Chapter 431: Plagiarism will die 6

With the voice of the original author, this anti-plagiarism news has also peaked. The most important thing is that the TV crew of the TV show "This Love Has Nothing to Do with the Wind" also jumped out and said that the copyright was earlier. I bought it. I didn't know the author's plagiarism when I was filming, and I was willing to apologize to the original author to prove his innocence. This matter simply pushed the son of a son into a place of nowhere.
Entertainment companies are now turning their backs and ignoring others, and the crew of the movie "This Love Has Nothing to Do with the Moon" is similar. Both the director and the actor interviewed have expressed no knowledge of the plagiarism of the son, and they are now very helpless. , I also hope that the original can be more powerful ...
Anyway, it is those official good words that are stunned. After all, plagiarism is a shame. Anyone who has anything to do with this matter will only be left after being remembered. For example, Yun Xue Ning and Duan Yiran, the two originally collaborated on this TV series, which attracted the audience. As a result, after the plagiarism came out, if anyone encountered an interview, it must be an interview of plagiarism, or they had to ask the two to play the plagiarism. The novel, whether you have seen the original or the like, the two actors are also very helpless, only to keep the agent away from the son of the son in the future.
The entertainment company is also embarrassed. Originally, I wanted to catch up with the trend of Ip, but after a while, "The situation has nothing to do with the wind and the moon" played a good card, but I did not expect to be beaten out! If the person who bought the copyright of this novel did not know about it, it is definitely false, but if there are so many readers, Ip ability is large, and naturally it does not take care of this. Besides, there is a large copy of the world ’s articles, or web articles. So naturally I don't want so much.
But who ever thought that now it is so stealing chickens that they can't eclipse rice ...
Almost everyone in the original author is cheering, and the ones who have recently published books have even been interviewed by the media. Regarding the matter of blocking the son-in-law in the circle, these authors have repeatedly agreed, saying Such behavior is to clear the tumor of the literary circle.
Of course, the most unlucky thing is to buy another book copyright entertainment company from Gong Ziyue, which was already ready to start shooting. As a result, when the celebrities heard Gong Ziyue's work, they were directly unwilling. It is also felt that as long as the name of Gongziyue appears, it may be reminiscent of plagiarism. It is very bad and has a great impact on the company. In the end, the purchased copyright can only be placed there and cannot be used ...
Gao Ziyue received a leaflet from Zhou Shiyi. This plagiarism case has been filed in Shangjing City. Hao Wenyue also hired a lawyer to defend herself, but she did not expect that the other party ’s lawyer would be more powerful. In this case, what is the reputation? It's gone, it seems that everything can only be dragged on like this ...
There is the publisher's side, which was originally intended to be printed by Gong Ziyue's book. Now that this kind of thing has happened, naturally it will not do such a bad thing. Even Hao Wenyue's new book conference was cancelled.
Just when Hao Wenyue was in a trough, another big event happened in the online literary circle. As the supreme goddess in the online literary circle, he sent a link on Weibo. This is an automatic comparison plagiarism software, as long as the original Putting the passages in the novel in it can scan it for plagiarism.
As soon as this website came out, many authors called a clapping applause, and some authors were more nervous, that is, those authors who may not have such a famous son, they also copied it, but not many people found it, and now, this website is very useful May pull them out.
Of course, in addition to this, there is a list on this website. There are now five people on this list, all of whom have been plagiarized and confirmed, one physical book author, and four web authors, of which The son-in-law's name is on it.
The website details that as long as it is determined that the author has plagiarism, whether the author himself apologizes or the website handles it, the person's name and her brilliant plagiarism history will appear on the plagiarism list.
This is something similar to the column of shame. It is estimated that which web author's name is on it, and it will be difficult to turn around later. Even if it was plagiarism, if it was found, it was changed secretly or not to let those readers talk. , And now, if the name really falls on this pillar of shame, it will really be faceless to face Elder Jiang Dong in the future ...
Many readers have also saved this page. After all, it is generally found that some authors copied, most of them are readers. They did not have a place to do such a thing before. Now, the thought of those who copied will be nailed to such a shame. On the column, I just feel that my heart is boiling, but one day's work, this site was almost ruined, from five people to hundreds of people ... The authors in it all have plagiarism experience, or they are still The writers of the plagiarism are not named individually. Below are the publishers of their works, the editors of everyone, and so on ...
Now, it ’s impossible to pretend to be deaf on the website side, especially the zero point of being treated as a son. After seeing that there is an author on the pillar of shame, he immediately sealed the book, which is very efficient. Gao received unanimous praise from many authors.
Other websites are naturally unwilling to be left behind. All that should be dealt with are not dealt with before. I do n’t think I ’ve dealt with them before, but I think I ’ll make up for any water spray anyway, but if I do n’t deal with them anymore, if the so-called plagiarized website is one of my own websites Book, don't you lose face?
Fortunately, those websites that deleted the novel will also eliminate the name on this plagiarized website, but it will make everyone look at the great of the son of a cricket.
I used to think that the great was unhappy just because he was touched by porcelain, but now they feel that it is estimated that the great has been prepared and does not know how long ...
Zhou Zekai, who is concerned by these authors, has already obtained the latest anti-theft software developed by the company and met with the person in charge of the website Zero Chinese Novel Network.
"A Kai, I didn't expect that in such a few years, you have made such excellent software. Comrades in the industry would be very happy if they knew you did this."
The zero-point boss Bai Jiayu looked at the big of his own website in front of them. They had met many years ago. Nowadays, they are all old, but I did not expect that the simple guy at the time was really Did it all.
During this period of time, anti-plagiarism on the Internet was vigorous, but Bai Jiayu secretly used some of the latest anti-theft systems developed by Zhou Zekai on the website's books. After this system was installed, it had the function of anti-scanning, mainly to prevent Those pirated machines to brush away their novels are very powerful. After two weeks, Bai Jiayu found that those novels loaded with anti-theft really have no piracy, which is much stronger than their company's anti-theft system. Already.
"It's all mixed in your circle. I also hope that the web articles will become better and better. The current situation in our country is the proliferation of piracy. I believe that as long as there is less piracy, everyone will look at the genuine and the power of originality. Piracy, like plagiarism, needs to be eliminated. "
Zhou Zekai looked at Bai Jiayu with a smile and realized that the other party just wanted to bargain, but he didn't plan to pay much for this thing, he just wanted an attitude on the Zero Website.
"Well, that's true. Both plagiarism and piracy need to be eradicated. Only by eradicating these will our circle be clean."
Bai Jiayu continued to test, and wanted to know what Zhou Zekai meant. After the two of you came to fight with me, Zhou Zekai made a request.
"I hope Zero Chinese Fiction Network can cooperate with other websites to block pirated authors and novels at the same time. This requirement is not too difficult for Bai, in general?"
It is only the fastest and most effective way to eliminate everything from the root. If each site has a strengthened definition of plagiarism, and readers ’feedback, then the plagiarism has no place, then the original will be More brilliant and powerful.
Bai Jiayu naturally does not reject such a request. As the webmaster of a literary website is also the boss, he naturally hates those who are plagiarizers. It is shameful to take other people's things and be complacent.
The next negotiations between the two were relatively simple. In order to promote the cooperation of great websites, Zhou Zekai contacted major online novel sites, provided them with anti-theft software for free, and asked the other party to promote anti-plagiarism websites. Although this software was used, For several years, I spent a lot of money, but for Zhou Zekai, it was just drizzle.
As a result, when many online readers secretly watched the anti-plagiarism war, they found that the novels, apps, and websites that they usually like to watch have released the latest announcements!
The name of the announcement is "May the original be strong and brilliant." Open it up. It illustrates the current status of online novels and the shamelessness of plagiarizers. It also indicates that major websites have cooperated with anti-plagiarism websites. Authors can report immediately, and the website will try their best to cooperate, but all authors who have copied plagiarism will be blocked on the entire network ...
Once this announcement came out, it was almost domineering! Make readers who don't write novels feel too good! Let's see who dare to copy other people's things ...
As for the network author, some people are happy and some are sad. After all, some people write their own things, and some people inevitably try their best to prevent them from being caught by anti-plagiarists. Change, afraid to let readers find out.
And Hao Wenyue, when she saw the news, she knew that she was really over ... everything was over ...
The entertainment company has given up on her, the publisher has called over and complained, and the new book she was about to publish has been suppressed. Hao Wenyue knows that even if she apologizes now, it is useless ...
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