Chapter 45: Wise Master Liu

The division of labor in the ant population is extremely clear.
The queen is the mother of all ants, the ruler of the ethnic group; the worker ants are responsible for the work and are the most common people; the female ants are also known as princesses, which can be understood as the queen's helper and the responsibility is to breed the ethnic group; the male ants are the most unlucky , Is a reproductive tool, generally hanging very large, the mission is to dry, kidney loss to death means that they;
Puppet soldiers are the army of the ethnic group, responsible for fighting.
In the ant maze in front of Cao Yan's eyes, the whole ant nest came out in order to show it in front of the new master, which is equivalent to a military parade with the three armies.
The last queen came out, surrounded by a group of soldier ants, the largest, four or five times more than ordinary ants, slow to move a big belly, and at any time in the reproduction state.
I said it was a nest, but there weren't many.
Cao Yan roughly counted, only about two hundred.
At this time, the handwriting on the interface screen changed, introducing the breeding method of the ants and information about what they could do.
The screen says that after the spacecraft started the gene slot, the queen was spawned not long ago. Its breeding time is short, so the number of ant colonies is small.
Cao Yan needs to feed them in order to allow the ethnic group to expand.
I can't do much with the current amount.
基因 The gene in this ant has been debugged by the spacecraft and has the ability to evolve. It is a World of Warcraft with a weak magic power. It is not picky. It can draw nutrients from most known substances and accumulate energy for its own evolution.
According to the introduction of the interface screen, as long as they are full, there will be endless energy, showing super high efficiency, and the amount of work that can be completed in a day is far beyond ordinary people's imagination.
However, these prerequisites require Cao Yan to be raised for a while, and only after the ethnic group has the scale can he be competent for the work he has delivered.
Cao Yan immediately added a task for the ants to be their dads and had to take care of their food.
The ants eat everything, but eat the Warcraft related items, such as wreckage, bones, flesh and flesh, etc., the fastest growing.
The suggestion given on the interface screen is to ask Cao Yan to send the nest of ants into the jungle outside the city, and then follow the eggs, or survive alone. It won't take long for them to multiply to a considerable size and bring surprises.
曹 This Cao Yan was not in a hurry. After playing with the ants for more than an hour on the second floor, observing their behavior and trying to order the queen with spirit, the ants would emit various square matrices on the table, such as arm fingers.
Cao Yan eventually retracted them into the box maze and drew them into his pocket.
多 At more than four o'clock in the afternoon, Cao Yan came to the first floor and the noodles had left.
There are two or three customers in the shop, asking prices.
Wu Caoyan looked at the beast-catching placed on the counter. It was indeed less. Many counters were already empty. The problem of supply was imminent.
Cao Yan said he was going out for a trip, then left the shop and went straight to the pet teacher association.
Last time I went to the association and heard Master Liu who enrolled him in the logistics department mentioned that the association has its own hunting team. Cao Yan wanted to try whether the supply could be solved from the association.
The Puppet Masters Association is a place where people are on duty day and night, and there is no problem of leaving no one at work.
Logistics department.
Master Liu is busy finishing his work during the day and is packing up. When Cao Yan comes in, he laughs and says, "Why are you here at this time? You have to be on duty at night?"
Cao Yanying said: "It is also good to take turns at night, quiet. I want to ask Master Liu something."
Master Liu nodded while arranging things to signal Cao Yan to ask.
"Does our association have a hunting team dedicated to Warcraft?"
"Yes, there are many teams. It is divided into different levels, and the size and quality of members are not the same."
Master Liu looked up and looked at Cao Yan, and was a little alarmed: "Aren't you trying to go to the hunting team? I tell you, the hunting team's work is particularly poor, dirty, messy, tired, and often go out into the jungle, a Like a mud monkey, it is dangerous. In the wild, any situation may be encountered. And if they have broken equipment, they have to ask us to repair it. They are not as good as us. Do n’t worry about it. "
Master Liu felt that Cao Yan was a talented person in energy semiotics, and naturally hoped that he would stay in the logistics department.
Seeing Master Liu Baba looking at himself, Cao Yan said dumbly: "I just want to ask, since our association has a hunting team, don't we supply Warcraft to the outside world? I opened a Warcraft shop, and there are some problems with the supply, I want to find channels.
Cao Yan arrived at the beginning, but Master Liu was a senior member of the association. He directly stated his purpose and might get some suitable suggestions.
Master Liu was relieved: "If you want to solve the Warcraft supply, that's not easy. Our Association's hunting team is large, the advantage is that there are more Warcraft captured and the quality is good, but the price is more expensive than the suppliers outside. not cheap."
This is the brand effect, the association is the authority of the pet industry, and the business involved is naturally more expensive than others.
Wu Caoyan asked, "Is there any way to get the supply of Warcraft from the Association at a low price?"
Master Liu was a little funny, saying: "Yes, first, you have to raise your pet master's level first." He pointed to the badge of pet master in front of Cao Yan's chest, "The higher the level, the greater the discount, This is an express provision of the association. "
It is impossible to raise the pet master level in a short time.
Master Liu also said, "Second, if you make a special contribution to the association, you can also get a discount. UU reading"
This is even more difficult. The potential of the Pet Masters Association is huge, and it is probably on the same level as the official giants on the planet. There is no shortage of talents and resources. It is extremely difficult to make special contributions in such an institution.
Cao Yan was worried, the new task has no clue so far.
Reasonably, fake systems should not issue tasks that cannot be completed, there must be a breakthrough.
Master Liu is an enthusiastic, anxious for Cao Yan, and helps to find a way: "Do you have a large demand for Warcraft?"
"My shop has just started, and it's not that big yet," Cao Yan said casually.
"I have a solution. You can hold on for a while. In our association, doing your job well can be considered a contribution. You have a record of how much work you do in our logistics department a day. You can increase your work in the association. Measure, and then without pay, use the work record to hunt the team in exchange for a discount on the purchase of Warcraft. "Master Liu's small eyes glowed with brilliance, and felt that he had a good idea of ​​the best of both worlds, which can solve Cao Yan's problems, Let Cao Yanduo work for the logistics department.
Cao Yan thought for a moment, and according to the method Master Liu said, it could alleviate the urgent need.
Two days passed in a blink of an eye.
Cao Yan spent two days on duty in the logistics department of the association to help repair equipment such as beast catchers and other pets, while constantly thinking about finding a breakthrough for new tasks.
For two days, through the prompt of the pet assistant, the eggs in the jungle continued to evolve, and the evolution value still maintained a high speed, already running 30%.
内 In the ant maze, Cao Yan delivers some food daily, the queen queen is working hard day and night, and the small ant forces are expanding the number at a pleasing rate.
However, nothing new about the new task.
The mission has three days left.
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