Chapter 382: King's Harvest

The stars appeared on top of the sky, and the night fell.
Cao Yan glanced at the surroundings, the dark brown ground, the Ma Pingchuan, vast and boundless.
Something frightening is that there are many bones and bones scattered around, white bones.
Fortunately, Cao Yan and his servants were not too surprised when they saw a lot of bones on the ancient continent these days.
There are many bones near and far, including Warcraft and humans. And the bones are relatively intact, not the same as the fragmented white bones seen everywhere before.
"These are the remains of the strong, with a metallic luster on their bones. This shows that their strength was strong during the lifetime, drawing the power of the heaven and earth elements into the body and repeatedly tempering themselves, and this kind of tough and long-lasting bones may not have appeared. "
Darkness appeared in Ouch's eyes, glancing at the distance "this seems to be an ancient battlefield ..."
Cao Yan nodded slightly.
Around these corpses, many rusty weapons can be seen. Judging from the postures scattered by the bones, most of them died in fierce battles, and the battlefield should not be wrong.
Cao Yan and others had a rhinoceros-like Warcraft skeleton not far away. Half of their body was buried in dust and dirt, but a sharp human head was picked up on the sharp corners of their heads.
The human skeleton held a rusty spear and pierced the neck of the rhinoceros Warcraft.
Both of them apparently ended up in a fierce battle, because of the time, the posture has been somewhat deformed, but still can feel the tragic confrontation at that time.
Auch went to a skeleton and made an inhalation action against the skeleton. A faint gray breath was sucked out of the skeleton and entered the nasal cavity.
"The death smell and decaying smell of this corpse bone are about three or four hundred years old. That is to say, there was a war in this place three or four hundred years ago ..."
Ouch went to another corpse and repeated the action just now, his face was surprised. "This one is different. It has taken a long time to die."
Cao Yan tilted his head, full of doubts.
The ancient continent has been born many times in the green jungle world from ancient times to the present, but it is irregular in time, sometimes appearing every one to two hundred years, and sometimes it may not be born once every millennium.
The last time the ancient continent appeared in the green jungle world was over 200 years ago.
Combined with the death time of the bones mentioned by Auch, these corpses are likely to happen during the time when the ancient continent was not born.
So where did this ancient continent go? What happened that caused so many bodies here? What strength did the ancient continent rely on? It repeatedly appeared in the green jungle world and then disappeared, endlessly.
Similar problems plague countless generations of people in the green jungle world.
Cao Yan made a gesture, and the attendants dispersed immediately, each of them responsible for a direction, and began to explore this strange battlefield.
All that remained was Cao Yan's side. The other magic pets stayed in the trap, and did not come out.
Cao Yan stepped over to the back of the egg and began to investigate on this ancient battlefield.
"Exploration quest hints, the host's magic pet ant colony, found the bones of an ancient demon dragon elephant in the ancient battlefield of this place ... host's credit +10, servant's credit +10;
The voice of the fake system sounded in Cao Yan's consciousness.
Doudou's marching speed is very fast, like a smoky smoke, fluttering in a direction of the battlefield.
Cao Yan soon found that the direction of the egg is very clear, and it seems that there are some findings. He was about to make an inquiry, and suddenly the eggs in the halt stopped.
A huge footprint appeared on the ground not far ahead.
Footprints of humanoids over four meters long are clear.
Cao Yan jumped off the back of the egg and came to the giant footprint. Through observation, we can know that the footprints are not left recently. Like the bones on this battlefield, they have been around for a long time.
Footprints were filled with a strange power. It is this force that resists the invasion of the natural environment such as wind and sand, and it is also this force that causes the footprints to solidify and remain undisturbed. After a long time, it is still clearly visible.
The creature with this big foot should have stepped out of this foot print with a force jump and pedaling on the ground with one foot, so the foot print sinks deep into the ground.
This also explains why the foot print has power residues. Obviously, its master burst out of the power in his body and rose for the rush, resulting in the power being released from the foot.
Cao Yan carefully looked around the foot prints and found that the foot prints had six toes, which were left by a humanoid six-toed creature?
Soon after, Cao Yan returned to the back of the egg and went on, and soon found another footprint.
The previous footprint was left foot, this time the right foot.
Cao Yan calculated the distance, and secretly tongued out. This unknown six-toed creature can jump up to 100 meters in a single jump ... It is obviously in the state of high-speed running and jumping, stepping on the ground continuously, leaving these footprints. .
In the next few minutes, as the egg moved forward, Cao Yan successively discovered this giant foot print.
After the night fell, there was silence on the ancient continent.
The light of the star and moon fell through the mist and sparsely fell on the ground.
The of slowness slowly slowed down.
When Cao Yan's gaze passed through the mist and he could see the scene ahead, his heartbeat suddenly accelerated.
There is a huge human figure in front!
As the distance approached, Cao Yan's heart was filled with an inexplicable sadness "is the remains of a monarch-level creature."
King-level creatures can affect one side of the world, forming a powerful force of heaven and earth cooperation, even if they die, so the nearby world is filled with a breath of sadness and silence.
The closer to the creatures in front, Cao Yan was shocked when he saw the shape completely.
"The legendary giant ... or a humanoid primate ?!"
The figure in front is a huge humanoid skeleton with a height of more than 35 meters.
It just stood there, dead for a long time, the whole body skeleton was rough, showing a pale silver sheen.
On the skeleton, the corpse of another creature is also coiled. It is the skeleton of a snake-like Warcraft, which is also huge, wrapping the human-like creature's bones around it.
The humanoid's hand gripped the snake's head tightly, and spread the cracks it caught.
The snake's neck twisted abnormally, and it bit its teeth into the giant's throat in a strange posture.
The positions at the moment of death on both sides were horrible.
Humanoids roared like a sky, seemingly reluctant to die.
The snake's bones are tightly coiled around the humanoid, and the bones of the two sides are entangled to form a skeleton staggered, killing and fighting picture, which looks quite scary.
The exact time when the two sides died is difficult to define, but the bones are well preserved and spread with a special breath, which can be determined to be two king-level creatures.
Cao Yanda was moved by this picture of the giant snake stalking the giant.
"Prompt the host to discover the remains of the giant battle method body in the state of the ancient Titan bloodline returning to the ancestors ... Prompt the host to find the remains of the ancient creature thick earth python. Please ask the host to collect both bones and send them to the spaceship for storage ..."
"I'm also collecting a fart." Cao Yan threw the beast catching ball directly, ready to take away the two giant biological skeletons that were entangled together.
When the beast-catcher ball revolved in the volley, releasing space receiving power, the two skeletons swayed violently under the capture of space power, and when they were about to be loaded into the beast-catcher ball, there were lightning flashes and thunder in the sky. Frequent visions.
Even though king-level creatures die, they are still guarded by a mysterious force between heaven and earth and cannot be easily profaned.
However, what Cao Yan threw out was a master ball, with a very strong shooting power, and eventually packed two bones into it.
He withdrew the beast catcher, and secretly said that the ancient continent was in vain this time, and the bones of two king-level creatures were worth the boss.
Cao Yan's thoughts on good things were not finished, and the eggs under him suddenly began to run.
Cao Yan froze for a moment, turning his head back, and his heart suddenly burst.
As he put away the two skeletons, two faint blue lights lit up in the mist in the distance, like two big lanterns, and quickly approached him.
In the empty space, there was a violent amount of violence like the mountain tsunami.
"There is something in the fog, so people don't touch the bones here ..."
The thief running fast is almost the same as flying against the ground, but the monster in the rear fog is faster. After turning his thoughts, he chased a lot.
What level of horrible things can make the addictive egg run and run?
Think about it ~ ~ Cao Yan directly turned on the attendant assistant, turned on the screen delivery, and rushed into a beast catching ball, and rolled into the screen. Ancient battlefield.
The moment they disappeared, a faint blue flame, like a tide rolled over their previous position.
If Cao Yan was a little slower, maybe he would be cold.
At the same time as Cao Yan left, Cao Yan opened up his assistants and passed on the news to the servants, asking them to leave quickly. The battlefield was obviously not right. It was too weird. After a long time, we had to hit the street.
"Are you leaving now? I found a lot of good things here!"
Taohua replied to Cao Yan while leaving and left the ancient battlefield to rush to join Cao Yan.
However, Au He and Dai Huanyu were connected to the servants, but there was no movement ...
ps: Sorry, I don't listen to my head today, and my thoughts are too old. I finally finished this chapter. That's it for today. I have to go to bed early, and I will have to go to the hospital early tomorrow.
Thank you for your support ~
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