Chapter 358: Ferocious Mermaid 2

Zhou Zekai, who swims into the depths of the heart, realized that he is a mermaid for the first time. He is still such a mermaid, which makes him feel very strange.
In this world, the relationship between mermaids and humans is like the relationship between a hunter and a hunted prey, but the change of identity from the beginning of the prey to the later status is strange.
In the eyes of human beings, mermaids are mysterious and strange, full of various illusions, and have no IQ. They only know that they eat in the deep sea and are finally caught by people. But how many people know that humans are also prey to mermaids? The mermaids have landed as early as tens of millions of years ago. They are hidden among humans, and it is so easy for no one to find them.
As for the physical condition of Zhou Zekai now, it is only because he has not completely evolved yet. The completely evolved mermaid can have human legs and even be more physically powerful than humans. In the sea, the mermaid is well deserved. Strong!
This involves a very strange feature of the mermaid, which is called the estrus.
Generally speaking, it is really animals that have estrus. The reason why people are high is to think that they are different from animals, but humans do not know that mermaids are not low in intelligence quotient. On the contrary, mermaids have very high IQs that can reach humans. At least three hundred IQs are because of this, they are better at hiding and not being discovered by humans.
However, these need to be evolved at a deep level, and this evolution is called estrus.
Humans have evolved from the earliest maternal society to the male society. The most important thing is that men become more powerful, but mermaids are different. In a sense, mermaids are very possessive creatures. They will be before estrus. Find the half you believe in, whether it's a mermaid or a human.
Mermaids are all very happy. If it is a human, the other party will gradually be transformed into a new mermaid by the mermaid during the estrus period. It will evolve through three months and finally become a complete mermaid.
So ... In a way, the life of mermaids is longer than that of humans. It is precisely because of this long that people also learn to survive in the human world. They carefully hide themselves, just ... some people don't wink! Even trying to find the secret of longevity from the mermaid.
After Zhou Zekai accepted the inheritance memory of all mermaids, he knew that mermaids have no so-called secrets of longevity. The mermaids were originally older than humans. They should be at least about 500 years old, and the humans that were converted into mermaids would Will have the same life span as them, for example, Zhou Zekai, who has lived for 300 years, and the fish life may only have 200 years left. If he finds a human during the estrus, he will be transformed. Each other, then the other person will have two hundred years of life.
Just like a virus, if you want to have a long life, you must give up what they have been persistent. The most important thing is that in the eyes of the mermaid, the object they need to transform is always those young men or women, that is, It is said that the elderly who are over forty years old do not have this opportunity.
Of course, in the mermaid heritage, there is another kind, the other kind is called the mermaid queen.
This meaning is very strange. Unlike the relationship between humans, the mermaid queen was born in the water. After being transformed, she will have a fiery red tail. The singing voice can make other mermaids obey her. The most important thing is that , The birth of each fiery red mermaid is accompanied by various pains.
After all, during the estrus period, some people will go ashore to choose an object, and some people's parents will bring them back to humans, and more of them are the combination of two mermaids, and ... there is no reason for the masses to combine.
The so-called fiery red mermaid was born under such circumstances. It has too many genes of other mermaids, causing her voice to make many mermaids obey her.
This is not a good thing. After all, mermaids are cruel in the end. If they are commanded to do what they are not willing to do, the result can only be torn by their fangs.
Zhou Zekai floating in the water recalled the estrus of the mermaid, thinking of the time in the hall, only that things didn't come very well.
The estrus period of mermaids is the same, all in July of each year, and now it is June 3rd outside, that is to say, there are more than twenty days left, and all fish in this institute will enter Estrus!
And in a few days, the nightmare of the mermaid will also begin. This is the process of their gradual conversion from tail to leg. And Zhou Zekai knows that the mermaid between the hidden and humans has come to rescue them, and plans to rush before the estrus. It was just too late. In the mouth of the wishing man, he knew that when these mermaids arrived, the research institute had turned into hell, because the mermaids started wantonly killing after estrus.
No way, after mating, they had to mate and protect their partner. In the face of such a crazy attack, the mermaid naturally wanted to kill.
Just when Zhou Zekai was floating, he suddenly felt a pain in his body, but he hit a wall-like thing and made him stunned. The mermaid's vision in the deep sea is very good, but even so, he is also glass. can not be seen.
Zhou Zekai touched the glass lightly and saw his own hand. No, maybe it should be a web claw. This web claw looks a bit light blue. Long-term blood draw makes him a little malnourished. If he can go out, he It's time to hunt a whale for food.
Each mermaid here feeds a hundred catties per day, but in fact, mermaids do not need to eat every day. As long as they hunt once and eat enough, they can not eat for a month, such as Zhou Zekai He saw from his memory that he himself preyed on a blue whale and swallowed it. The mermaid was more ferocious than humans imagined.
Because of this, coupled with blood draws, Zhou Zekai looks severely malnourished.
When Zhou Zekai was in a daze, he suddenly heard a song coming, and that song floated into Zhou Zekai's ears, but it turned into a man's good voice.
"Akai, have you chosen a human who will spend the estrus together?"
This sound seemed to come from a long distance, but it was very close. Just when Zhou Zekai was asleep, he saw a mermaid with a blue tail swimming in the darkness behind the glass. Look, he looked at Zhou Zekai, his eyes kind.
"Yu ..."
Uncontrollably, Zhou Zekai also made such a voice that humans couldn't understand. He knew that the name of the blue mermaid in front of him, called Yu, was taken by his parents himself, because Yu's parents already possessed the human double Legs, successfully hidden in humans.
Without many people knowing, in this world, there are many smart mermaids who have done what they ca n’t do. No matter what industry, there are mermaids all over the place. Otherwise, humans wo n’t happen in the later stage. Mermaid hunting.
Human beings want to eat mermaids for more lives. The mermaids originally only needed to eat meat. As a result, under the provocation of human beings, they began to use human meat to protest. In the history of mermaids, there were people as early as 5,000 years ago. The fish went ashore. Later, after everyone passed the estrus period, they had human legs, and even more ashore. From the records that belong to the mermaid, Zhou Zekai saw a lot of smart people, but their identity has changed. , Turned into a mermaid.
"I like that human being named Mo Jingzhou, how about you? Gan said he likes Wei Xueyu."
When he said this, Yu's face was expressionless, his mouth opened slightly, and a nice sound came out, so that Zhou Zekai understood the origin of the other party, Yu, gan, they are all mermaids of this generation. Yes, seeing that the estrus period is coming, they must also make a response. The best way is to find a human to pass the estrus period, so that they can grow their legs.
And now that they are trapped in a cage, the best way is to find this suitable human separately.
"I like Fang Yating."
Zhou Zekai does not hesitate. If the final result is to transform Fang Yating into an adult fish, then Zhou Zekai hopes that this time Fang Yating is not forced to become a fiery red mermaid like this, he prefers the other party to rely on himself and become weak.
"Female?" Yu's brow frowned, and then a sound wave was emitted.
"Females are very weak."
For mermaids, choosing women is indeed a very risky thing.
For example, a mermaid has no gender. It can be regarded as a female or a male. It can breed babies by itself. Therefore, after the conversion of humans, mermaids also tend to have babies by themselves. This can maintain the purity of the mermaid blood and be converted Mermaids have no reproductive function. Almost a year ago, mermaids often chose more males and fewer females.
One is that females are weak and prone to death.
The second is because for mermaids, males are more complex with their aesthetics.
"I'm fine." Zhou Zekai replied again, only feeling that the headache's estrus was a bit scary, and he didn't know if these mermaids would kill again during the estrus ...
After listening to Zhou Zekai's words, Yu did not have any objections, and then walked away after explaining a few words. At this time, it was time for humans to feed. Although he did not want to eat, he was very hungry in his stomach.
Zhou Zekai quickly saw the big fish swimming in the water. The fish was put in by the administrator. He easily reached out and caught one. He frowned and put the fish in his mouth to bite. A kind of sweetness spread in his mouth, which made Zhou Zekai's appetite open, and soon he consumed this batch of food.
He always has the energy to get through the estrus, otherwise, if other mermaids come to the rescue, he is still a mermaid, it would be too bad.
Researchers in the laboratory also feel that these mermaids have been eating too much recently. They have increased from the previous one hundred catties to two hundred catties a day, but they still disappear when they fall into the pool.
Looking at the situation in the camera video, the researcher frowned, only feeling that something might happen ...
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