Chapter 384: My influencer boyfriend 5

Anyway, Lu Yang still trusted his buddy very much. After all, this million was earned by the hard work of two people. Since A Kai invested once, it proved to be planned, just like himself. A competent agent also studied p-pictures in the same way. Lu Yang watched the money anyway, so he intimidated Zhou Zekai to record the song he heard, and then posted it directly on Weibo.
[Zhou Kaikai V: The influencer who doesn't want to be a singer is not a good doctor ~ [AUDIO]]
The name of this song is "myprayer". It is a song in which a man confesses to a woman. It is particularly affectionate. Because the tune is low, it has a unique sense of sing. In Lu Yang coerced Zhou Zekai to record this. After listening to the audio, I listened to it many times. I was really shocked by the singing of my buddies. How can I not share this with fans?
So after two days, the fans of Yan Kong who belonged to Zhou Zekai saw the update of their idol's Weibo. This time, there was no photo, it turned out to be an audio. You can listen to it by clicking the audio directly on Weibo. Fans opened this Weibo and clicked on the audition the first time. After all, before that, everyone hadn't heard Zhou Zekai's voice ...
Sang Xueying is a fan of Zhou Zekai ’s Yan Kong. When she first saw the video of Zhou Zekai playing basketball, she was directly obsessed with this sunny little brother. Since Zhou Zekai opened Weibo, she has been following for the first time, every time as long as When you are in a bad mood, looking at Zhou Zekai ’s photos seems to be nothing. Under Zhou Zekai ’s Weibo, many fans like to leave some of the difficulties they have encountered recently, or some grievances, Zhou Zekai also occasionally responds, but it makes fans become extremely loyal, and one by one likes to leave a message for Zhou Zekai, because Zhou Zekai's Internet celebrity has no sense of distance at all, and always makes people feel so comfortable after reading what he said. .
Even if you complained on his Weibo after the other party returned a comforting hug, you will feel that the bad mood before was swept away, just because this person laughed, it was really sunshine everywhere.
Following Zhou Zekai ’s Weibo, she saw the idol ’s Weibo update for the first time and clicked in. Then she saw this funny sentence and could n’t help showing a knowing smile, and opened the audio.
She looked forward to it very much. She wanted to listen to the person who laughed and smiled. Is she talking with sunshine?
And after opening the audio, I heard the soothing music sound, could not help but increase the sound of the music.
"Iknowthatshe’soutthere ... theoneI’msupposetosharemywholelifewith ..."
The deep and affectionate voice came from the headphones. At that moment, only Sang Xueying felt itchy ears, and there was some tingling in her heart. It felt as if she had been struck, with a unique feeling, as if it was an electric shock.
"InadreamIholdyouclose ... embracingyouwithmyhands ..."
Finally, after that unique and affectionate confession, the song belonging to Zhou Zekai sounded. The charming voice made Sang Xueying forget that she was a big boy with a sunny smile. To a beautiful man from abroad, because of such a singing voice, it is too much reverie ...
Zhou Zekai's voice is gentle and clear, and it gives a gentle caress, which is so difficult for everyone who has heard this song ...
[蒹 葭: Oh my gosh! God is really eccentric, giving a person a perfect look and giving such a nice voice! Do you lack a girlfriend? I do n’t want anything, just sing to me at night to coax me to sleep ~]
[Rh: This dear really sings well. I used to sing it as a senior before, and it swept the girls of the whole department! Now I think the male you are better at singing than me! 】
[A tree in the old forest of the deep mountain: I didn't expect that in my lifetime, not only could I hear the male singing, but also sing so nicely ~ how can those professional singers feel embarrassed ~]
[BennI: I just want to say that this is my boyfriend. No one should rob me, anyone who robs me will be in a hurry! I am fierce! [Tooth grin gIF]]
[Jiu Nuo: Ah Ah Ah Ah! I used to just like your face in Kai Kai, now I decided, I want to like everything you have! !! !! 】
[LIttLe Bai: The ears I'm listening to are all pregnant. Hey, they don't have a boyfriend yet. I don't think I can find a boyfriend in the future ...]
[Luan Shi: You are served in the internet celebrity. People sell products. You sing a word that doesn't agree with each other. You still sing so nicely. Do you want to release an album? 】
[Liu Bailin: Come to an entertainment company to take this evil away! Quickly debut! I want to buy an album, I want to buy a poster ~~~]
Netizens are excited about Zhou Zekai's act of singing without a word. Fans who have been diving before also jumped out to leave a message, and the volume of songs released in half an hour exceeded 30,000! Comments reached 60,000! It just created a new high for Zhou Zekai's Weibo popularity, and Lu Yang was so excited that he couldn't wait to release an album to Zhou Zekai immediately ~
It ’s a pity that you do n’t have any money, otherwise you have to pay it out at your own expense! This voice sings is simply going against the sky!
Yu Yunyue also saw this Weibo, but he did not expect that the beauties who were selling beautiful colors would even sing, and he opened the audio at random and listened. From the random at the beginning to the serious listening later, a song After the song was finished, Yu Yunyue was still seriously thinking about it, and realized that it was just a songwriter who could release an album. This professionalism is much better than many singers in the industry ...
As a talented woman in the music department, the biggest reason why Yu Yunyue did not enter the entertainment industry is because of her looks.
In the minds of netizens, Yu Meiren is a high-powered royal sister. When singing, the treble can shatter the glass, and the modern repertoire of ancient songs can be seamlessly controlled. They can also write the songs themselves. , But actually? However, Yu Yunyue has a sweet face. The height of one meter five six makes her always humble. Moreover, her voice belongs to Yujie Faner, and the false voice can become a sweet or loli sound. If such a voice sings, It can be heard by professionals at a glance, so Yu Meiren's idea of ​​entering the entertainment industry is broken.
Later, Yu Yunyue signed a contract with a music company. The company was started by a brother of hers. She occasionally went to help others to sing or sing vocals, or wrote songs to sell to the brothers. The company's life was pretty good. Don't look at Yu Yunyue who has been in the network distribution circle for several years, but in fact she only graduated last year and is only 24 years old this year.
Can't help downloading this song on her mobile phone. Yu Yunyue planned to play it in a loop. She didn't expect that she would randomly make a male celebrity influencer, which would surprise her so much. This influencer sings well. Yes, better than some professional singers in the entertainment industry.
Zhou Zekai, who was madly praised by fans and retweeted the songs nicely, was relatively indifferent. He had been a singer, and singing these songs was almost impossible.
However, compared to his disregard, Lu Yang secretly sought out his former collaborators to borrow tens of thousands of dollars to buy sailors and hotspots. He intends to help Zhou Zekai's popularity this time. After all, the Internet celebrity is just hype, not hype Why would anyone like it?
Fortunately, I have cooperated with the Marine before, so soon, the topic of # 不 唱 的 网 红 不好 医生 # quickly became hot on the Internet, and even with the enthusiasm of fans, it went directly to the hot .
This made Lu Yang laugh and bloom, and Zhou Zekai, also in the other party ’s joy, welcomed the welcome song of the country. The time is set at seven o'clock in the evening. Early, Zhou Zekai packed his own early. Things were sitting in front of the computer, and the accompaniment prepared before was also complete.
It may be because of the welcome song. Today, the country is very lively. The number of fans in the main channel has reached 160,000 and it is gradually increasing. This can be seen in the popularity of this channel. On the public screen Fans are constantly refreshing the names of the singers they like. After all, everyone comes here because of the talents they like.
Zhou Zekai carefully studied this crookedness, which is really amazing. Everyone communicates with fans through such a platform. Even if they don't show up, fans don't know their looks, and they can like someone by sound. This feeling is really wonderful.
Of course, Zhou Zekai's participation in today's welcome song is not only to be a blockbuster, but to do something in advance to avoid everyone's harm to Yu Yunyue. After all, who is the real liar must always let everyone know.
At 6:53, the host was in a lively atmosphere with the hot tunes, and said some jokes about the singers on the channel, which made the fans leave messages and reply. The atmosphere was not good.
In the channel, the administrators of various companies also began to contact the singers and asked if the singers were ready. In this welcome song, in addition to the new singers, almost all the powerful singers in the country are there, and several more The cVs that are very famous in the network distribution circle, one of them is now the most popular among fans, that is, twilight dawn and spring sunset feathers. This pair of cp is now sweet and toothless, which makes many cp fans be impressed.
Zhou Zekai watched with satisfaction that the number of people in the channel was increasing, and when approaching seven o'clock, the host became more excited!
"Hello everyone, it's 7 o'clock Beijing time, today is our 39th Welcome Song Party! Welcome everyone to hear the latest voice, and there will be other singers who will like the most beautiful voice for you Hope everyone can spend a pleasant evening today and hear the most comfortable music ~ Well, not much nonsense! Now let's give time to a singer who has been prepared by Yimai, your favorite fan Xiaoyan, Mr. Fan attacked !!!!!! "
The host's voice just dropped, and there was a cheer on the public screen. Fan Xiaoyan had a lot of fans, and Fan Xiaoyan also opened Mai Xu and said with a smile.
"Dear friends, I am still very happy to meet you on the channel today ~ When we were on Weibo, everyone voted for what they wanted to hear most. The highest number of votes was" Queen ", so next, a" Queen "was given to me. All of you, you are my queen ~~ "
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