Chapter 538: Coyote 8

Zhou Zekai did not know that his family was about to appear soon, but he was working hard to promote his design. The sales volume he saw through the live broadcast was still very good, which made Zhou Zekai feel very good. He just wanted to let everyone know He likes Gu Xiang. Gu Xiang is not only his black swan, but also his most cherished existence in his life.
When Zhou Zeyi drove over, the crowded square was almost crowded, and Zhou Zeyi could only see the man above from the big screen behind him. He had a delicate face and was no different from himself, even more handsome than himself.
This person ... is my brother?
At this moment, Zhou Zeyi only felt that his heartbeat was beating uncontrollably. It was the unspeakable feeling that made his eyes fall involuntarily on Gu Xiang beside Zhou Zekai. He already knew from his cousin. This is possible. It's my brother's person, and I already have a favorite woman.
Cheng Jiayu also found his cousin in the crowd. When they came to stand together, the people in the square went back and forth, but they did not decrease. After all, the Dream Cup is so powerful, and there are naturally a lot of people who come to see it. It has been more than three hours, and the game will end in a while. Zhou Zeyi also went up to buy the pre-sale of these clothes. I bought the whole series. The size of Cheng Jiayu was above. I thought of buying it for my cousin. With a set, whether this person is his own brother or not, this costume design is really good.
Soon, the game finally came to an end. At the scene of Wanda Plaza, the game party announced the result as soon as possible! Zhou Kaikai was successfully promoted with the excellent results of the 21st place! !! !!
The news cheered everyone present, and Gu Xiang also hugged Zhou Zekai excitedly. She was proud of her Kai.
Zhou Zekai hugged Gu Xiang and said with a smile among the cheering crowd.
"It's not just the black swan in the future, I want to design more clothes for you to wear."
After speaking, watching Gu Xiang ’s full-faced touch, kissed her lips in her cunt, and the two kissing scenes were played directly, making everyone below cheer again, and had to say, Such behavior as Zhou Zekai is bold, and it must be the case when the program is introduced.
The competition finally came to an end. Zhou Zekai and Gu Xiang were finally able to rest. Gu Xiang took the lead in inviting all models and staff to have a celebratory banquet. In the evening, everyone had a few hours to rest.
At the end of the game, Zhou Zekai and Gu Xiang were both organizing things. Gu Xiang had changed his work clothes. When he moved outside, he looked up and saw a man very similar to Zhou Zekai. Gu Xiang's clothing and temperament are different from Zhou Zekai, making Gu Xiang confused, a little confused.
"Hello, Miss Gu, would you please let me meet Mr. Zhou?"
Zhou Zeyi hurriedly said that he already knew that this woman was the one that the boy just liked.
Gu Xiang was really a bit confused. I didn't expect to come out to participate in a competition. I was able to meet someone who was exactly the same as the one I liked, just like a TV series, and nodded unconsciously.
Later, he brought Zhou Zeyi and Cheng Jiayu to the backstage, and his appearance made the backstage people also stunned. Then he took a quick look at Zhou Zekai who was still packing his clothes, and felt that this was just a joke to God.
Why are there two Zhou Zekai?
"Akai ..."
Gu Xiang passed, Zhou Zekai arranged the clothes in his hand, turned around, and saw Gu Xiang, Zhou Zeyi, and Cheng Jiayu with complex looks. After seeing Zhou Zeyi's face, he understood. It seems that this body is distinctive It's still very high, isn't it ... someone came here by themselves.
"Hello Mr. Zhou, can we find a quiet place to talk?"
Zhou Zeyi stretched out his hand and said that when he faced Zhou Zekai face to face, he suddenly felt the throbbing from the twins, and thought unconsciously ... that he used to be in good health, but he had a sick reaction. .
My mother always said that it was his brother who was suffering. Now he wants to come. Maybe it is good to have telepathy between the twins?
For the other party's invitation, Zhou Zekai naturally agreed, and took Gu Xiang and Zhou Zeyi to a nearby cafe, and after finding a private room, four talents sat down.
"Mr. Zhou, don't you have any questions about our similar looks?"
Looking at Zhou Zekai's indifferent face from beginning to end, Zhou Zeyi felt that he was simply ignored. Should normal people see people similar to themselves, shouldn't they investigate? Why is this person not curious at all?
Zhou Zekai was very prepared, took out the drawing paper of the beautiful woman he recently restored directly from the bag, and handed it to Zhou Zeyi.
"I can't remember things when I was young, but I still remember, it was this woman who gave me to my adoptive father and mother. Do you know her?"
As long as the other person knows this woman, his identity will definitely come to light.
Gu Xiang did not expect that there was always love in the middle. Zhou Zekai pulled a hand in his hand, but couldn't help looking at Zhou Zeyi, and found that whether Zhou Zeyi was dressed or temperament, it was definitely not an ordinary person. When I thought of it Gu Xiang felt a little flustered for no reason.
After taking over the drawing paper, Zhou Zeyi suddenly changed his look. He knew this woman. Isn't this his father's chief secretary? I heard that she is a non-maritalist and has never married or had children.
"You mean ... this woman lost you?"
About the loss of his brother, Zhou Zeyi knew a lot, and also knew that his father took his brother to the company, but the brother didn't know how to get out of the company, and lost after going outside the company ...
"Do you know her?"
Zhou Zekai did not answer, if he asked back.
Looking at the other person's so calm appearance, Zhou Zeyi suddenly felt, why does his brother seem unwilling to go home?
"This is my father's chief secretary and has been with him for more than two decades."
Still gave the answer, and this answer made Zhou Zekai sneer and then said.
"About me, I think you will definitely investigate when you go back, but if the truth of the matter is investigated, I hope you do n’t do something useless. I think it ’s okay for me now. I do n’t care about my family and I have people I like. I say so ... do you understand? "
Translated these words, isn't that the meaning of not wanting to recognize the biological parents?
Zhou Zeyi suddenly didn't know what to do. After all, he was only nineteen years old this year and he was still in college. He really did n’t know what to do for a while and a half and he did n’t notify his parents this time. Now think about it, if you let your parents know that your brother is not willing to go home, I don't know if it will be more sad.
"But, but ..."
But parents have been looking for you for a long time ...
Zhou Zeyi wanted to say this, but in the face of Zhou Zekai's indifferent look somehow, he couldn't say something.
In the end, Zhou Zekai got Zhou Zekai's hair with hair follicles and Zhou Zekai's contact information. Zhou Zekai wanted to know the results, but he was not in the mood to recognize his relatives. His request was to let the Zhou family determine his identity and then pass away his adoptive father and adoptive mother. After all, At that time, the race was broadcast. The adoptive father and adoptive mother knew that they were not sick and made money, and they would definitely come over and ask for money.
Zhou Zekai impatiently sent these people off.
It was normal to say that the conversation was unhappy, and Zhou Zeyi was almost sure that the other party was his elder brother, but this elder brother didn't seem to want to go home at all, which made him want to know what happened to his elder brother these years ... ...
As for Gu Xiang who returned to the hotel, she also looked at Zhou Zekai's hairpin. She originally thought that Zhou Zekai's family could produce such a good seed completely burned by the ancestor, but she did not expect that Zhou Zekai was not born by others. Looking at Zhou Zeyi today, it should be someone from Shanghai. I don't know what identity is ...
This uncontrollable feeling made Gu Xiang a little flustered, and some did not know how to face Zhou Zekai.
"Sister Xiang, aren't you going to ask me?"
Perceiving Gu Xiang's fluctuating mood, Zhou Zekai held Gu Xiang in his arms, put him on the bed, and said slightly aggrieved.
Looking at this handsome face right in front of him, Gu Xiang wanted to say no, but when he thought of Zhou Zeyi's appearance today, he was a little worried.
"Akai, since you might find your biological parents, why don't you recognize them? I think that Zhou Zeyi said today is your brother, he ... the family conditions should be very good."
This remark had meaning, Gu Xiang thought of Zhou Zekai, who was acting as a waiter several times at the time. At that time, Zhou Zekai, who was off work, looked really clean in a white shirt, and of course, he was dead.
With his own money, he approached the clean boy and even left his mark on the white paper.
But now he is like this. If he really wants to be with him, it is still possible if it is the original. But if he finds his biological parents now, will his biological parents agree that he will associate with a woman ten years older than him? ?
Now Gu Xiang suddenly feels that Zhou Zekai's original vampire parents don't seem to be so annoying, at least she can solve it alone.
Zhou Zekai could see her worry from her eyes, and said after kissing her pink lips.
"Sister Xiang, even if it is my biological parents, but we have been separated for many years, I do not know how to get along with them, and I have you now, sister Xiang, you are the one I will spend my whole life together People, although they are my relatives, they are not going to stay with me forever. Sister Xiang, will I get married when I reach the legal age? "
The words of cleanliness were spoken from this young man's mouth. Gu Xiang suddenly felt that the previous worries seemed to disappear for a moment, and his eyes were reddish, but he said with a slight choke.
"Akai, are you planning to marry me like that? You just said you would marry me?"
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