Chapter 591: Get Out of Entertainment 2

As a good agent, after getting this information, Hu Shen directly called a good paparazzi who dealt with his relationship. Sure enough, in this special period, naturally someone would buy Fang Haoqian. If it was said that Liang Xue was because of someone behind him and everyone didn't dare to take it, then now, Fang Haoqian should see the rhythm of getting married, and there is no one behind him, so don't blame them for being ruthless.
After all, celebrities are used to entertain the public.
Moreover, Fang Haoqian belongs to the idol pie, and most of his fans are girlfriends and wife fans. He didn't agree to secretly get married, and his son gave birth to one. It was not good at all. Now Hu Shen is exposed without any pressure.
Oh, I forgot to say that Fang Haoqian's company and Hu Shen are just not dealing with it. How do you say?
Netizens have scolded Zhou Zekai for a stiff face with no expression at all, but Fang Haoqian's acting can only overbear the president's evil charm and smile. What is the difference? In the eyes of Hu Shen, Zhou Zekai is more handsome than Fang Haoqian!
Soon, I negotiated a condition with a person called Secret Gossip Club, and waited to sign a contract tonight, after all, this kind of thing must be signed a confidentiality agreement.
After making the phone call, Hu Shen was in a good mood and patted Zhou Zekai's shoulder.
"A Kai, I didn't expect your kid to have this hand! Seriously, since you can dig into Fang Haoqian's materials, Liang Xue is certainly not a problem. Why don't you just pull Liang Xue into the water? Like it What about her? "
Hu Shen mentioned this matter and was in a very bad mood. At the time, it was Hu Shen who found the resource of "Miss Fantasia". After Zhou Zekai entered the camera crew, Hu Shen did not follow at the time, and Zhou Zhoukai was tricked by a woman like Liang Xue. By the time I discovered it, I had no time to do anything, and I could only tell Zhou Zekai all the things that Liang Xue did once and for all, hoping that he wouldn't have a mental breakdown.
After all, what kind of characters can be mixed in the circle after the film?
Liang Xue can be said to be a tertiary film debut, which was directly naked. Later, he went to sleep to compose, sleep director, and slept all who could sleep. He was also wrapped up by the big brother for a while, and then he got the current resources smoothly. Become an inspirational counterattack idol in the mouth of fans, but if the people in the circle mentioned it, I don't know if this is a bus!
As long as he has a little ability, he can play it. Hu Shen almost did not fight Liang Xue's agent about Liang Xue's routine Zhou Zekai.
After all, how can a newcomer like Zhou Zekai who has just stepped into the entertainment industry, be an opponent behind the film?
"Hu brother, I do have Liang Xue's material, but now is not the time, I hope to wait until the right time to release it, and why do you think I will investigate the two of them? I am afraid they have already talked to The water army discussed me well, before Liang Xue ’s water army took the rhythm online, saying that I posted Liang Xue on the show and harassed her. I think if the netizens do n’t agree with the relationship between the two of them, it ’s estimated that Take me out and lie down! "
Zhou Zekai said here, with a cold hum, this is the entertainment industry, open guns are easy to hide, and hidden arrows are difficult to prevent. Since they want to play, Zhou Zekai intends to accompany them to play and see who has played who!
When Hu Shen heard the change in his face, he couldn't believe it and looked at Zhou Zekai.
"You said Liang Xue and Fang Haoqian were going to rectify you together? Already contacted the Navy?"
For Liang Xue, Hu Shen was really very skeptical, thinking that Liang Xue could indeed do this kind of thing, but did not expect that Fang Haoqian dared to do such a thing, this is to hold Zhou Zekai as his back! !! !!
"Yes, so Brother Hu, please contact me immediately with a live broadcast room. I want to do a live broadcast on the phone, just by the way, let me talk about Liang Xue's story in" Sisters of Flowers "and give them two some warmth. , After all, it's hot, white, right? "
Zhou Zekai smiled and went to let Hu Shen find out that this little star is no longer a nervous person who just signed in to the company. Since being waved by Liang Xue, Zhou Zekai has grown rapidly and has found that he is in the entertainment industry. The important thing is heat.
A star, whether it is black or white, as long as it is hot, everything is easy to say.
For a star, when he loses all the attention, it is when he is completely exhausted.
Zhou Zekai's "Prince of the Palace" exploded last year, and later participated in "Miss Fantasia". Now the TV drama "Moon Moon Photographs My Heart" is just being produced. At this time, a wave of excitement over here is excellent!
In particular, Hu Shen understands that although Liang Xu used Zhou Zekai's routine before, his popularity has also increased a lot. Now he has 10 million fans alone. This is a new entertainment couple who has debuted for two years. Say, it is already a very, very good result!
Almost immediately, Hu Shen's mind went through all possible situations and finally decided to broadcast! Must broadcast! Now that Liang Xue can step on them, they should always surprise Liang Xue.
Then Hu Shen contacted the country's largest live broadcast platform, and said that Zhou Zekai wants to broadcast live at night, I hope the official can help with advertising, and hinted that Zhou Zekai will expose his personal relationship with Liang Xue in the broadcast room. Immediately let the manager of this love room live broadcast agree, not only that, but also quickly arranged the company's publicity to publicize Zhou Zekai.
how to say? Although Zhou Zekai is a small star from an eighteen-line web drama, she is also a frequent searcher, often on hot search, and the popularity is very high. It will definitely be popular when they come to live broadcast here, and think about it two days ago Liang Xue and Fang Haoqian exposed their love affair, and before Liang Xue and Zhou Zekai's love affair was fiery, Zhou Zekai is going to engage in the rhythm of things!
After helping Zhou Zekai to contact a good person, Hu Shen did not go out. He reported the incident to the company and the situation of Fang Haoqian. The appointment was a live broadcast at 8 pm. The company also gave the answer and let Hu Shen Just get it.
how to say? If the first two years, it is estimated that the company did not dare to tear up with Liang Xue on the face. There is a big guy behind Liang Xue, but now the big guy is getting tired of Liang Xue, and Liang Xue has reached the age of getting married. Mixed with Xiaoxian Rou Fang Haoqian, now if the company borrows Liang Xue's popularity, that's perfectly fine, who is afraid of anyone! Before Liang Xue bought the water army to step on Zhou Zekai, they haven't settled it yet!
So many people who care about Aiwu Live Studio suddenly found that the latest pop-up advertisement appeared in Aiwu Live Studio, and the latest advertising statement was also issued on Weibo-Zhou Zekai's live broadcast at 8 o'clock tonight and Liang Xue's second and third things !! !! !!
That's right! It ’s such a straightforward advertisement that many fans clicked in for unknown reasons, and then saw Zhou Zekai ’s selfie, as well as those photos of Liang Ze ’s routine before Zhou Zekai. Think about Fang Haoqian and Liang Xue two days ago. The public things, everyone agreed that Zhou Zekai is definitely going to do something big this time! !! !!
Of course, Liang Xue and Fang Haoqian haven't been down in the hotspot these two days. Now Zhou Zekai suddenly popped up, which made everyone feel full. After two days, fans have already exposed a lot of Liang Xue ’s followers. Fang Haoqian proved together that some fans even put forward evidence that Liang Xue and Fang Haoqian have been together for at least two years ~ concealed from the public, they have not been found for two years together!
And Zhou Zekai, the big sister and little wolf dog people who became popular last year, are even more popular. Snowflake cp powder seems to be all over the world. Two days ago, after Liang Xue and Fang Haoqian's work card, Snowflake cp powder also went on hot search.
Now ... it's Zhou Zekai's turn to search!
Hu Shen called over and sent Zhou Zekai's live broadcast at night to Hot Search, while the contract over the live broadcast room was all personally owned, and people didn't care about money for popularity.
At night, after eating, Hu Shen was still a little excited. After all, let ’s not talk about Fang Haoqian's news, just say that those things in Zhou Zekai ’s mobile phone are enough to prove the fact that Liang Xue talked about Zhou Zekai! Who makes Liang Xue always think that Zhou Zekai has a deep affection for her!
Of course, the most important thing is that after the company knows that Fang Haoqian's illegitimate child was discovered by Zhou Zekai, he knows that his company must keep this newcomer no matter how it is. After all, the things in his hands are already very valuable!
When Fang Haoqian falls, their company can replace Fang Haoqian with new people, such as Zhou Zekai is very good ...
As for whether it's acting, huh, does idol drama need acting skills this year? As long as you grow well, will fans buy it?
Until 7.40 in the evening, Zhou Zekai opened a live broadcast room specially made by the company. Although this thing is a mobile live broadcast room, but for clarity, the company still uses the highest definition camera, so after opening the video, Zhou Zekai The handsome face of the abstinence department appeared in the video, and the company specially made people put on makeup, at this time it looked even better.
Zhou Zekai was very satisfied with his own style, and found that there had already been more than one million people in the live studio that had not yet begun. It really was for gossip, everyone was unscrupulous!
At eight o'clock, Zhou Zekai opened the live broadcast room on time, and then those fans who stayed in the live broadcast room instantly saw his handsome face, and then crazyly brushed gifts, which made Zhou Zekai block all the gifts. .
Well, no gift can cover his handsome face.
Many fans here are Zhou Zekai ’s fans. The name of A Kai falls on the public screen. There are also passers-by fans who come to see the lively. There are other fans. In short, three minutes after the live broadcast room opened, Popularity has exceeded three million.
"Good evening everyone, my name is Zhou Zekai ~ I am very happy to be here in Aiwu Live Studio. Can you see me?"
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