Chapter 644: Long

The bottom of the magic tower of the Fantermore family is deep underground and has a large area.
There is only a large magic teleportation array in the center of the entire space, with a shimmer of light.
Cao Yan is proficient in elemental semiotic knowledge of space transmission. At a glance, he can see that this transmission array has a long history and is an ultra-long distance transmission array. I don't know where the other end leads.
What surprised Cao Yan was that as soon as the three of them came in, the magical teleportation had a violent spatial fluctuation, revealing a space entrance, and a creature's head protruded out of it, staring coldly at Cao Yan.
脑 This head is like a crystal carved, flowing silver halo, only the erect pupil is golden, powerful and unmatched.
It moved his head over and stopped moving. His body was still at the other end of the magic teleportation, and he didn't follow up.
"This is a king-level dragon ..." Cao Yan thought.
Ji Fangnan bowed down to the dragon, and then signaled Cao Yan to enter the teleportation team with him.
"Who is this person? He has a nasty smell on him!"
Suddenly, the voice of the soul formed by the tremor in the void sounded old and magnificent.
As creatures at the top of the food chain, dragons have extremely long lives. It is not surprising that they can master human language.
"Dear Hersey Dragon, this is a guest from our family. He is not only an outstanding monarch-level professional, but also a master of elemental semiotics, and we need his help. We kindly ask your permission to enter The family you are staying in is forbidden. As for you feel annoyed about Yan Shao's body, it may be because he is a pet master, and you do n’t like the smell of one of his magic pets, but this should not affect how you treat him Look and feel.
I believe that Hexi Dragon, with your wisdom, will be able to make a reasonable judgment. "Fang Nandao.
Zan Long's eyes flashed, cold like two real metal weapons, making people shudder.
It groaned: "Well, I'm also guarding your family's place anyway, since you agree, I have no reason to object, don't you ..."
巨 This dragon seems to have something to say, while whispering, slowly retracting to block the head of the teleportation array, giving way.
The three Cao Yan entered the teleportation array one after another and went to the other end of the space.
As soon as he came out of the teleportation array, Cao Yan saw the whole picture of Huan Long.
It is a magic dragon with a gorgeous appearance. Its body is like a crystal, and its shape is similar to that of Western-style legendary dragons with double wings. However, it has a longer body, does not have a bloated belly, and is not very large. length.
Its body is overflowing with a pale silver halo, and at the same time, it is surrounded by thick and colorful elements, and the huge dragon power is overwhelming.
[Name] Magic Dragon, Elemental Crystal Dragon
[Species classification] Elemental animal phyla, flight class, dragon order, element magic dragon family, true dragon belongs to Warcraft
习 [Habit] Powerful element control ability, let the magic dragon be born and stand on top of the biological chain. Among dragon creatures, they are a relatively mild race ... the magic dragon seen by the host has entered the twilight ...
[Main habitat] Unknown
[Capture difficulty] A
技能 [Skills] Element boiling, magic storm, dragon breath, tear, dragon power ... Kingdom field skills: multi-element magic tide
The assistant of the pet pet division gave a scanning message of the magic dragon.
Cao Yansui turned his attention to the surrounding environment.
一 As soon as he teleported, he felt the temperature was hot, and there were cracks of different sizes on the ground a little far away, with a dark red burning scent, and the smell of sulfur in the void.
In addition, the surrounding area is full of darkness and lacks light sources.
This place seems to be located in a magmatic cave deep in the ground, and the landform is very special.
"This is our family's cemetery. It is located in a rift valley deep in the eternal jungle. The surrounding area is forbidden. Only the teleportation array we just passed can directly enter here. Lord Hesi Dragon is the sixth generation of our family. Warcraft companion. After the homeowner accidentally falls, he voluntarily stays to protect the homeowner's graveyard. "
Tong Fangnan said: "It is also necessary to let Yan Shao come here. I hope Yan Shao will help me to keep everything the Fantemore family sees in this cemetery."
"Should." Cao Yan nodded.
"According to the tradition of our family, our ancestors will leave their most proud magic on their tombstones. The problem is that some of the ancient magic is recorded in the same way as the note that I have just read less recently. The element matrix is ​​recorded on the inscription ... "Doss said.
说 He said that Cao Yan understood it.
I still have the same problem as before. There is a fault in the inheritance of the Fantemore family. They want Cao Yan to decipher some powerful magic left on the ancestral inscription to enhance the family's power.
Cao Yan promised to bear it.
Doss added: "Each of these tombs has a special element structure banned and protected. They were all arranged by the owner of the tomb before entering the burial. Although we are the descendants of the family, we do not have the ability to access the tomb at will. To reduce the need to crack The outside restrictions can only be approached, look at the inscription, and be careful. "
The magic dragon said suddenly: "This human is about 20 years old. Are you young, you are sure that he can approach the graveyard and decipher the magical heritage?"
当然 "Of course, His Excellency, we are sure, otherwise we would not rush to bring people here." Fang Nandao.
The magic dragon's eyes and pupils looked at the three with a mockery, and his voice rumbled: "If the death magic ban in the cemetery is triggered later, there is an accident. Don't let me try to save you three."
Lingering words mouth wide open, sending out a moonlight-like breath, into the surrounding darkness.
After a while, the darkness seemed to be ignited, the starting point was bright, and the tombs appeared out of nowhere, one after another emerged from the darkness, as many as a hundred, at first glance, it was quite horrible.
散 The scattered spots of light are like lone lamps in front of a tomb.
Under each spot of light, there is a tombstone on which the name of the tomb owner and a brief introduction of his life are written. On the back of the monument is a sequence of magical structures most proud of the tomb owner before his life.
Although Cao Yan was not afraid of this family cemetery, he didn't want to stay any more. Now, under the guidance of Fang Nan and Doss, he quickly walked into the cemetery, and inscribed some of the tombstones according to the instructions of the two. The magic system is deciphered.
With Cao Yan's semiotic ability and the protective restraint of the element structure around the cemetery, it had little effect on him. He was successively cracked. He walked near the tombstone and quickly interpreted the magic content left on many monuments. .
After more than two hours, Cao Yan had completed the process of interpreting seven tombstones.
Sui Sui gave the record to Doss and Fang Nan.
The two of them were overjoyed, and Cao Yan's performance far exceeded their previous estimates.
Even the magic dragon, who was paying attention to the progress of the three, saw the change in Cao Yan's eyes, and the dragon's eyes filled with astonishment.
It has survived for a long time, but it is the first time for a human being with such a powerful semiotics to see it.
魔法 The elements of this cemetery are forbidden by magic, which is almost useless.
"Let's do this today. Your cemetery is big enough. It will definitely not finish in one day. Let's come another day."
Xu interpreted seven tombstones in succession, and Cao Yan was on strike to go back to rest.
Wu Fangnan laughed: "Then come back another day. We are not going to decipher all the tombstones. At the rate of delay, come again tomorrow, and it's almost the same."
Then I took a step forward, handed out a small box, and said, "I know that there is a magic bear with a strength attribute in Yan. This is a magic piece with strength attributes that is treasured within my family. The fluctuations in strength are unusual, or they can help a little devil's pet, so don't quit.
I shouted a fart. Whoever does the work will not do it for free. How can there be no remuneration?
Cao Yan handed Fang Nan's small box, and frankly took it in his hands, deliberately pondering: Based on the details of the Fantermore family, the things should be good ...
The three of them were about to leave afterwards, but the magic dragon suddenly said, "Wait a minute."
It stared at a pair of big eyes, pierced its huge head down, and stared at Cao Yan.
I wonder if it is an illusion, this old dragon seems to show Cao Yan a little kind and pleased look.
"You're called Cao Yan, right? I think you just came out of the cemetery and you can easily break the cemetery's restrictions. Are you proficient in the semiotic matrix structure?" Lao Long asked.
Ji Fangnan responded: "Her Excellency, with regard to semiotics, Cao Yan's ability is not the second person to think. Do you have anything?"
The old dragon shook his head and said, "I have been aging very fast in the past hundred years. According to my estimation, in another two or three hundred years, I will return to the arms of Zulong, so ... … I want this Mr. Cao Yan to help me design a dragon cemetery with his semiotic skills! "
A business comes to the door ~ ~ Cao Yan looked to Lao Long and said something like: "So what kind of remuneration do you plan to provide, His Excellency, to hire me to design a cemetery for you?"
The magic dragon's horn flickered with light, and a gap in space emerged above its head, instantly dumping out a pile of things as tall as a hill.
"This is the various collections I have collected in my life, from several historical periods, the oldest items, even dating back to the era of civilization. Some of the recent objects are Fang Nan they respect me ... Look at what you like, you can pick one for your reward, "said the magic dragon.
It took out these things, the magic light, the dazzling light, and the buzzing sound as soon as it appeared, as if it were spiritual, it was a rare thing.
Cao Yan took a quick glance, and immediately liked several things, so he said to the old dragon: "Dear Lord Hess, I don't know if you have heard or heard something, so that life does not bring death or death. After returning to the arms of Zulong, it ’s a pity to bring all these things into the grave. I have a suggestion, let ’s do the opposite. You can choose one of your favorite things to keep as a memorial, and the rest How about all of them? "
The magic dragon Hesi and its two friends Fang Nan and Dos were shocked when they heard the words.
I have seen greedy people, never seen such greedy people, and actually want to collect the things that Hesi has collected in his life, even the pot!
Hesse was furious: "You greedy man, don't think about it."
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