Chapter 252: Virtual boyfriend 3

Regarding the fact that his own best disciple actually fell in love online, Chen Guoxu said that it really is a different time. There are thousands of ways to fall in love, which is across the Internet. If there is a real feeling, then it is also very good, just not Knowing what the girl across the Internet looked like, she asked Zhou Zekai several times, and Zhou Zekai didn't say, so he naturally didn't continue to ask.
When I came to Master's house with Uncle Chen, the Master had prepared a lot of good dishes, so casually chatting and drinking a little wine, it made Zhou Zekai drink a little bit. After coming to this world, this comfortable life made Zhou Zekai very Zhou's enjoyment, coupled with a little cute chatting with him all day, made Zhou Zekai feel happy.
At noon, because she had a drink, she specially let Zhou Zekai go to the room at home to rest and lie in bed. Zhou Zekai took out her cell phone and saw that there was no news at the moment, but she was a bit lost, and she didn't know the little girl What's the idea now ...
While looking at the mobile phone, the mobile phone in his hand suddenly rang. The simple two-word monkey above made Zhou Zekai's wine awake slightly.
"Hey, monkey, what happened?"
This monkey is an employee of Zhou Zekai, and his hacking skills are very strong. Zhou Zekai really arranged for him to do something this time.
"Boss, the photo has started to be sent over there. The woman's big head told me that she was called Ye Yiwen. She also sent a photo, humanoid, do you want me to reply?"
The monkey looked at the penguin pop-up on the computer and chatted with the pretending man, and froze. He really didn't know what these little girls thought about all day, all in a dormitory. Is there anything to say if you can't open it? Do you have to cheat like this? Excuse me? And that kind of thing happened, and it's too hard to strike at the edge of the nest, right? It is indeed the most poisonous woman's heart!
"Don't send a photo, drag it first, and see how the other party reacts. Didn't you find out?"
Zhou Zekai was condensed. He didn't expect that Diao Aixiang planned to start at this time, but she probably didn't expect that chatting with her all day was not Shao Yunfei at all?
But Zhou Zekai still didn't figure it out. Why did Diao Aixiang have to frame Shao Yunfei, but she also deceived Shao Yunfei and sold it to a trafficker?
But these are not important, what is important is that she always has to pay for her choice.
"No! How could I be found like this? She, I was cheated by me, oh yes, boss, do you know the kind of Internet loan? Is it the kind without clothes?"
The naked loan monkey was embarrassed to say it. After all, he was afraid that the boss felt that he was dirty, so he could only describe it this way, so that Zhou Zekai understood it all at once.
"What happened? Tell me."
Guessing one possibility, Zhou Zekai thought it was incredible.
"That's Diao Aixiang. She even borrowed money from the Internet to buy luxury goods and took her own photos and videos. Do you think that this deceptive method is so good to pay back the money? I checked her previous borrowing record. She first borrowed 5,000 yuan and then repaid it. I did not expect that she would borrow another 20,000 in the end, but it turned out to be profitable. I do n’t think she ’s 50,000 now. I was followed by those who were in debt, and her videos and photos, not that I said, through her penguins, I touched the group, but found that the photos and videos of these little girls have long been caught by these The scammers have been sold to pornographic micro sites, WeChat, or some public accounts, even private ones. I am afraid I earned them this morning. These silly girls are still desperately repaying debts and dismantling the East Wall. The Western Wall ... "
When monkeys talk about this, they chatter, it's really irritating! Especially when I saw the pictures of the girls in the group, I really felt that the heart was sinister. How can a good girl do such a thing of giving up dignity for a little money? Although this movie is abominable, these girls are also mindless, otherwise they will not be cheated ...
When Zhou Zekai heard the monkey say this, he had some ideas in his heart. He had been wondering why Diao Aixiang would do this, and even sent Diao Aixiang's family, and found that her family was just ordinary, but her parents were honest people, not like that. For evildoers, then ... Why is there any reason for Diao Aixiang to do such a thing? Zhou Zekai has always been very strange. Now he knows the result.
"Monkey, you help to stare at these loan groups, as well as Diao Aixiang, and pay close attention to you. At the end of the month, I will give you a bonus. If Diao Aixiang has anything to do with it, let me know immediately."
As long as it is a person who has stepped into usury or such naked loans, it is difficult to turn back. Zhou Zekai feels that Diao Aixiang will never turn back.
"Oh! Boss, you are really smart! But Boss, I still have something to tell you. I forgot to talk about it last time. This is Diao Aixiang, but it's not just for the boss's favorite girl, she also spreads the net. I do n’t know who I got on the line with, but a lot of girls ’penguins wanted to lie to other girls. In addition to her, several people got the girls’ penguins from her. In the bedroom of sister Yun Fei Several other girls have been added penguins, but they ignore these people. They are still safe, but there are already female students fooled. Should we take care of them? "
Originally thought to be a person's deception, now it has risen to a group of scams, and there may be more insider stories. The monkeys are very scared these days, and they do n’t know if they should call the police first, but this matter is still Tell the boss first ...
"Let ’s monitor this for a moment. Ca n’t you control the cameras of other people? Take photos of the suspects or those who deceived the students. In addition, all the chat records in the group and in the individual are saved. A girl, too, stare at it all, monkey. I'll leave it to you. I'll rest assured that the police will tell you. You don't need to worry about it, just do what you need to do now. "
After explaining a lot of things about monkeys, Zhou Zekai just hung up the phone. After hanging up the phone, his wine was already awake. Thinking that this matter might be involved in a larger case, his look was very bad.
This is probably the benefit of the Internet. When this era officially entered the virtual era, the communication between two people also changed from face-to-face to across a network cable. In this case, it is easier to penetrate into the hearts of others, and in some realities, it is impossible to talk to people. What is said will be vented through the Internet, and often it is not known whether the people across the Internet will be a trap weaving for you alone.
Thinking that his wisher had been deceived by his roommate before, and believed in a virtual boyfriend, he ended up in such a fate, Zhou Zekai knew that this matter must be managed by himself!
Thinking about the people I know around, Zhou Zekai thought of a person ... This person is the nephew of President Chen, who is now the head of the authority on the side of Shangjing City. He is 38 years old and is a well-known old churros in Shangjing City. They are very powerful people in various cases. Some time ago, they also broke the case of extortion of millionaires, and their fame is very high.
In this matter, Zhou Zekai knew that he could choose not to tell others, but if the police were not allowed to intervene, more girls might be harmed. He was protecting his wishers and exempting his wishers. Hurt, but there are more girls who have been deceived, may be cheated out and humiliated, and eventually sold to Dashan Valley ...
Thinking of this, Zhou Zekai chose to cooperate with the police.
I picked up my cell phone and went to find Uncle Chen, and found that President Chen was sitting on the sofa drinking tea and watching the news. It was a little surprised to see Zhou Zekai coming out.
"Why don't you sleep? Uncomfortable?"
Although Zhou Zekai called President Chen, Uncle Chen, but President Chen is not too young. He is already in his sixties this year, but he looks slightly younger.
"No, Uncle Chen, I have something to tell you."
Seeing Zhou Zekai's so serious look, Chen Guoxu quickly turned off the TV and looked at Zhou Zekai.
"What is it? You say."
Knowing that this student has always been reliable, Chen Guoxu wanted to know what news made the other person pay so much attention.
"That's it, Uncle Chen, the director of Shangjing City, is your nephew Chen Yunhu? Didn't I like a the Internet? It's our school, but my subordinate, the monkey, is our school. You must remember the Hou Shun who graduated two years ago. I asked him to stare at the penguin I liked the girl, only to find that someone had cheated on her for the purpose of deception, and found that a girl in her bedroom was involved. Naked loans, not only that, now it seems that they have participated in crimes and started to deceive some simple girls, as well as those penguin groups who are on loan. In short ... I don't think things are as simple as imagined. "
The more he listened to Zhou Zekai's words, the calmer Chen Guoxu's look became. He only understood the other party's meaning through just a few words of Zhou Zekai. It is probably that the monkey found the criminal group of naked loans, and those who deceived the pure Student scammers and the like, now the state strictly inspects loans. The naked loan is the focus of inquiry, because many college students are completely degraded because of such a loan. Chen Guoxu did not expect that there are still people who do this in his school ... ...
"I see, A Kai, I'll call Yunhu here and ask him to come over. You can also call the monkey directly and ask the monkey to bring the computer over. Tell this to Yunhu. Now the police station is over I'm just catching this. I'm going to take a look. Our school dare somebody do this! If I get caught! I must be expelled! "
Chen Guoxu also thinks that girls who are not self-respecting are not worth cherishing, and they have also participated in crimes. When thinking that this is a student in their own school, they may extend their magic to more students in their own school.
As for Zhou Zekai, he nodded and looked dignified.
"Uncle Chen, please."
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