Chapter 194: Too fast to keep up

Cao Yan glanced at Ji Wen, retracted his eyes and continued to hang under the eyes of everyone.
In the assistant's screen, the small plane flew out of the magic city long ago and found the Net Red number at a location near the sea, as well as the peach blossom that spent the night on the Net Red number last night.
Peach blossom is basking in the sun on the bow deck, looking at the Code of the Kingdom of God.
The sudden appearance of the small plane made her stunned.
The small plane that landed in front of her at this moment, a screen popped up, showing Cao Yan's face, waving his hand, meaning that the small plane was arranged by him.
The green jungle world has a mechanic profession. Although similar mechanical items are rare, they are not without them.
Peach peach blossom was slightly surprised, not too strange.
Cao Yan walked through the screen, watching Taohua let the bracelet fall on his wrist. Considering that there were people in the store, it was inconvenient to speak, Cao Yan turned off the assistant screen first.
Ji Jiwen shook off the rain on the umbrella at the door, then turned around and found Cao Yan sitting by the window, surprised: "You are back?"
嗯 "Well," Cao Yan asked in return, "come early, is there something wrong?"
"You have been out for a long time, and the Modu Academy urged you to go to class when I was here to run errands." Ji Wen came over and sat down in the chair beside Cao Yan.
She also comes to the store these days.
Chuan Yu, the dean of the Demon Metropolis College, went to the association to personally ask Cao Yan when he could go to the college for public classes.
Ji Jiwen did not take the charge of Director Xiao this time and took the initiative to undertake the task of running errands. When he was free, he came to the magic pet's house to see if Cao Yan was back.
"Let's talk in class in two days, you can tell the association by the way, I will not pass in two days," Cao Yan said casually.
Ji Jiwen said, "I have one more thing for you to see for me."
Cao Yan quickly said, "You say."
Ji Jiwen was busy taking out a small book and handing it to Cao Yan, saying, "Our Association of Semiotics Team has been maintaining the defense system of the Magic City for a while ..."
Before Cao Yan went out, Ji Wen and some other associations who had expertise in semiotics had invested in the annual maintenance of the city's protective system.
The so-called defense system is equivalent to a huge and semiotic semiotic matrix, which can involve elemental power and enhance the defense ability of the magic capital.
It is a large-scale project that has been developed and completed by generations of professionals in Modu.
Of course, annual maintenance does not require much effort without being damaged. Each major association sends a team, which can be maintained for about one month.
The whole process is just a routine operation. You should follow the city defense drawings carefully. Neither Supervisor Xiao nor Cao Yan participated.
"Original maintenance was not difficult, but a new idea was proposed by the Master Association, and I wanted to test the structure of the symbolic chain on the protection system of a certain wall.
The purpose is to increase the limit and counterattack new features of Warcraft in case of beast tide on the basis of defense. "
Ji Wen said: "The major association groups participating in the maintenance are discussing this matter. I want you to help me see if this solution works. If it works, you can help me check it out and see me. I always find something wrong with the symbolic chain structure of the design. "
"I'm not in Modu these days, why don't you ask Director Xiao?" Cao Yan looked at the small book handed over by Ji Wen.
The transcript contains the symbolic chain structure she designed, as well as some semiotic issues.
"Afraid of being scolded, Director Xiao has a bad temper, especially when it comes to the solution of semiotics, and he always likes to curse, saying that we are too stupid to be as clever as WoW and not worthy of studying semiotics." Ji Wen faced a little Said red.
Cao Yan unexpectedly said: "Director Xiao is okay, he rarely sees him scolding."
Ji Wen immediately exploded, and even raised her voice unconsciously: "Director Xiao has a good temper? That's right for you. He laughs at you when he sees you, but he doesn't curse. We are scolded every day, and you don't know You can ask Director Xiao who has not been scolded by him in the working group, at most it is different.
"Oh," the little sparrow couldn't help laughing.
Cao Yan suddenly remembered that at the Modu Academy, Director Xiao Fei Biao had passed the Wulong of the exchange team on the spot, and the old man seemed really powerful at the time.
Cao Yan smiled, "Have you brought a pen?"
"Here," Ji Wen quickly took out a pen and handed it to Cao Yan.
Cao Yan wrote in her small book: "The symbolic chain structure you said is added to the urban defense system. The concept and starting point are good. The way of drawing is not difficult, but I don't think it is suitable for urban defense.
You go back to discuss with other people participating in the urban defense system. If you want to increase the symbolic chain, although it will make the defense system more aggressive, it will also increase the consumption of elements and shorten the use period of the defense ability.
对比 The comparison between the damage and the extra attack power may not be appropriate. "
Ji Jiwen responded humbly, and went to see Cao Yan's writings in the book, and answered some of the questions she recorded.
Ji Jiwen watched for a moment, and couldn't help asking: "Cao Yan, would you say that in the future, is it possible to reach your current level of semiotics?"
Cao Yan glanced at her, thinking that you really can't do this, don't even think about it in this life, after all, you haven't left.
Pouting did not hit her, calmly said: "Maybe when you suddenly realize some truth, the level of semiotics will leap forward greatly."
Ji Jiwen seemed to be greatly encouraged and nodded heavily.
At this time, the store door was pushed open again, the boastful man and Beilihua, and a thin young man, walking forward and backward into the store.
In the morning when it was raining, the House of Magic Pets became lively.
"I guess you will have to come. Hey, I'm blocking it." The flamboyant man entered the door and said happily to Kita-e.
"What are you doing to stop me?" Bei Lihua's handsome face was a little sloppy.
"Of course I'm staring at you," the flamboyant boy-in-law and the young man who came in with Kita-e, ready to continue talking, the little sparrow yelled at the two when they entered the shop, staring, fiercely: "You keep quiet, our boss It's busy. "
Beibei Li and the young man beside him turned their heads at the same time, looked at Cao Yan's position, and then stepped closer.
Cao Yan also looked at them, then lowered his head and continued writing in the small book.
His writing speed is very fast and he is almost finished.
Beibei Lihui is also a semiotic expert. After approaching it, it was found that Cao Yan was writing about semiotics ~ ~ and suddenly he had some comparative thoughts.
At the scene of the exchange group last time, as a member of the central college that was overwhelmed by technology, Bei Lihua's dissatisfaction was definitely there. It was a rare opportunity to learn about Cao Yan's semiotics again. He looked very carefully and kept his eyes on.
However, after only watching for a moment, Beilihua became more and more shocked.
In Xiao Xiaoben's book, Cao Yan's strokes were flying.
After much of the semiotic content I saw on the ring of space last night, Cao Yan's level of semiotics has improved slightly.
His writing on the small book does not need to think at all, it is incredibly fast to advance.
Bei Beili painted only a few glances, and couldn't help but secretly sigh: "It's so fast ..."
His secret vomiting is not over yet, Cao Yan has finished the last paragraph and handed back the small book to Ji Wen.
Beibei Li sighed and trembled: His application of semiotics is like a near instinctual talent, and it is impossible for him to be so skilled at his age if there is such a person.
"Miss Cao, I'll ask you something."
Seeing that Cao Yan was over, the puffy man squeezed over and pulled him aside, pressing his voice mysteriously and secretly.
Cao Yan asked in wonder: "What's wrong?"
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