Chapter 1372: Ancient Chongxi Bride 13

When Zhou Zekai heard this, his eyes fell on the princess Changle who stood aside for the first time, but found that the princess was also looking at her, but at this moment, it seemed that his eyes were looking at him through another person. Let Zhou Zekai involuntarily think of the woman she saw in Huang Quan that day, that woman looks like a crazy monster ...
In the end, the emperor went to see the portraits painted by Zhou Zekai. In Zhou Zekai's study, he was brought all the way from Weizhou, and there were many portraits painted after he arrived in the capital. After opening, I saw Princess Changle in various postures. However, the emperor also enjoyed it with great interest. This feeling of granddaughter growing up is still wonderful.
Changle also followed her grandfather looking at these portraits. The scene in the painting may not be known to others, but she is very familiar.
Among them is a picture of Begonia spring sleeping, which is a picture only after Changle got married. Many people in the palace know that Princess Changle ’s favorite flower is begonia, so Princess Changle ’s palace has planted many begonias, and Changle I know that after she married her husband, she also planted a lot of begonias in Fuzhong. Every time she bloomed, she would take a nap in that garden, and her husband would paint for himself at that time ...
Will this person be a former husband?
Suddenly looking at Zhou Zekai's eyes became a little complicated. Princess Changle didn't know whether to expect the other person or whether the other person was not. The time spent waiting in Huang Quan was too long, so long that she remembered the person in front of her clearly. And it was fuzzy, so looking at the person in front of her, she didn't even know how to talk to the other person.
The so-called near-home sentiment is like that. She wants the other party to remember everything, but she is also afraid that if she knows it, she will be angry and resentful.
That was more than a thousand years in Huangquan. She waited for him for so long. Why hasn't he come yet?
After the emperor had appreciated these portraits and saw that her granddaughter looked complicated, she knew that her granddaughter wanted to talk to the kid, but she took them away on purpose, leaving Princess Changle and Zhou Zekai in the study.
Anyway, Changle is a princess, and no one will feel that such things are rude.
In the room, only Changle and Zhou Zekai remained, Minglan and Lingyu were outside the door, but there was some wonder whether the princess and the young master would talk, because these days see more portraits of the young master, when you really see the princess Only then did they realize that the person in the young master's dream turned out to be Princess Changle! Can Princess Changle marry a young master from then on?
Zhou Zekai's eyes fell on Princess Changle. He knew that the much-loved Princess Changle's surname Liang, named Mingjin, was the emperor's treasure.
Liang Yejin also looked at his former husband at this time, his eyes were complicated, and he finally chose to speak.
"These paintings ... are you ever dreaming of them?"
Did these past lives belong to the two of them, did they really become each other's dreams? For a moment Liang Pujin didn't know what he wanted.
"Yes, Princess Changle, three months ago, I dreamed that there was a very sad woman in her dream. She seemed to be waiting for someone for a long time. After that, I successively dreamed about many things about this woman. Her favorite begonia flower, like red bean cake, her favorite clothes are bright yellow, her favorite bun is double phoenix, and she has a favorite person in her heart ... "
Having said that, Zhou Zekai paused and looked at the woman in front of him. He didn't know why he felt guilty when he saw the other person, but more, but he was familiar.
The other's complicated and emotional eyes made Zhou Zekai even have an idea of ​​wanting to hold him in his arms.
Liang Yejin listened to Zhou Zekai's words, but suddenly laughed, yeah, no matter if the other party remembers it, what's the matter? He is still him, the one he likes, the one who can't let go, and never wants to let go ...
"Really? Then you know, who is her favorite person?"
A pair of burning eyes seemed to be able to burn all feelings, Zhou Zekai laughed and said to Liang Kunjin like this.
"I know that she has been looking at me, whether in the painting or in the dream, her eyes are gentle and irresistible. I know she is looking at me, Princess Changle, you said, the woman in this painting is Who?"
The two men tentatively tentatively tried each other, but suddenly they felt a little indifferent. No matter what, they finally met, didn't they?
"It's me, now you are in front of me, the person in your dream is me, and the person in your painting is also me. Zhou Zekai, I want you to marry me, do you dare?"
Princess Changle's eyes seemed to be twinkling with stars. She said the same thing as she did back then. She and Zhou Zekai were the youngest friends. She watched the emperor personally pick Zhou Zekai as the champion. It was also the first time she had the courage to ask him-Zhou Zekai, I want Do you dare to marry me?
"How dare you disobey the princess's life."
Zhou Zekai looked at the lovely little girl in front of her, saluting each other, but it was an incomparable appraisal.
Just like Zhou Zekai, who won the No. 1 prize at that time, he agreed to Princess Changle's request.
Suddenly, Princess Changle's eyes suddenly turned red, but she laughed, and then passed over with tears in her eyes.
"Okay, I'll wait for you to marry me!"
She trembled and kissed Zhou Zekai's lips, then ran out of the study as if shy, or that was a collision with the past and expectations of the future.
The Emperor Tai took Princess Changle away. After leaving, Mrs. Pingyang went to her son for the first time and wanted to ask what was going on. If the son really liked Princess Changle, then they paid their family a face, too. Let this marriage be done.
"Akai, you stay alone with the princess today, but what did you say? Can the princess treat you ..."
It is said that the two haven't met each other so much. There shouldn't be any friendship. But the son and the princess dreamed together, and they became husband and wife in the dream. Madam Pingyang felt that the two were very destined.
"Mother, I want to marry a princess, and I want to be a horse."
Zhou Zekai did not conceal his mother and said what she had promised the princess.
Mrs. Pingyang froze, but then she laughed and felt that her son had such an idea. She had wronged her son before. Now that the son has someone he likes, this person is still a princess. Where else does Mrs. Pingyang dislike it?
"Okay, Kai, you are now Jian Kanghou, even if you are married to a princess, your mother is looking forward to your health getting better and better. In this case, you can marry a princess. You can rest assured in this matter. Give me and my grandfather, your mother will definitely make you wish. "
The son finally had a request. Of course, Mrs. Pingyang had to satisfy her. But she could see that Princess Changle also liked her son. If she didn't like it, why would she keep staring at her son after she came?
"Mother, this is not the case. I don't need your help with my grandfather. Actually, I have been a lot better lately. Next month ... I want to take a scientific examination."
Yes, Zhou Zekai's body will of course become better and better. In this case, it is best to have a reputation. As long as you prove your strength, you can marry a princess. Zhou Zekai does not want others to think that the princess married him is shameful. of.
"Ah? Scientific examination? A Kai, your body has recovered a lot recently, but this scientific examination is really too hurtful ..."
Although the son's health has not been so good for so many years, Mrs. Pingyang also carefully educated someone, knowing that the son's ability is good, but this body is a big problem. After all, the scientific examination will hurt you, in case ...
"Mother, please rest assured that I will take a good rest and recover myself during this time. This time, I want to try to do one thing, the imperial examination. My mother helped me to hide from my grandfather. I want to try it myself. Try how far you can go. "
If my grandfather knew it, it would definitely stop it, right? Zhou Zekai believes that even if he now proposes to marry Princess Changle, his grandfather will strive to do so, but in that case, the meaning will be different ...
Mrs. Pingyang couldn't understand her son, so she could only compromise, and promised to hide her father. She also knew that there were other children in the family who would take the scientific examination. She only hoped that her son's health would get better and better.
Fu Taishi didn't know Zhou Zekai's thoughts, but he was very happy. I saw the emperor today, but I got a lot of news from the emperor, and the attitude of the emperor. From what happened to Princess Changle today at home, you can see that the emperor It is not because he has not considered Akai, but because Akai's body is not good and he is afraid of the sadness of the princess. Now that Akai is getting better and better, it is also possible to marry a princess in the future ...
The other members of the Fu family are also happy. After all, a Houye just came out of the house, too. The emperor is also here. Isn't this a double happiness? Even the wives of several brothers in the family said that the owner of Anping County was indeed a lucky star. No, as soon as they returned, they brought so many happy events!
After hearing this, Mrs. Pingyang didn't know what to say. After a few days, she took Zhou Zekai into the palace and thanked him, and met the emperor and queen who had not seen each other for a long time. They were also young friends, so yes Mrs. Pingyang is excellent.
The queen was originally worried about how poor Zhou Zekai was, but she saw that Zhou Zekai looks handsome. In addition to her pale face, there is something different, and the emperor talks with Zhou Zekai, but she finds that the child knows a lot. Anything can be done. All the words are reasonable, so that the emperor has a lot of goodwill for Zhou Zekai.
As for the Princess Changle, who is controlled by his parents, he is joked by his own brother-in-law. After all, the prince now also knows his sister's thoughts. He is also curious about Jiankanghou who was just sealed off by his father ...
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