Chapter 347: I only like your fiance 2

This sentence by Zhou Zekai directly made Wei Shichun's expression extremely ugly. His eyes looked at Zhou Zekai in front of him as if he was dirty. He almost instinctively reached out to Zhou Zekai in front of him. Zhou Zekai's face.
He grabbed the other's hand, Zhou Zekai would never let the other beat him, not to mention the woman's nails are so long, if he hits his own face, it is estimated that his face will be scrapped.
"Pervert! Death pervert !!!"
Even if the hands were grasped, Wei Shichun looked at Zhou Zekai's eyes full of disgust. Without the previous admiration, I somehow thought of my fiance, but just felt that I was going to be disgusted.
Everyone knew about his engagement with Huo Yichen more than a month ago, but didn't know that Wei Shichun didn't like Huo Yichen at all! Although she said that she had known Huo Yichen since she was a child, she really couldn't like Huo Yichen's cold appearance. The most important thing was! Before the engagement, she actually saw her own brother confess to the person who was about to be engaged! Although Huo Yichen rejected his brother, Wei Shichun felt like a fishbone stuck in his throat as soon as he thought about the matter between the two, and she felt uncomfortable.
Brother has always had other girlfriends, only Huo Yichen did not! That must be Huo Yichen seduced my brother! He knew he was going to get engaged, but the brother he seduced him to confess to him! It's simply unbearable!
And when I think of the star I finally fell in love with, I also like Huo Yichen! What good is that man Huo Yichen? Why is he so liked? And the relationship between men and men is simply disgusting!
Wei Shichun almost did not hesitate to put all the blame on Huo Yichen. He also believed that his brother and Huo Yichen confessed because of being seduced, and because of this, they wanted to find a little star in the entertainment industry to raise them. A drop of Huo Yichen's face, and now it's okay ... even a little star dare to bully her! The little star also likes Huo Yichen ...
Thinking of this, Wei Shichun's eyes were a little red. After Zhou Zekai let go of his hand, he once again struck Zhou Zekai's face. The face that was originally amazing was now full of in Wei Shichun's eyes. nausea.
"Miss Wei, I can sit here and talk to you calmly now, it is already respecting you. If you have to make it happen, I don't mind notifying the media and telling you what Miss Wei is thinking. "
Holding Wei Shichun's hand, Zhou Zekai finally felt that this woman really was a little bit spicy, but only when he heard that he liked Huo Yichen, he wanted to grab his face, thinking that Huo Yichen was eventually ruined in front of the woman In my hands, I feel normal.
A woman who is able to love camouflage so much is beyond the frankness of a girl like Huo Yichen.
The father of Wei Shichun is the mayor of Shangjing, and his mother is the head of the Cultural Regiment. Grandpa is still working today, not to mention uncle or something like that. It can be said to be longer than the House of Right. This time, the marriage with Huo family , Also the result of good discussions in the family.
As for Huo Yichen, the family is a famous military family. Huo Yichen is the youngest grandson of this generation. There are four cousins, three cousins, and one cousin and two cousins. The family is huge and has great power in the military. The Huo family ’s children went to the army to train with their family members when they were less than ten years old. Later, they stayed directly in the army to train. Huo Yichen is 25 years old this year, but he is already a senior military officer who retired. The reason for his retirement is that It was because of an injury that he didn't know the specific circle.
The Wei family wanted to join forces with the Huo family military and government, so they looked at Huo Yichen and arranged for Wei Shichun to engage with Huo Yichen. As for the marriage ... it also depends on the later policy. If the policy is OK, the two will get married. If something goes wrong, then the marriage contract between the two will naturally become void.
Oh, I forgot to say ... The replacement of the current power holder is imminent, and it must be replaced within half a year. The replacement of the power holder will have a great impact on the Wei family and Huo family!
From the mouth of his wisher Huo Yichen, Zhou Zekai knew that it was also during the current replacement of the power holder that the Wei family had established a foothold because of their marriage with Huo family, and secretly calculated the Huo family, which caused the new power owner's Doubt, no more than five years later, the big tree of Huo family was uprooted by those who are interested, among them Wei family took the lead. The most important thing was because the two were married and the two shared resources. As a result, it was naturally betrayed.
Huo Yichen ’s mother had a strong delusion. After Huo Yichen ’s father died, when Huo Yichen ’s father died in battle, she regarded Huo Yichen as a continuation of Huo Yichen ’s father. He gave birth to a girl as a son. Huo ’s family also watched Huo Yichen. His mother was pitiful, and his son died on the battlefield miserably, so he did not stop such behavior.
Huo Yichen reached adulthood all the time, and took a lot of meritorious service, and became the pride of the Huo family. The engagement of the Wei family and Huo family was also decided at the request of Huo Yichen's mother.
She had forgotten that the child she gave birth twenty-five years ago was a daughter, not a man, and could not marry a wife and have children.
Huo Yichen, a 23-year-old veteran, later took over the business of his grandfather's house and opened a very large security company, which is a national chain. Because it is also famous in the circle, most people dare not mess with him. After all, The security in Huo Yichen's hands were all veterans of the special forces. The soldiers who would not fight the most were also soldiers. This is completely irresistible.
"Anyway, what you like about men are perverts! Perverts !!!"
Wei Shichun pulled his hand from Zhou Zekai's hand vigorously, and found that his wrist had been pinched red, staring at Zhou Zekai fiercely, ironically.
"If you let your agent know that you like men, then how can you continue to mix in the entertainment industry!"
In today's society, the tolerance for homosexuality is still very low. Although celebrities will not be attacked if they come out, they will also lose a large group of fans. For example, a newcomer such as Zhou Zekai, if there is a homosexual storm, it is probably Don't think about staying in this circle, it is estimated that it will also cause thoughts of interested people!
"I don't worry about Miss Wei. My own affairs, I can handle it myself. I just hope Miss Wei doesn't bother me. I think that if we have to give us an identity, the enemy is the best relationship. "
Zhou Zekai deliberately provoked and looked at Wei Shichun with contempt when he spoke. He really felt that the other party was a very self-conscious woman, not only to Huo Yichen once, but also to him once.
Just because I saw my brother and Huo Yichen's confession, I found a little star to be a lover for revenge, even if that's okay, I thought that since my brother likes his fiance, he gave his fiance a medicine and gave it to his brother. After that, he also gave his little star lover to his brother to play with. A woman like this ... For a woman who has no choice what to do, Zhou Zekai really has nothing to say.
Moreover, this person's rights are trampled on in the pain of others.
The wish of his wisher Huo Yichen was to let the Wei family completely lose everything because of Wei Shichun in front of him!
She also wanted the other party to try out the feeling of family ruin.
"You! You dead pervert! I won't let you go!"
After speaking, Wei Shichun took the bag and left. She came fiercely, and naturally when she left, she had already figured out how to punish this disobedient toy!
As for Zhou Zekai, there was no mood to eat. Sitting there, he slowly sent a message to Huo Yichen.
Huo Yichen, who was busy at the company, saw that the phone was on, picked it up, and glanced at it. As a result, he saw the words above, and his eyes were cold.
[Master Huo Xiao, no, Miss Huo Yichen, I want you to help me, I hope you can come over and live in the Royal Palace. 】
Huo Yichen ... No, or Huo Yichen, after seeing this news, she got up from her chair. After so many years, she can't even tell whether she is Huo Yichen or Huo Yichen, but since this person already knows Her secret, she must go to meet this person for a while.
You know, no one knows who you are except your family.
Reply to the other party, and leave the company directly. Yufuju is not far from here. In ten minutes, Huo Yichen arrived and was led by the waiter to Zhou Zekai's private room.
When Huo Yichen entered the door and saw the man sitting there, he was unavoidably surprised by the other's face. She admitted that the other man was the highest-looking man she had ever seen! Every move was full of a sense of temptation.
Zhou Zekai, who was sitting there for a few sips of red wine, was looking at Huo Yichen.
At this time, Huo Yichen was wearing a formal suit, and his face was expressionless, like an iceberg. From entering this room, the pace of walking has been a kind of straight green pine. After sitting there, he even looked It makes people feel very temperament. This feeling is still familiar to Zhou Zekai. This is the feeling of soldiers.
When soldiers walk, walking with ordinary people is completely different.
Huo Yichen's appearance is the kind of Qingxiu, probably because he has too strong momentum. Even in the face of Qingxiu, no one guesses that she is a girl, but Zhou Zekai laughed.
"Master Huo, I was targeted by your fiancée Miss Wei today. It is estimated that she intends to destroy me tonight, so I have to ask Master Huo to raise his hand."
He said with a smile, but it made Huo Yichen's brows frown. He always felt that the beauty in front of him was beautiful, but every move was like a fox spirit, as if he was attracting people at any time.
"What did she do?"
Although the two were unmarried couples, Huo Yichen knew that his marriage with Wei Shichun would surely end, so he never paid attention to this fiancee, so he didn't know what happened.
"Oh? What?"
Zhou Zekai laughed, then suddenly sat beside Huo Yichen, and smiled lowly with a glass of wine. When he looked up, there were only five or six centimeters left.
Huo Yichen tried hard not to open the person in front of him, and looked at the exquisite face of this person.
"What can she do? Of course it is because of my beauty and wants to support me ~"
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