Chapter 483: New start on old mission

Look at the feet?
Cao Yan glanced at the woman's feet. Well, the feet are quite small, judging by the delicate skin on the ankles exposed on the little white shoes, her feet must also be white and delicate, exquisite and beautiful. To be sure, good feet.
However, Cao Yan did not see any other valuable information, and the owner of the little feet had walked out of the store lightly, and did not give him more opportunities to observe.
"What happened to that foot?"
Cao Yan asked aggressively.
"Did Yan Shao not see?"
Pandas said: "The shoes on that foot have a natural dust-proof function. As far as I know, only a few animal skins have this effect, which is extremely rare and expensive."
Holding the grass, it turned out to look at the shoes on the feet, but I didn't pay much attention to the shoes.
Cao Yan can't blame the shoes that can avoid dust. He just came downstairs and just glanced at it from a distance. Unlike Pandas and Yude who had observed the woman up close before, he could find something special about her.
"More importantly, the two small beads tied to that shoelace."
Yu De also took the stubble and said calmly: "I just felt the anomaly when the woman came close. I focused on my ears and turned to listen. I found that as the woman walked, she laced her shoes. The two small beads on the top swayed gently, and a long river-like sound came out from within ... The subordinate suspected that the two beads contained the water of the sea. If released, the consequences would be difficult to predict, and it would cause at least one big flood."
So exaggerated? !!
Pandas followed: "My and Yude's judgments are the same. It is a water storage bead that can only be formed by two deep-sea beasts, also known as swallowing sea beads. According to legend, each bead can hold an ocean. Of course, this statement may A bit exaggerated. "
Swallow Haizhu?
Cao Yan was unconscious.
It seems that this woman is the top tyrant in the green jungle world, and is extravagant enough to tie two rare beads to the shoelaces and walk out.
"Looking at them, there is nothing malicious." Yude said.
Pandas: "Well, the strong man around the woman is unpredictable and very powerful. With their strength, they are willing to take the initiative to retreat, obviously they do not want to have trouble."
Cao Yan suddenly thought for a moment. When returning from the ancient continent, would the tidal giant emerging from the sea be related to the three women in front of her?
The tidal giant out of the water incident came without a head and had no follow-up.
The three women appeared quite abruptly, Cao Yan inexplicably linked the two things.
"Let's watch it change. If we want to target us, there will be follow-up. We don't need to make more guesses." Cao Yan said.
"Okay." Pandas thought about it and asked, "The magic is where we are. Would you like someone to check where these three people are located?"
The association has been operating in Modu for a long time. I want to check these three people. Even if the other party has a good skill, there is a way to find out their whereabouts.
"No need, no need," Cao Yandu said.
Then look at the business area in the store.
The little sparrow was appeasing other customers. The silly big man took a step forward just now. The customers in the store found that something was wrong and was shocked.
The little sparrow occupies himself as the manager of the second store, and then takes the initiative to comfort the guests.
Cao Yan turned and returned upstairs.
His first cultivation of two carp dragons just now promoted one of them to successfully advance, but the other fifth carp king had a strong rejection after incorporating the medicine, and finally died suddenly.
To cultivate and evolve a carp dragon, it does not mean that with the blood of a king-level carp dragon, selecting a few carps and refining pharmaceutical agents can smoothly promote its continuous evolution until Jackie Chan's.
There are infinite mysteries and variables hidden in the genetic code of biological evolution, which cannot be so easy.
Even at the same level, different individuals of the same species may have polarized responses to the tolerance of the same agent, which is normal.
As a master, Cao Yan had considered both good and bad situations before.
The carp that was in the process of evolution at this time had already received a trap ball. The Net Red submerged into the sea floor, and continued to search for high-quality carp to support Cao Yan's Dragon Plan.
Cao Yan returned to the second floor, then summoned the interface screen to look.
Soon, an interface labeled [Unfinished Task] appeared on the screen.
It contains a previously released task, because Cao Yan did not fully meet the completion conditions of the task at that time, so although the task was triggered, it was never completed:
[Mission] The continuation of the residual image—falling place at dusk
[Task description] The residual image that the host has found is marked with a special place after the completion of the message. Please ask the host to find the final destination on the map according to the information provided by the coordinate of the residual image when the time comes.
[Time limit] The task is a clue-triggered optional task. There is no time limit.
[Reward] 500 points
That's right, as long as you find a place, you can get 500 points.
When the fake system gives this task, it is recommended that Cao Yan's strength be further improved before completing.
At present, Commander Cao has commanded more than 400,000 soldiers, and those who have reached the level of lords are Eggs, Ouch, and Circle. There are also big sticks that can almost challenge ordinary lords, Dai Huanyu, Taohua. Although the big cat is insignificant and timid, it really wants to tear it up, which is far beyond the ordinary level.
Cao Yan's current strength can be said to be growing, and has reached the standard for completing the task.
He called up the interface screen to check, and he decided to start the task, to see the destination in the task, what secrets were hidden in the fallen dusk.
In fact, Cao Yan decided to start the mission at this time point, because in the ant colony tracking Thunder King's route, it was found that a short area of ​​the route and the route of the residual mission overlap briefly.
The overlapping position is far from the core area of ​​the residual image, but it can save a lot of time for Cao Yan.
In other words, after making this discovery, he directly made the ant colony tracking the thunder king differentiate into a small part, stayed at the position where the tasks overlapped, and decided not to start from the beginning after the task was decided. Starting from a small part of the ant colony can save a long distance.
Somewhere deep in the eternal jungle.
In the jungle covering the sun, snakes, ants, and ants, all kinds of birds and beasts emerge endlessly.
At this time, drizzle in the jungle.
The raindrops sprinkled on a tree, and then slid down the trunk, eventually forming small puddles on the ground. And on the ground under one of the trees, a mole-like beast quietly opened the soil, poked out at least half of his head, with a huge leaf on his head, black eyes, and fallen leaves through the ground. The gap, carefully looking around, seemed smart and cautious.
As a small life at the bottom of the jungle creature chain, every time it goes out for food, it is taking risks with its life.
The only thing it can rely on is prudence and caution.
After careful observation, it was slowly determined that the surroundings were still safe. When he was about to go out to look for food, it suddenly looked alertly in a certain direction, and the body preparing to move stabilized again.
In the direction it was watching, a trap ball emerged out of thin air.
The ball was filled with spatial fluctuations, and then black ants poured out from it.
The ants landed on the ground, and the surrounding vegetation was swallowed up instantly.
They spread quickly and spread out in all directions.
The little beast shrank in horror, watching the ants pouring out of the ball, endlessly.
For more than half an hour, the ants crawling out of the ball were afraid of no less than 100,000 people.
After these amazing numbers of ants came out, every hundred of them joined together, head-to-tail, and evolved into small insects such as dragonflies and butterflies. In the end, one of the blackbirds was afraid that there would not be thousands of derived insects that crossed As a result, he virtually covered the surrounding area and began to fly in a certain direction.
The trap ball that released the ant colony disappeared without a trace.
The beast under the leaves was relieved, but still cautious, it took a while before he dared to climb out of the ground and began to look for today's food. That was another adventure with life ...
The ant colony appearing in the ball was delivered by Cao Yan through space.
As the number of ant colonies continues to increase, he has recently exchanged a wave of auxiliary equipment for pet assistants, that is, mobile small aircraft, which makes it easier for magic pets to conduct space delivery at any time and increase mobility.
The location where the ants were delivered ~ ~ is the area that coincides with the location marked by the residual image task.
The ant colony started from here, covered cross-propulsion, and began to find the final destination of the residual image task.
It should be noted that the residual image is not complete, and the area of ​​the missing blind area is very large. Therefore, using the number of ant colonies to carry out a cross-cover search method is the best way to find the falling dusk.
However, according to Cao Yan's analysis, even the search method covered by ant fork cannot find the target in a short time. After all, the eternal jungle is too large, the environment is extremely complicated, and the uncertain interference factors are countless.
It is difficult to predict exactly when the harvest will be made.
House of Magic Pets.
Day and night alternate, and the day goes by.
The next morning, Cao Yan went out with his own Shuiling cabbage.
Next, he is going to participate in an auction business that the auction house is about to start, first digesting some of the things brought back from the ancient continent.
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