Chapter 691: Curtain

In the picture pushed by the screen, somewhere in the sky above the jungle, at this moment someone appeared, with a blue halo.
This man jumped forward in the void and flew for thousands of miles, which is the legendary extreme skill teleportation.
The picture on the screen switches to another location. A large bird emerged from the clouds, its wingspan stretched out, and a giant storm gathered under its wings.
On this bird's head, there seemed to be a figure standing with his hand in his hands, looking down into the jungle.
In the other direction, the golden streamer throbbed, and the angels and horses took control of the chariot and turned into light.
The screens on the screen are constantly switching, and there are scenes of powerful creatures moving forward into the jungle.
These beings apparently felt the waves of the temple light being born deep in the jungle.
Cao Yan watched across the screen and smashed his mouth and said: "It's all big brothers, jumping in the void, not big brothers dare not play like this."
If in accordance with Cao Yan's intention, I intend to catch a few more foreigners who broke into the green jungle world, conduct biological research on them, and then send biological spores to them to live in the community (the more powerful the organism, the more difficult it is for biological spores to It is necessary for him to live in a colony. If he wants to live in a colony with a prince or more, it will be difficult for him to collect the genes in his body through long-term research. To form hidden control over them.
Then, with the help of these aliens, you can participate in the excitement of the temple era.
This is the safest and safest way to participate in the epoch temple.
Unfortunately, the light of the temple appeared earlier than expected, and Cao Yan regretted that he didn't have enough time to prepare and failed to complete the planned plan.
Just this night, there was space in the main city of the Sky City, and the three prisoners in captivity were sent to the far end of the jungle through space delivery.
The biological spores temporarily inhabited by these three prisoners (even though they can be successfully colonized through cultivation, the biological spores still cannot colonize the monarch creatures for a long time) will guide their consciousness and allow them to subconsciously ignore the imprisonment of the city This experience.
At this point, they were released by Cao Yan and cast into the deep jungle. In their mind, there was a voice, suggesting insanely, urging them to go deep into the jungle.
The three prisoners soon began to go deep into the jungle in their own way, joining the ranks approaching the light of the temple.
Cao Yan's behind-the-scenes plan started secretly.
At the same time, somewhere deep in the jungle, a terrifying roar sounded.
The roar came from the glacier giant that has been stunned by Ouch, curse, and tangles!
He also felt the birth of the light of the temple, but unfortunately was chased by Auch again, and began to confront, unable to rush in that direction in time.
To make matters worse, the Ice Giant was stuck by a cobweb.
He roared and roared, firing the force of the glaciers, freezing everything. The cobweb was covered by the force of ice, and its viscosity decreased sharply, and the giant successfully escaped from it.
But while he was getting rid of the cobwebs, Auch and Curse, Eggs, had finished encircling.
The giant suddenly fell into a hard fight.
At this moment, the space next to him was opening and the waves were breeding. Cao Yan drove over from the sky city through the space delivery.
"City Lord of the Sky!" The glacier giant violently yelled.
Before Cao Yan wanted to pull the glacier giant to gather in Liangshan, and the giant had face to face confirmation, so it was not the first time the two sides met.
At this time, in the battle with the Aohe, the giant glacial spit out a brilliant blue icicle and rushed to Cao Yan.
He wanted to capture Cao Yan and end the battle.
While spitting out the icicles, the strength of his external ice rose greatly, and the ice armor became thicker and thicker, and he wanted to resist Cao Yan's attack first, and must capture Cao Yan.
But what happened later made him dispel this idea.
Cao Yan saw the icicle approaching, one forearm pointing his finger, and several beast catching around his forearm.
Under the action of ball games, the horrific power field broke out, and the icicles rushed were blocked by the power field and smashed.
Cao Yan's palm spread in the midfield, and he counterattacked the Glacier Giant.
The giant's and Cao Yan's counterattack forces collided, and when they rang loudly, both were shocked.
"The owner of this city of the sky is so powerful." The giant heart trembled.
Cao Yan appeared behind him, although he only issued one blow, it was a combination of offense and defense, both offensive and defensive, shocking.
With just one hit, the giant dispelled the idea of ​​capturing Cao Yan.
With Cao Yan's strength, it is impossible for him to capture it in a short time.
The giant's thoughts turned sharply, and he suddenly closed his hands and stepped back. He actively stopped his confrontation with Ao He. His huge eyes looked at Cao Yan, and he screamed: "The people in your sky city keep pestering me, what do you want to do? "
Cao Yan shouldn't, but raised his hand and threw a magic image crystal ball.
The giant looked in his hand, but saw successive figures appearing on it, all approaching the area where the light of the temple was born.
"The light of the temple appeared, and the strong men from all walks of life gathered. Glacier giant. Are you sure that you can seize the opportunity to successfully enter the era temple?" Cao Yan asked.
The Glacial Giant hesitated, shaking his head slightly.
He had already guessed the purpose of Cao Yan's coming.
Cao Yan: "The birth of the Temple of the Era has great implications. At this time, only by forming alliances and combining our strengths can we have a stronger competitiveness and gain when the temple is born. "
After half an hour, the Ice [] River Giant set off again and advanced into the jungle.
He has reached a cooperation intention with Cao Yan and signed a magically binding written contract. Both parties will become partners of the same camp when the Epoch Temple is born.
This alliance, with Cao Yan's previous envision, entered into the giants of the Glacier, there is no small difference.
However, the situation is changing now, Cao Yan can only change the established strategy and draw people to himself first.
This is currently the most cost-effective and time-saving way.
The Glacier Giant set off again and was helped by Cao Yan.
He took the position of an ant colony scattered in different areas of the jungle as a coordinate and used it as a docking point for constructing space delivery.
Overnight, the Glacier Giant spanned millions of miles, quickly approaching the place where the light of the temple was born.
Early in the morning three days later.
Deep in the jungle, within the mysterious strongman and angelic horse with teleport ability, rushed to the area where the light of the temple first appeared.
"Sure enough it's an era temple!"
Within the horse, he drove an angel chariot around the void and looked at the temple's undulating shadow from different angles.
The teleported figure also set foot on a big tree and began to observe the light of the temple.
In the days that followed, more and more creatures rushed to this area and stared at some of the symbols that appeared on the buildings blurred by the light projection of the temple.
"These symbols on the surface of the Epoch Temple contain eternity and trace their immortality. They are the mysteries that the oracles desire to crack."
A distant city of the sky, Cao Yan also kept an eye on the light of the temple through the interface screen.
At the same moment, his pet assistant on his wrist also shook in succession: "Tip the host, the area where the era temple projected manifested, there is a treasure of Warcraft-the fire of Modoera (dragon creature) ...
Ding ~ Prompt host ~ ~ A place where the projection of the epoch temple manifests, there are rare creatures, the children of the elemental life void appear ...
In the area where the light of the temple appeared, in addition to various powerful ones, many powerful psychic Warcrafts also appeared one after another. On the sky, a large creature, looming in the clouds, is mysterious and ancient.
The area under it was covered by heavy rain.
Not far away, there is another Shadow of Warcraft, which also emerges from the void, but it is more hazy, with its head and horns appearing to be a dragon covered with space power.
In the depths of the jungle, countless horrible existences have surfaced because of the emergence of the Temple of the Era.
Time passes quietly, and the moon and moon pass by.
November 3.
The Epoch Temple did not change much, but Cao Yan had another harvest.
Deep in the jungle, the ant colony's exploration of the falling area of ​​the interface vehicle finally found something.
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