhood to age, what his daughter decided There is no regret.
The queen was also the first two at this time, and her own daughter was also very good. How could she be confused about such a life event?
"Let ’s not say that the boy in Zhou ’s body is ill. Now the boy in this week is married. Although it is Chongxi, it is also married by the Ming media. If Changle had to marry, what should I do ...

The two biggest couples in the world broke their heart for their daughter's affairs. They didn't know that they had already experienced Princess Changle in Huangquan. This time, not only returned, but also the cultivation method, so she believed that she absolutely Able to heal her husband.
She still remembers that her husband told her some stories in the past. Once he had a friend called Demon Fairy, that Demon Fairy is the demon demon, and the demon is the practice ... She used to think that her husband was joking. , But now I want to come, I am afraid that the demon fairy really exists.
So Princess Changle believes that this time, she can definitely change the fate of her husband's premature death, even if she is late. Even if her husband is married to Ye Chong's Ye Wen, but it's awkward to say that she is a princess. The royal dragon spirit can't hold back this girl?
If the husband is doing well, in fact, Princess Changle is not the kind of person who oppresses others, but thinking of the husband she saw in the reincarnation, it turned out that she was tortured to death by the pair of dogs and men, so Princess Changle's heart naturally It is hate, hate Ye Wen, hate Wei Ming! !! !!
For the existence of Liang Guo, Princess Changle is not allowed to live with Ye Wen and Wei Ming! Or make two lives worse than death!
No one knows what happened to the capital, but Zhou Zekai dreamed in Lingyu's voice, but he felt like he was floating, and then came to a place full of red flowers, coming and going They are all pale and transparent ...
This made Zhou Zekai think of a place-Huang Quan.
This red flower is the flower of Huang Quan, undefeated for thousands of years, and these ghosts floated unconsciously towards Huang Quan.
As a millennium wild ghost, seriously, Zhou Zekai didn't know whether he had been to this kind of place or whether he had been reborn, so he was curious about it, so he followed these lonely wild ghosts.
As these wild ghosts walked forward, they found that the flowers on the other shore seemed endless. In addition, a jade white bridge suddenly appeared in front of them, with a woman in black clothes holding a jade bowl. , Handed the bowl to the lonely ghost, some drank easily, while others refused to drink the soup, and then jumped off the bridge.
This looks like Meng Po Bridge and Meng Po Tang. The woman in black on the bridge is afraid of the Meng Po in the grave.
Zhou Zekai looked at it, and was still very curious, but the result was among many ghosts. Suddenly, I saw a woman standing in the flower of the other shore. The woman was decorated with gold, silver, and jade, and the skirt on her body was also a hundred birds. I'm afraid that I was a princess during my lifetime, and my face looked beautiful, but at this time my eyes were lowered, and I seemed a little sad, I didn't know what I was thinking.
At this moment, a ghost came over from the side and saw Zhou Zekai coming over and kneeling directly on the ground.
"See the Great!"
He was agitated and his voice was shaking, but Zhou Zekai heard the title of the emperor as a bit surprised. He didn't know when he had such an identity, but someone said it was OK, so he said.
"Get up."
The Ghost Rise soon got up, and looking at the Great Emperor in front of him was still a little excited. There was almost no chance of seeing the Great Ghost like him for thousands of years, and he had once seen the private collection of the judge. The portrait of the great emperor recognized the man in front of him, who is the greatest emperor in the underworld-the Great Emperor Tian Qiren, who is in charge of all living things.
Zhou Zekai was not very curious about the identity of the emperor, but was curious about the woman for no reason.
"Who is that woman over there? How can I stay there and refuse to give birth?"
When he questioned, he saw the woman looking up towards this side, and seemed to see someone who surprised her, and then ran towards this side madly.
The ghost sent a glance at the woman, and personally thought about the explanation of the judge. The current emperor probably didn't remember anything. Of course, in order to rebuild the mana, the ghost sent can't tell the relationship between the woman and the great.
"Back to the emperor, this woman was a princess when she was alive. After she died, she wanted to stay here and wait for her pony to come and give birth together, thinking of being a husband and wife in the next life, but her pony's leading edge was gone, and then Unable to return, she can only stay here and refuse to give birth. "
The heart said that this woman was infatuated very much. If the emperor recovered his mana, he could not be a fairy girl, but the emperor has experienced it for millions of years. It is estimated that the girl would have long forgotten it.
When Zhou Zekai heard this, I didn't know why I felt something wrong. I always felt that I had seen this woman, but I couldn't tell what was going on. It was clear that this woman had never been seen before, but this familiarity Where did the feeling come from?
When the ghost talked, the woman ran over like a madman, but her eyes were full of surprises, but after running over, it seemed that the person she was looking for was gone, and her eyes were suddenly deserted. Tears fell even more. Zhou Zekai watched the other person walk through his body for the first time.
It turns out that ghosts also shed tears ...
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