Chapter 150: A thief's new magic pet

The head from the egg was silvery white, clean and beautiful.
But this guy doesn't look very beautiful, weird, sturgeon's head? It seems not very accurate, the dragon head, it is too high to lift it ... It has a fish-like shape, and it looks like a dragon's cricket head, but there are no double horns on the head, but two tentacles on the sides of the mouth, like two small tentacles The whip, swinging left and right, looks very naughty.
It shook its body, came out completely from the eggshell, and its body was like a dragon and snake creature.
Until the moment when the shell was out, the body was still growing. It was nearly five meters long. It was silver-white and covered with fine scales. The body was thick and long, full of strength.
The most strange thing is its body flanks.
A thin film-like substance extends on the sides of the neck at a later position.
As it breathes, the film sometimes expands and contracts, and it fits on the side of the neck when it is folded. The arc was beating with two flying wings.
I ca n’t wonder if it was weird looking through the eggshell just now. It turns out that its wings are quite special and can shrink and change in size.
"What kind of species is this little monster?" Cao Yan was surprised.
With his knowledge reserve of mastering the skills of intermediate pet masters, he didn't know anything about the strange Warcraft in front of him.
It obviously has the dual element attributes of Thunder and Water, but this appearance looks like a sea snake and a legendary dragon creature, and it also looks like a big catfish. It is not like Cao Yan.
"This is the ancient marine overlord of the green jungle world, Thunder and the ocean dominates Warcraft. According to your understanding of Cao Yan, it can be regarded as an electric eel and thunder tide electric eel." The fake system has also been paying attention to the birth of the creatures in the eggs. , Immediately responded.
"Such a big electric eel? Ha ha,"
Generally speaking, Cao Yan quite likes this new partner, big electric eel, can fly.
的 Electric power on the electric eel on the earth can kill people. This Warcraft companion is operating a thunderbolt. How powerful will it be? It is quite exciting.
The key is ... this guy is a fourth-level, elite-level cub.
WoW's birth will certainly not all start from the first level. Some WoW mothers have high ranks, and the ranks born are high.
It is said that there are species that have emerged as lord class.
Of course, the innate rank is just the starting point of the evolution of the magic pet, and it is not enough to determine the ultimate achievement.
"Your Warcraft was supposed to be born at the lord level, but it is stillborn and born again. It is inherently inadequate. The life and energy reserves given by the mother have been consumed because of death. Now you can have an elite level of birth, or because of you The cultivation of time consumes a series of good things, "said the fake system.
At this time, the assistant of the pet master also pushed out the message: "The second magic pet of the host has been completed, the initial scan is completed, and the data is established.
Ask the host to name it so that his message can be displayed. "
The little guy came out of the eggshell, and there was a wave of water under him, like a cloud of water vapor manifesting, holding it at a height of two or three feet above the ground.
It shook his head and shook his tail at Cao Yan, his attitude was intimate, and then he turned back to eat, eating his own eggshell.
Ka 嚓 Ka 嚓!
Its eggshell contains huge nutrients. At this moment, it has just been born and can't digest more energy, but after eating it, it can store energy and absorb it slowly.
The thief who eats it is cheerful and eats the eggshell bite by bite.
Cao Yan looked at it. His body was thick and long. If he called it nickname, it would be dominated by the image, but if it was thick and long, it seemed too vulgar. Sturdy temperament.
Well, it can be called a big stick, which is overbearing, Cao Yan thought.
Anyway, nickname as long as you call happy, it is so happy to decide, the second magic pet is called stick.
"Cao Yan's level of naming is really extraordinary, cocky, big stick, huh, huh," the fake system meant to be unknown.
[Magic Pet Tips]
[Nickname] big stick
[Species classification] Chordal phylum, amphibians, radial finfishes, electric eel order, scaly electric eel family ancient dragon species (only in the green jungle world)
[Attribute] water, lightning
[Level] Elite (Fourth Level)
[Habit] Eating, naughty in juvenile, afraid of birth, violent and irritable, bad temper
技能 [Skills] 1: Call of Rain (active skill, call of rain, can increase the power of its own water element, is the prototype of field skills)
2: Lightning projection (lightning strike ability with amazing lethality is a skill created by the host many times during its embryonic period)
3: Tide of the angry sea (ability to manipulate seawater)
4: Extreme power (Bless yourself, increase speed)
Uh ...
Uh ...
小 This little guy has four talents at birth. Obviously, the cultivation of the fetal period has played a great role.
At this time, the big stick ate the eggshell, turned around and looked for Cao Yan, and looked at Cao Yan with a probe, trying to get closer but not too dare.
Cao Yan reached over and touched his head. The stick immediately showed the expression of enjoyment. The thick and long body slaps twice, and the two tentacles on the head are shaking. ~ A cluster of electric light.
"The host entered the spacecraft this time, the time has arrived, please be prepared to leave." Fake system said.
Otherwise, Cao Yan is about to leave. When the big stick was born, he had to take it out to see the ocean.
Before Xu left, Cao Yan glanced at the skill tree in space.
他 After he reached the elite level, the skill tree suddenly rose up a bit, the crown touched the top wall, and the leaves were fluttering, very lush.
A small flower bloomed in the middle of a branch of the skill tree, shining brightly.
技能 This skill tree corresponds to Cao Yan's personal level, but from the appearance to the present, it has not shown anything magical, except that each time Cao Yan advances, it will grow more lush.
魔 都.
Outside the city.
Cao Yan returned to the green jungle world, mounted a big stick in an animal trap, and while out of the city at night, he found an unoccupied shore and touched the belt buckle around his waist, which is the start button for deep sea colonization. Instantly a layer of dark colonial material covered his body.
Cao Yan jumped into the sea.
的 The coldness and resistance in the seawater are blocked by the colonial equipment, making Cao Yan like a big fish, swimming straight in the ocean with amazing speed and flexibility.
The moon was spreading Yinhui without hesitation.
The waves on the sea.
Cao Yan swam several miles away before taking out the beast catching ball and releasing the stick.
Suddenly, the big stick appeared in the sea, blinked his eyes and looked around, and screamed with joy, and suddenly the disaster started in the sea.
Its wings spread out, and a ray of light is generated while paddling.
It's gone in an instant.
Cao Yan's speed is really fast, the Flash is here.
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