Chapter 615: My family is big brother 3

This slap by Zhou Zekai not only slaps Mu Xiaoxiao, but even Zhou Zeyi, who is his younger brother, is confused by his brother's violent behavior!
That ’s right. Regarding the beating of his girlfriend, he did n’t think it was anything. He just looked at his brother in shock. Why is this person who always says that everything must be resolved peacefully, instead Did you start hitting women the first time? He had always looked down on fighting himself before!
This earth-shaking change made Zhou Zexun even care about what his girlfriend was beaten into, which was a direct question.
"Brother, Mu Xiaoxiao offended you at school?"
Oh, by the way, I forgot to say that the people of the Zhou family are indiscriminate, they only help their relatives but they don't help them. Obviously, Mu Xiaoxiao is more important than his own brother.
Mu Xiaoxiao had a bad left face hit by a big man at this time, and it must have been swollen. Besides, Zhou Zekai was originally a muscular man, and his personal strength was naturally different from other people. At this time, he covered his face. Crying for a long time, originally looking at his boyfriend, looking forward to his boyfriend to make it for himself! The result was such a sentence, almost not crazy.
Zhou Zekai looked at this pretty Mu Xiaoxiao. Now she looks like a wolf. When she went to the police to report her injury, she said that her brother had raped her, and she did n’t know why this girl was like this Ruthlessly, my brother gave her a year's gift as a goddess. As a result, the woman turned her head and killed her brother with other men.
Faced with his brother's doubts at this time, Zhou Zekai took a cigarette and spit out a circle of eyes before he said.
"I didn't offend me that much, I know that this woman's secretly and the Zhang Nan next to you, have been together for almost two years? Haven't you given this girl a couple's watch before? She told you that you lost one , In fact, she was given to Zhang Nan, wasn't he surprised? Surprised? "
Zhou Zekai looked at Zhou Zeyi with a smile at this moment. After hearing this, Zhou Zeyi immediately became angry and turned to look at Mu Xiaoxiao. The result was Mu Xiaoxiao's swollen face and tears pitifully. It looks like there is no way to say harsh words to the woman, and he turned his head and walked to Zhang Nan. At this moment, Zhang Nan was controlled by two younger brothers. Zhou Zeyan went up with a punch and hit Zhang Nan's face.
"Is Zhang Nan right? What my brother said is really false? What is your relationship with Mu Xiaoxiao?"
At this time, Zhou Zexuan still couldn't believe that his goddess was playing with himself from the beginning, and even gave his own things to other men!
That's right! In this year of Mu Xiaoxiao and Zhou Zexun's love, they asked Zhou Zexuan for at least about 100,000 yuan for various reasons. Although the watches are not expensive, they are also five or six thousand. For students, it is already very expensive.
If it weren't for Zhou Zexun who was following these ramblings on the road, how could she have so much money for her to spend? The dress of the season, the jewelry of the season, which Mu Xiaoxiao wore, which was not given by Zhou Zexuan himself?
Of course, Zhang Nan would not admit it at this time. Even if he was punched, he didn't make any noise, as if this matter had nothing to do with himself, but he didn't expect that if it was just Zhou Zeyi who had no IQ, he wouldn't have to. Mu Xiaoxiao hit the iron plate this time.
Mu Xiaoxiao watched Zhou Zezhen beating Zhang Nan secretly. He was very worried, so he didn't notice it at all. Zhou Zekai smoked half of his cigarette again and took it in his mouth, and then when everyone was watching Zhang Nan, he directly Going up and slapping Mu Xiaoxiao's face again.
This time, Mu Xiaoxiao was just dizzy. The whole person was beaten to the ground all at once. The loud applause surprised Zhou Zezhen and Zhang Nan aside.
Zhang Nan didn't expect these people to be so cruel. He always thought that Zhou Zexuan was a brainless person, so he came up with a plan to make Mu Xiaoxiao seduce Zhou Zexuan, but he did not expect that Zhou Zexuan's brother was so cold-blooded! Hit a woman! !! !!
As for Zhou Zeyi, he was really shocked! Is this a special brother? Did n’t you say that the fights are all done by babies? But what is this brother doing? Even if he was foolish, he didn't think of hitting a woman. Although he was angry, Zhou Zeyi had never thought about playing Mu Xiaoxiao. He didn't expect his brother to do it, and he was addicted.
Other juniors have heard Zhou Zekai's name to some extent. I originally thought that this was the only softhearted in the Zhou family, but did not expect Zhou Zekai's appearance to come with a vicious halo. This time, I ’m afraid I can only listen. Actually there is a big brother on the road. Can this person be a weak scholar?
Zhou Zekai didn't care what other people thought, after seeing Mu Xiaoxiao lying on the ground, he hadn't planned to let her go.
"Did you say it yourself, or experience the gift I gave again? Mu Xiaoxiao, I will give you another chance. What is your relationship with Zhang Nan? You better tell me now, and kneel and apologize to my brother, otherwise ... you know what my elder sister does? "
If it ’s someone else, I do n’t know what Zhou Zefang does, but Mu Xiaoxiao has been with Zhou Zehua for almost a year, and he occasionally hears about Zhou Zefang from the mouth of Zhou Zehua. Naturally, he knows that Zhou Zefang is a mother. At this moment, she was frightened, and she thought that this matter would end in this way, but these two slaps completely broke her plan.
When everyone heard this, they felt that Zhou Zekai was probably the hardest of these brothers. If they didn't agree, they would send people to be chickens.
"Ama, Ama, I'm sorry for you ... me, Zhang Nan and I were together from the beginning ..."
Such a sentence undoubtedly acknowledged her relationship with Zhang Nan and the two people playing Zhou Zexun together. After Zhou Zexian heard this, he faced Zhang Nan as a beating, and the people around him were not stopped, as a man after all With a prairie above your head, you should always let people vent, right?
Zhang Nan was bearing Zhou Zexian's beating, but he couldn't fight back. After all, Zhou Zexian was not yet an adult. He would n’t hit people like the people on the road. Enough.
As for Zhou Zekai, he squatted down, the smoke was almost exhausted, and looked at the poor lying on the ground, looking at his own Mu Xiaoxiao with horrified eyes, suddenly a smile appeared, and then in Mu Xiaoxiao's horrified eyes Next, the cigarette butts that I have finished smoking are directly on the other person's shoulders.
Mu Xiaoxiao screamed, but Zhou Zekai smiled more tenderly, scaring everyone who saw him, and even Zhou Zeyi didn't expect his brother to do so, but he stopped in the past, but the woman gave herself Wearing a green hat, but felt that my brother was too cruel.
"I spent more than 100,000 with my brother for a year with my brother? I do n’t say much. You and Zhang Nan, within a week, give me my brother's money during the year. Do n’t have more. One hundred thousand is enough. If you ca n’t get it out ... I think my elder brother would like to invite you to sit for a while, oh yes, the two of you are in love. The school does n’t know yet? You know everything, I think ... you don't want to see that kind of picture, do you? "
Zhou Zekai is slow, but the more so, the more frightening. Both Zhang Nan and Mu Xiaoxiao can listen to Zhou Zekai's threat. If the money is not available, they can promote their two things. Everyone knows that what is possible besides that kind of photo?
Thinking of this, Zhang Nan and Mu Xiaoxiao were scared.
"I, I will return ..." Mu Xiaoxiao said in tears, only to think that the man in front of him was just a demon! More terrible than demons!
Zhang Nan on the side was muted, and it was thought that Zhou Zekai would not deal with him, but he did not expect that after a while, Zhou Zekai stood up, but walked in front of him, and then took it directly from the side of a senior third student A book, circled, and then slammed into Zhang Nan's face.
"Do you know what your behavior is like? What about Xiaobailian! Take a woman's money and hit you with my own hands, I don't even think it is dirty !!!"
Talking about the book in his hand, he even slammed it on Zhang Nan's face, and it sounded shocking. Zhang Nan's face even swelled.
After about twenty or thirty hits, Zhou Zekai threw the book to the student aside and looked at Zhang Nandao.
"I owe it to my brother, I will give you back a week, otherwise, Zhou Zekai wants you to look good!"
This ruthless comment made Zhou Zeyi on the side wondering what he was doing this time! Then look at my brothers who worshiped their brothers one by one, and I always felt that there was something wrong with this ...
He was just trying to educate someone who sent ambiguous news to his girlfriend, but he didn't expect his brother to come out and introduce both of them, and ... it seems that his girlfriend was introduced! !!
This is so embarrassing! Zhou Zexuan didn't know how he ended.
Zhou Zekai knew that the two men did not dare to report to the police. Whether it was the actions of the two people or because of Zhou Zexu ’s status on the road, it was not an ordinary person's role to provoke. So after teaching, he came over and caught Zhou Zexuan Go outside with your shoulders.
"Brothers, go to work, I'll ask you for dinner with Grandma."
The younger brothers in the back hurriedly smiled and let go of the others, while the captive Zhou Zexuan was uncomfortable and wanted to refute what he heard from his own brother.
"Ama, you are not yet an adult. Minors cannot fall in love early, you know?"
Nonsence! After hearing this, Zhou Zexuan just wanted to scold him back. When I cut someone on the road, you were still a good student in your class!
But when he turned his head and met the elder brother's seemingly non-smiling eyes, he couldn't say a word, and could only chuckle.
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