Chapter 290: Dual Personality Husband 9

In the end, Zhou Zekai decided to accept hypnosis. When he followed Dr. Meng to his psychological clinic, he lay on the sofa specially prepared for the patient. Father Zhou and Mother Wen Xueqing were waiting outside, and Dr. Meng was chatting with Zhou Zekai.
"When you were young, you didn't like to laugh, but you were very polite. I remember when you first met me, you called my uncle very nicely."
Dr. Meng said that he wanted to relax Zhou Zekai, but Zhou Zekai was still tense. He glanced at this room and found that there are also many clocks and pendants in the room, as well as some pictures similar to the starry sky and black holes. Can see more.
"Ze Kai, after I formally hypnotize you, don't be nervous. You may see your other two personalities in your virtual consciousness. Regarding why your personality was born, I think it has a strong family genetic gene. There is no doubt that you are completely different from other personality split patients. They have split various roles, and you are all split by yourself, that is, there is a great possibility. You will merge if you want. "
Dr. Meng explained gently that he used to look at Zhou Zekai with his child's eyes. At this time, speaking softly, it calmed down the nervousness before Zhou Zekai. It is now six o'clock in the afternoon, and two more The hour, Zhou Zekai, which belongs to the night, will appear, so this hypnosis must end before that time, otherwise what may happen will make people feel extra terrible.
"Well, now you close your eyes and imagine yourself lying on the grass, looking up at the blue starry sky ..."
Following Dr. Meng's words, Zhou Zekai closed his eyes, and then imagined that he was lying on the grass. The grass was a little cold, let him know that the grass was dewy, and then looked up. The sky was an indescribable blue, dotted with it. Stars that keep blinking ...
"You just lay like this, then fell asleep ..."
Dr. Meng continued to hypnotize. As soon as the other person entered his room, Dr. Meng hypnotized Zhou Zekai invisibly, whether it was a painting on the wall, a clock, or whatever he was holding. They are hypnotizing Zhou Zekai.
Zhou Zekai was lying there as if he was asleep, and in his mind, the grass was a bit too wet, causing his brows to wrinkle, and he got up from the grass involuntarily, intending to lie down somewhere, but at this moment, But I saw a figure coming towards me in the dark.
When this person approached himself slowly, Zhou Zekai discovered that the other person was another one! He wore a pink shirt, which was somewhat romantic, and his hair was dyed to that kind of gray-white, which looked very cool. This is what Zhou Zekai had never seen before.
In the dark night, Zhou Zekai raised his lips, slowly came over, looked at his own personality, and laughed.
"I didn't expect to see you here one day, eh ~ you should know who I am?"
These words are very ridiculous, but Zhou Zekai immediately confirmed the identity of the other party, the one who would occupy his body in the night.
"Well, hello." Zhou Zekai was very calm. He even had the mood to say hello to the other party, but it was the other party's cold hum.
"You still have a mood to joke with me? That personality wants to kill us."
He belongs to the night, but he knows the most. He didn't realize the existence of another personality before, but there are so many things happening today that he can already know the existence of another personality, and he I also agree with the other party's idea.
Well, whether they are two or three, only one is perfect in the end.
He must complete the task of the wisher, and accompany the wisher forever!
"Then wait for him to come, he must be there."
Zhou Zekai looked around. He could feel that the third personality must have appeared in this place, but it was hidden in a certain darkness. He was not afraid of the other person, anyway, he did not intend to let go of the other two personalities. .
Just when two people stood here and looked at each other, they saw a man in black clothes rushing through the darkness and holding a sharp knife in his hand! This sharp knife poked directly at A Kai who had a relatively large target, so that Zhou Zekai on the side quickly helped to pull him out of the night, which was a chase.
Two people ran in front, and Zhou Zekai, who was dressed in black at the back, chased after him with a grimace, which felt very bad.
"I think we need to subdue him."
Zhou Zekai turned his head to look at the person who looked exactly like himself. If he was really killed here by the man in black clothes, he really didn't know if he could exist.
Zhou Zekai, who belongs to the night, laughed, and now I was joking.
"I think we also need a knife."
But I didn't expect it. After speaking, a knife really appeared in his hand! Perhaps because here is about the world of consciousness, everything can come true. When I saw the fall in my hand, Zhou Zekai of the pink shirt laughed, and even chopped towards Zhou Zekai next to him.
Zhou Zekai quickly ran away, saying that the other party even wanted to kill him at this time! So a thought in his heart, a gun appeared directly in his hand. He was originally a master, more powerful than the other two, and aimed the gun at the pink shirt in front of him.
"I advise you not to move or I will shoot."
Zhou Zekai in the pink shirt was pointed at the gun. He also knew that his knife could not be used by others. He was about to surrender. The dark third person behind had already ran over, and he stabbed at him with a knife!
Just listening to the sound of the gun, Zhou Zekai hit the opponent's hand directly, the knife fell to the ground, and the dark third person was already holding his hand and hurting.
"Help me control him now!"
Only from these two personalities can the true truth be obtained. Zhou Zekai of the pink shirt also knew at the moment that the person had to lower his head under the eaves and turned his head to control the third personality with Zhou Zekai. Crushed to the ground.
Zhou Zekai's gun was against the pink shirt, not letting the other party act lightly, causing the other party to make white eyes, and the other hand picked up the third personality knife and placed it on the third personality's neck.
"Say! What's your mission!"
Just now, Zhou Zekai already wanted to understand. When he saw himself in a pink shirt and black himself, Zhou Zekai understood that they must be one person, but after coming to this body, this body has a congenital spirit. The split caused them to be one person, but at this moment they were split into two because of such a disease, and later they did not know what the reason was, they split a third ...
Zhou Zekai, who was stabbed against the neck, showed a stingy smile, but said.
"Of course kill both of you!"
This answer seemed true or false, and Zhou Zekai was not sure, but suddenly turned to look at the fan shirt himself and said.
"According to my parents and Xue Qing, you pursued Xue Qing when you were in college, and you married her later, then ... Is your mission to catch up with her to marry her?"
Only if the person in front of him wishes to marry a wisher will he receive the divorce task. Now Zhou Zekai is not sure whether the task he received is all of the task or only one stage of the task, so he must know more answers. .
Zhou Zekai of the pink shirt had already understood the meaning of the master, and he was also willing to cooperate with each other and smiled.
"My wisher wished to stay away from the scumbag and met someone who loved her."
Because of this, Zhou Zekai of the pink shirt chose to chase Wen Xueqing after thinking about it, and gradually developed a feeling for Wen Xueqing.
Such an answer made Zhou Zekai holding a gun and Zhou Zekai who was forced to be crushed by a knife on the ground a while. Zhou Zekai, the master, opened his mouth.
"The wish made by my wisher is a divorce, and she wants to divorce her husband."
At this moment, Zhou Zekai, the pink shirt, understands why the master has been so evil lately, and he has to divorce his wife if he doesn't agree with each other. It turned out that Wen Xueqing himself asked for it ...
The information of the three people was recombined at this moment, so that at this moment, the brains of all three people began to operate at high speed. Did Wen Xueqing make three wishes? Totally impossible! The three of them split after coming to this body, that is to say ... Wen Xueqing made a wish, but after this body, he became three because of schizophrenia.
Zhou Zekai condensed an eyebrow, but suddenly had an idea, looking at the third personality suppressed on the ground, and then looked at the second childlike personality that was difficult to hide between the eyebrows, and said.
"According to time, I speculate that the three of us should be one person, and the task received is also one. If it is in chronological order, it should be my first appearance. The task I receive is that the wisher wants to divorce her husband, that husband, It may not be me at first. "
"You." Zhou Zekai looked down at the pink shirt and said.
"Because the task you received was to stay away from the man and get a true love, so you did this in advance, and the man didn't show up, so we married Wen Xueqing, and the person she wants to divorce is not me nor You, but the old man. "
After speaking, I pressed the black Zhou Zekai who was lying there again, and continued.
"Finally, the task of killing the two of us is absolutely not true. I will now give you another chance and tell me what is your real task?"
The knife had already shed blood on those lying there, but at this moment, the black figure began to dissipate gradually, and the starlight began to drift into Zhou Zekai and the pink shirt.
At this moment, Zhou Zekai understood everything at once, and the knife quickly passed the second personality of the pink shirt. When the blood overflowed and the other party began to turn into starlight, his face remained expressionless.
Because he had thought of everything, and the true wish made by the wisher.
"I hope to divorce my husband. Schizophrenia has made him a lunatic. I can't stand it ... I think there is a person who loves me and loves me. Anyone is good, if, if really ... ... I hope my husband's personality split will heal, leaving only one personality. "
Such a wish can also understand why he has such a situation, Zhou Zekai looked up, looking at the false starry sky, expressionless.
"Oh ... what a greedy woman ..."
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