Chapter 295: My brother's fiancee 4

In short, An Jiayi lived in the Zhou family in this way. Zhou Zekai's opinion on this matter was only when the other party was a stranger. After dinner, he greeted his grandfather and went to the company. He has been busy recently. Ignore a stranger from the house.
After Zhou Zekai left, Ling Jinhui was naturally embarrassed to stay at home. I always felt that it was very strange, so I bid farewell to my grandfather and returned home. He really didn't have much to say to that lady, maybe my grandfather would have something to say?
Although An Jiayi felt a little embarrassed, she was greeted with a smile by Father Zhou, so she accompanied Father Zhou to practice calligraphy. Her good hand received praise from Father Zhou.
"Your mother didn't like to practice calligraphy when I was a kid. When I came here to play, I always secretly helped me to rub the ink, and ended up making a mess."
Thinking of that cute little girl, Grandpa Zhou involuntarily appeared in the mind of her younger daughter, Zhou Shizhen. Although the Zhou family was not considered to be a great deal, both of them were educated since childhood, especially the young daughter. Zhou Shizheng, although he was not very good physically since he was a child, but he was talented in calligraphy. He wrote a good plum blossom. Now he sees that An Jiayi also writes a good hand, but he praises it.
"Really? Grandpa Zhou, then the words you write must be excellent!" An Jiayi is a girl who will please the elderly and the children who settle in. She is extremely loved by the elders when she comes out. She smiled a little like her mother.
This reminds Grandpa Zhou that when her daughter was pregnant with Kai, she came back and said that she wanted to have a doll with An Jiayi's mother. In the end, she gave birth to two boys. Now the girl is with the illegitimate child. Engagement made Grandpa Zhou somewhat unfortunate. I felt that An Jiayi's mother didn't know what the idea was, and she let her daughter suffer in that kind of home.
Anyway, it was a family matter, and he was hard to say anything. The two started to practice calligraphy together, but they got along very well.
An Jiajun went out with An Jiaxuan and An Jiajun told An Jiaxuan about the medicine of his sister.
"What? You said Jiayi was saved by Zhou Zekai because of Chinese medicine?"
An Jiaxuan couldn't believe it. How could her well-behaved sister rush to a place where the fish and dragons were mixed, and she was also prescribed medicine. If it wasn't for Zhou Zekai's appearance, the sister would not know what to experience ...
"Is her bodyguard? Xiaowu them?"
As the young lady who settled down, An Jiayi didn't say that she went out at night. Sometimes she had to be accompanied by bodyguards when she went out during the day. The family hired two more professional bodyguards for An Jiayi. This made An Jiaxuan feel something was wrong.
"Bodyguard? I have already asked Xiaowu about them. When Jiayi went out, Xiaowu followed them. Later, when they arrived at the bar, they were deliberately targeted by a group of people. They separated directly from Jiayi. In order to find Jia Yi, is now being hospitalized, Xiao Wu even broke a rib. This is definitely a plan for Jia Yi, otherwise the bodyguard will not be counted in, Xiao Wu, I have already paid the medical expenses . "
Mentioning this An Jiajun is also angry and wants to smash the car. If it is the problem of the bodyguard, but the sister obviously took the bodyguard, but the bodyguard was blocked, and the body was bruised all over. He did n’t dare to think about it. The person who aimed at his sister wanted to do something to his sister.
"So ... has anything investigated?"
One night, it is impossible to investigate nothing, right? An Jiaxuan didn't dare to think about it, after all, boys are still different from girls. There are too many ways to destroy a girl! !!
"The investigation started last night. Today, Jiayi told me that it was Ning Yuheng's kid who sent a text message to Jiayi to pick her up in the bar. As a result, I called Ning Yuheng and he said that it was not the case! I also asked what happened to Jiayi, and I did n’t understand why my parents had to accept an engagement with Ning's family !!! "
When mentioning this matter, An Jiajun was furious. After growing up sensible, he gradually grew up. After knowing who the Ning family were, he always disagreed with the so-called dolls in the family. Let ’s not talk about all these years. Dolls are still popular. Let ’s say that the first thing people do with their dolls is their mother and A Kai ’s mother, Zhou Shixun, but now they ’re fulfilled by Ning Quan. Kun's illegitimate child?
Is there anything hidden about parents? Why else would you ruin your sister's life for this short promise?
An Jiaxuan also knew in her heart that her mother was very fond of her sister, and she raised her sister innocently. The most important reason was that I felt sorry for her and gave her such a contract when she was not born. The marriage contract can obviously be cancelled. Why should we insist on it so hard?
Thinking of Zhou Zekai you met today, An Jiaxuan thought, if the sister's fiance was Zhou Zekai, it would be great.
"By the way, did you notice, parents? You ca n’t help telling them about such a big thing."
It's about An Jiayi, the only girl of the Anjia generation. It's all so serious. If you don't notify your parents, that's not normal.
"Say, parents have come to our company, let's talk directly to the company."
I feel that my brain is going to be mad, whether it is the foolish thing of my sister being drugged, or the parents who are unwilling to maintain such a marriage relationship, An Jiajun is going crazy!
In the coming year, his personal car quickly appeared at the door of the company. When An Jiajun got out of the car, his face was almost black. Following An Jiaxuan, he was calmly thinking about something. Both of them did not intend to hide this time. They wanted to ask Ask your parents why they had to maintain this baby doll that didn't exist.
After going upstairs, I knew from the secretary that their parents were in the lounge. An Jiajun took An Jiaxuan to the lounge directly. After pushing the door in, he saw the mother sitting there and the father standing there.
"You guys are back. What happened to your sister?"
Anmu was red-eyed at the moment, and she hurried over after receiving the phone call from her eldest son. At this moment, she was very uncomfortable. She was afraid of what happened to her daughter. She held the hand of her eldest son and was full of expectations. Give results.
The father also looked at the two sons, and the daughter had an accident. He was also very nervous. After all, for this daughter, Zhou Father was also very much loved.
"Jiayi is okay now, mom, don't worry, I have arranged her at Akai's house and I have care for her. I'm very relieved, and last night it was like this, Akai called me I was told that Jiayi had been taken medicine in the bar and was rescued by him. I passed by last night. I was relieved to see that Jiayi was okay. In addition, both of Jiayi's bodyguards were shot into the hospital. I suspect that this is a targeted plan for Jiayi, and an investigation has begun. The bar side, I believe there will be results. "
Speak out this matter directly, let Anmu's tears fall instantly, apply medicine! Even if the son didn't say it carefully, Mother Zhou also knew what would happen to a girl being prescribed medicine in a place like a bar.
"She, she doesn't usually go to that kind of place, why did she go last night ..."
Like An Jiajun's reaction, An Fu also looked at An Jiajun, thinking that his daughter suddenly went to a bar where it was abnormal.
"Dad, mom, I have already asked Jiayi. Jiayi said that Ning Yuheng sent a message saying he was drunk and asked her to pick it up. After the sister passed, she knew it was a bar. After entering, The crowd rushed away from the bodyguard, and was then prescribed medicine ... "
This is really weird. If this is not a calculation, it is not normal.
Hearing this, An Father immediately understood the thoughts of his eldest son. The thought of Ning Yuheng was also very upset. He said that his daughter was the lover of his father's last life. An Father also liked An Jiayi very much. I don't agree, but the wife has to agree to this matter as if she is crazy. It also makes An Father unable to figure it out, but she cannot intimidate the wife ...
"Then your sister is okay?" Mother asked quickly, and she was most concerned about whether her daughter had anything wrong.
"She's okay, Mom, I have arranged her, but I suspect this matter has a lot to do with Ning Yuheng. According to the results of a short investigation, some people say that Ning Yuheng does go to that bar often, but Ning Yuheng went to say that he never went to that kind of place. I suspect that this thing was not done by Ning Yuheng or the women outside Ning Yuheng. "
It ’s all in a circle. I know everything about virtue. Ning Yuheng, although he has a fiancee that makes everyone admire, is not a good person. Because of this, An Jiajun despise him. I don't think he deserves his sister.
When Anmu heard this, she felt a little lost, but Anfu felt that there was nothing wrong with this speculation, and nodded.
"Include Ning Yuheng in the investigation. Be sure to investigate whether your sister has anything to do with him."
The thought of his daughter being drugged, and in a place where fish and dragons are mixed, Father Zhou was totally afraid to think what would happen.
And Anmu, at this time was crying with red eyes, sad, so An Jiaxuan at the side could not help but finally say.
"Mom, I've said it several times. Then Ning Yuheng is not a good person. Look at his father, find Xiao Sanqi and die the original match. After Xiao San's death, he married this charming woman now, his family. Can there be any good people? Ning Yuheng is still an illegitimate child, do you really have the heart to let my sister price such an illegitimate child? I have heard my grandmother said that you were a good doll with Aunt Zhou, but with Ning Quankun It doesn't matter! Why do you have to put your sister's life on a body of sewage at a glance? "
Regarding his sister's marriage, Anjia discussed it many times, and An Jiaxuan also listened to it several times. Although he did not have his right to speak at that time, it did not mean that he did not feel bad for his sister, but every time his mother was the most firm, non- If you want to complete this baby kiss, this is the thing he doesn't understand ...
Anmu heard the younger son questioning himself, although he still had tears on his face, he looked up and said to the son.
"This is not your business! I have promised others! Your sister must marry Ning Yuheng! Yes! Your sister must marry !!!"
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