Chapter 14: Bring eggs into

The country where the evil spirits are located is in the middle of July in the summer of the rainbow. At noon, the sun's rays are dazzling and the temperature is very high.
Cao Yan found a small restaurant, and after eating in this world, he had his first lunch with soup and vegetables.
At more than one o'clock in the afternoon, he appeared on a street southeast of the Magic City.
Last time he went to the World of Warcraft Pavilion to steal eggs, and later came to this neighborhood. The small shop left by his former parents is here.
Last time I came, a fat woman in a shop next door told Cao Yan that her predecessor had entrusted her to pay attention. Someone had asked about the matter of renting out the store so that Cao Yan would have time to meet with others.
Cao Yan came here to meet people who were interested in leasing stores.
He needs to do something next. Naturally, he needs capital. Unfortunately, his predecessor was a salted fish and he didn't have any family. Finding a way to make money becomes imminent, otherwise it is difficult to start the next step.
"Aunt Xia Fu," Cao Yan walked into the shop of the fat woman who greeted him last time.
世界 There are many surnames in this world. There are hundreds of surnames similar to Huaxia, and some surnames like those seen in Japan. Some long-standing families, as well as real names that can awaken, contain the mysterious power of family heritage.
The neighbor's fat aunt named Xia Fu, a strange and strange surname known to his predecessor's parents.
Cao Yan came to her and explained her intentions. The fat woman quickly contacted the person who wanted to rent a shop.
"... You have a good location in this store, but the area is a bit small, and there are advantages and disadvantages. I can hear a suitable price." It was a man in his forties who came to see the house. Directly into the subject, asking the price, there seems to be some inexplicable tension, and the voice is very quiet.
Cao Yan has opened his own small shop and discussed the lease with the other party in the shop.
Cao Yan asked without answering, "Do you just want to rent? If I said to sell, did you take over?"
The middle-aged man was looking at the room. He heard the words and turned back. He hesitated and said, "I want to do a small business when I rent it. Suddenly I want to buy a shop. The cost is far beyond my budget. I have to consider it before I decide. .Do you really want to sell? "
"I have this intention, but I haven't decided yet, you look first." Cao Yandan said indifferently.
The fat woman on the side heard that Cao Yan was going to sell a house and dragged his sleeves: "When your dad was in this house, a lot of people wanted to buy it and didn't sell it, saying it was left to you. If you have a house, you will not be hungry. You. Why sell? "
The obese aunt was kind of concerned about her predecessor.
Cao Yan smiled, and found a reason, it took a few words to convince the fat woman that he wanted to sell the house was not in a difficult situation, or any bad motive.
The fat woman thoughtfully after listening: "How much do you really want to sell?"
"In the early two million," Cao Yan said.
Before he came, he knew the house prices of the surrounding shops. This location was out of the core area of ​​Modu. It was not as expensive as land and gold, but there were also transaction prices of about 40,000 yuan per square meter. Cao Yan didn't ask for high prices.
What Cao Yanmou planned to do, the income from leasing the store was unsatisfactory. Backed by a fake system, he was confident that he would not lose money, so he decided to sell the store directly in exchange for capital.
Cao Yan had a plan to sell, and the lease naturally delayed. After the man said that he had to consider it, the matter came to an end.
I waited for Cao Yan to leave, and the fat woman casually asked the middle-aged man: "I seem to be very nervous just now. I almost didn't hear the low voice, what happened?"
"Is this so obvious?" The middle-aged man was a little embarrassed, explaining: "You haven't seen it. The poor child in your neighbor's house is not an ordinary person at all. The badge worn on his chest is the logo of the magic pet master. The horror profession that is calling the wind and the rain, are you not nervous when facing such a person? "
The middle-aged man blinked, and the subtext was that not only did you grow fat, you also seemed to have a big heart.
"What?" The fat woman looked surprised.
Uh ...
In the afternoon, Cao Yan still walked around the city, inspected, and even took a small book, recording some of the data and information he saw.
In the evening, he still returned to the boat outside the city for the night.
The fiery red sun slowly set in the mountains, and the harbor was quiet at night.
Cao Yan returned to the boat, and accidentally saw two eggs in the cabin, which were very large and about the same as ostrich eggs.
Here is ...
Cao Yan walked around the city of the magic city all the time. The other side of the telepathy was always quiet, which showed that it was able to travel in the forest outside the city without encountering any danger.
The air-conditioner of the eggs in the induction has been slowly rising.
At this speed, I'm afraid it won't be long before the eggs can evolve to the next stage.
"The host ’s judgment is correct. When you first saw the egg, the thing that banned it was called Star Amber, a strong seal. After analysis by the intellect, it was sealed in, and its power declined sharply. Only by giving up the original life, can the soul and fire be reborn and degenerate to the infancy. To a certain extent, it is now restoring its former strength, so the early growth will be very fast. "
The fake system suddenly appeared and brushed the sense of presence, giving a quick explanation for the increase in power.
The two eggs in the cabin of the puppet were harvested from the bird's nest in the jungle and returned to the ship during the day. At this time, it had returned to the forest.
Hmm, it's busy.
"What kind of egg is this?" Cao Yan asked.
"The opportunity for the host to enter the spacecraft today has not been used. It can be brought in with eggs and it is easy to detect the internal biological genes and species attributes." The fake system responded.
Bring the egg in, the word is used ...
As soon as Cao Yan thought about it, the fake system began to carry out operations. The weightlessness suddenly appeared, and the light in front of Cao Yan's eyes changed. When the weightlessness disappeared, he appeared again in the spacecraft, holding an egg on both hands.
Cao Yan wasn't too busy to know what kind of egg he had in his hand, and he was looking forward to what he could redeem and asked: "I now have 80 task points, what can UU read
请 "Please check with the host."
Cao Yan in front of the void, the interface screen pops up autonomously, showing different icons, rich in content.
What appears on the interface screen is the type of items that can be exchanged for task points. Each category corresponds to an icon:
【Magic Pets】
[Different dimensions of race life class]
【Apparatus and Articles】
[Black technology knowledge inheritance class]
Uh ...
The origin is also marked under each category. For example, the source and hometown of Warcraft are written under the magic pets and other beasts. Most of them are collected by the spacecraft from a certain galaxy and a certain planet civilization during a long interplanetary journey. Gene embryos are also marked with the species rating, how many points are needed to activate the gene slot to resurrect the species, and so on.
If it was Cao Yan who looked at everything, he couldn't keep up and was dazzled.
He also saw his novice mission rewards, which is the origin of the magic pet skill book. It turned out that the spacecraft summarized the mainstream imperial beasts of many civilizations collected during the interplanetary exploration, and finally combined with the situation in the green jungle world, A precious skill book synthesized by merit will have many benefits as Cao Yan's practice time increases.
Cao Yan was holding everything on the screen, unhappy at all.
The display is quite good, but unfortunately there is a black [Unlocked] text behind almost every classification.
In other words, at present, these things can only be seen. There are only 80 points of salted fish that I want to redeem. If there is no salted fish, salted fish is still salted fish. I want to stand up and continue to do the task.
"80 points, nothing can be exchanged," the fake system reminded softly.
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